Unable to merge dex after Android Studio Upgrade to 3.0 - android-studio-3.0

Did anyone manage to solve this
Error:Execution failed for task
com.android.builder.dexing.DexArchiveMergerException: Unable to merge

I had same issue, it worked out for me


Dotnet Watch Run gives me a Rosetta Error: attachment of code signature supplement failed: 1 after save

I'm having a problem with my .Net Core 3.1 Project. I'm using Docker for hosting the MS SQL Database (image azure-sql-edge) and I run it on a MacBook Pro M1 Max.
When starting the project with Dotnet Watch Run everything works ok but after a save in Visual Studio Dotnet Watch Run restarts and gives me an error:
rosetta error: /var/db/oah/0cbcd548c398ac044cf47633c4e5aa068c1a0416a18ad1861a768ac56fd1d33b/68b61c75aa9514f21db1470814e91bac8c95ea1a32f4e42fc88601dc4eeac1fc/Project.aot: attachment of code signature supplement failed: 1
And Dotnet watch gives a:
dotnet watch ❌ Exited with error code 133
Anybody has a clue what's going wrong here?
I am a frontend developer and I am no expert in dotnet, it just so happened that our backend is dotnet and In my case, running dotnet clean then running my backend again dotnet run --project=MyProject help me solve this issue. Hope this helps you solve your issue.
I got same issue on M1 with .netcore 3.1
tried serval things. but didn't solved. but, yesterday my co-worker said try run dotnet clean and It works like magic.
since before I have to reboot my pc everytime when this error occured. and now I am happy. hope this simple command helps.
once again, just run dotnet clean no other flags used.
I had the same issue and resolved it by updating the target framework to the newest version on my machine - typing "dotnet --version" into the command line will show you the latest version you are running.
For me it was going into the .csproj file and updating the target framework within there. Hope that helps
After updating Dotnet DSK to 3.1.425 (release date November 8th 2022) the issue was fixed.
I had the same issue on M1 with .Net 6.0.402. Upgrading MacOS to Ventura 13.0 (22A380) solved it for me.
Updating to latest SDK 7.0.100-rc.2 did not help here.

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile unable to run on iOS: Execution failed for task ':shared:compileKotlinIosX64'

I have created fresh project(Hello World) in KMM followed by their official website. In android it works smooth but when I am trying to run in XCode it's giving errors because of which I am unable to build / run the xcode project. I have attached screenshots and logs for my errors. Somehow xcode scheme is not getting generated in the KMM platform that's what I am guessing.
Can anyone please help me understand what am I missing?
Any help would be appriciated.
Following is my dev env:
Xcode 11.4.1
Android 4.1.2
Kotling Plugin version 1.4.30 (stable)
KMM 0.2.0```
XCode Logs:
> Task :shared:compileKotlinIosX64
Downloading native dependencies (LLVM, sysroot etc). This is a one-time action performed only on the first run of the compiler.
Extracting dependency: /Users/fatin/.konan/cache/clang-llvm-apple-8.0.0-darwin-macos.tar.gz into /Users/fatin/.konan/dependencies
e: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot extract archive with dependency: /Users/fatin/.konan/cache/clang-llvm-apple-8.0.0-darwin-macos.tar.gz.
> Task :shared:compileKotlinIosX64 FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':shared:compileKotlinIosX64'.
> Compilation finished with errors
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
1 actionable task: 1 executed
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code ```
[![enter image description here][3]][3]
I reached out to community for this and finally found the solution. Here is the link to that issue which I raised and solved this problem.
If anyone else is going through this same issue it mostly cause of corrupted kotlin file.
Also try checking your cmd line tools in XCode as per comments.
Hope this helps someone. Cheers.
If the project doesn't run right away even on opening it from Xcode and shows the shared framework is missing, Then try generating the shared framework for iOS platform using terminal. Navigate to the project folder and execute
Command: ./gradlew packForXcode Now the shared framework should have a xcode-frameworks product and you should be able to build and run the project through Xcode.
This could happen if there are two libraries, where one library was compiled against the different version of the other library than the one currently used in the project. Please check that the project configuration is correct and has consistent versions of dependencies.

iOS unable to archive [RN 0.63.3] AccessibilityResources.bundle not found

I'm facing the same issue since some days. The workarounds didn't work for me.
I am unable to archive the project for release:
error: Resource "/Users/cedricjung/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/decouverto-asvavlxsbksyvhgovxmjpnlracmz/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/decouverto/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/React-Core/AccessibilityResources.bundle" not found. Run 'pod install' to update the copy resources script.
You can check all source code there.
I'm using react-native v0.63.3.
I'm new in iOS development even if I use react-native since 3 years.
Thank you for your help. :)

Cannot build Xamarin.Forms iOS project

I am trying to build our Xamarin.Forms application on Azure DevOps, but it fails for iOS with the following error:
Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS13.1.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Photos.framework/Headers/PHImageManager.h(18,2): error GB12A9FDE: "Photos requires C++11 or later" [/Users/runner/runners/2.159.2/work/1/s/My_MobileApp/My_MobileApp.iOS/My_MobileApp.iOS.csproj]
The app was originally created on VS 2017, then migrated to VS 2019. It worked, but stopped building yesterday for some reason.
What can I do to fix it?
OK, it is resolved:
We added a command line task prior to the xamarin.ios build task with the following inline script:
/bin/bash -c "echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MD_APPLE_SDK_ROOT;]'$(xcode.root);sudo xcode-select --switch $(xcode.root)/Contents/Developer"
and set a variable named xcode.root to /Applications/Xcode_10.3.app in order to override the faulty version of xcode on the build agent
This is kind of hacky, so once the issue is resolved upstream we will need to remove that override.

Ionic build android failed - Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_debugCompile'

I'm added phonegap-plugin-push (http://docs.ionic.io/docs/push-from-scratch) to my project, then after I'm build/run it, the error was appeared.
I've try so many ways (https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-service-push-client/issues/22)
(SDK Manager unable to fetch content - Connection to https://dl-ssl.google.com refused), but nothing can help me.
Before I'm added this plugin, my project was fine.
You can setting file project.properties on yourApp\platforms\android
You can edit cordova.system.library.1=com.android.support:support-v13:23+ to your support version
