Ionic 1 some "ng-repeat" item are displayed or some of them are not displayed in IOS 11.0.3 - ios

I am facing a strange behaviour of IONIC 1 IOS application in IOS 11.0.3 .
I had a list of Item and which I rendered on screen via using ng-repeat via using following code. i.e
<div class="list-container" ng-cloak>
<div ng-repeat="message in messageCtrl.messageList track by $index" ng-class="messageCtrl.checkClass
(message);" class="messages" ng-cloak>
<div class="message" ng-cloak>
<span ng-cloak>
<a href="javascript:void(0);" ng-click="goToSechduleScreen(message, 'present');" ng-cloak>
{{ message.message }}
<strong ng-cloak>{{ message.annotation }}</strong>
<span ng-cloak class="scheduleMessage" ng-if="messageCtrl.doesMessageIsScheduled(message
);"><i class="icon ion-clock"></i></span>
<div class="datetime" am-time-ago="message.date_created" ng-cloak></div>
The above code is working fine in all IOS device which is running on IOS 10 or lower. but in IOS 11.0.3 some "ng-repeat" item are not displayed .when I scroll up and down sometime Items are visible or some not.
Please check following screen-short for better clarity.
When some items are displayed and some items are not,
When all items are displayed sometime when I scroll up and down,
when just only single item displayed and rest of item are not displayed
Any kind of help or suggestion is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Bootstrap checkbox does not display in IOS

I have a responsive page built upon bootstrap. For some reason, I cannot get the checkbox to display in an iOS built device. The checkboxes work in every browser imaginable, and even work in the developer module of chrome (emulating iOS devices) and even works in the iOS reader. It just will not display on an iPhone. Is it being hidden behind another element?
Thanks in advance!
Changing the column sizes to the following fixes it.
<div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-lg-1" style="margin-top:20px;">
<input id="OBKey_Signed_1" type="checkbox" name="OBKey_Signed_1"
value="Y" required="" data-com.agilebits.onepassword.user-edited="yes"
style="-webkit-appearance: radio;">
<div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-10 col-lg-11">
By checking this box, I ratify the use of my typed name and
Student ID number as an electronic representation of my signature.

Ionic bar-header not centered when running on iOS device

I am building an app for Android and iOS using Ionic.
I use bar-header for titles in my views:
<ion-view view-title="Home" class="tab-home">
<ion-content class="padding">
<div class="bar bar-header bar-positive">
<div class="h1 title">The European Experience</div>
<div class="bar bar-subheader bar-stable">
<h2 class="title">Companion App</h2>
<div class="content has-header padding">
When displayed in my browser with ionic serve -l, the header is correctly displayed:
When running on a real Android device, it works as well:
But when I run the app on an iOS device (either physical or on Simulator), the title is not vertically centered:
I tried adding CSS to explicitly specify vertical-align or text-align, but without success.
What could explain this issue? And how can I center the title inside this header?
This sort of problem is common depending on which Ios / Ionic versions you use ,
Did you try using the Tag ?

Two HTML5 Videos Playing Simultaneously in iOS Safari

I am developing a web app that displays animated schematics.
I have a feature that allows the user to switch between a 2D video of the schematic and a 3D video of the actual system. This works fine on Chrome, IE, and Firefox. It does not work on iOS on an iPad running 9.3.1. The two video are both controlled by the same custom video controls and play at the same time, the 2D video is in "front" (z-index=1) and the 3D is hidden behind it (z-index=0). When the 3D switch is hit it simply changes the 3D video to z-index=2. So nothing crazy going on here just a CSS trick. Also, it doesn't throw any errors when I inspect the console using my Mac.
This is my HTML for the page that plays the schematics:
<!-- Establishes the wrapper for all of the content and the angular controller that will control the content -->
<div id="player">
<video id="vid" onload="logDimensions()" ng-hide="twoDhidden" >
<source ng-src="{{selected.vidPath}}">
<track id="trk" ng-src="{{selected.track}}" kind="chapters" default> A browser with HTML5 text track support is required.
<video id="vid3D" ng-src="{{selected.vidPath3D}}" ng-hide="threeDhidden">
<span id="videoTime">{{currentTime | timeFilter}} / {{totalTime | timeFilter}}</span>
<div id="buttons">
<div id="videoOptions" class="fixed-action-btn vertical click-to-toggle">
<a class="btn-floating btn-touch blueIcon">
<i class="medium material-icons">more_vert</i>
<li><a id="flankSpeed" class="btn-floating btn-touch" ng-class="flankClass"><i class="large material-icons ">fast_forward</i></a></li>
<li><a id="halfSpeed" class="btn-floating btn-touch" ng-class="halfClass"><i class="large material-icons ">slow_motion_video</i></a></li>
<li><a id="instructorBtn" title="Instructor" class="btn-floating btn-touch blueIcon"><i class="large material-icons ">supervisor_account</i></a></li>
<div id="play" class="fixed-action-btn vertical click-to-toggle">
<a class="btn-floating btn-touch blueIcon">
<i title="Play" id="playIcon" class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>
<!-- <i id="pauseIcon" class="large material-icons hidden">pause_circle_filled</i> -->
<!-- <button id="instructorBtn" title="Instructor"> INSTR </button> -->
<div id="videoControls">
<svg id="draw_here" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<line id="play_bar" x1="0%" y1="12" x2="100%" y2="12" /></line>
<div id="containment-wrapper">
<span id="dragMe"></span>
<div id="progress"></div>
<div id="threeDSwitch" class="switch">
<input id="threeDToggle" type="checkbox" class="default">
<span for="threeDToggle" ng-click="toggle3D()" class="lever"></span> 3D
I have searched for answers to this question but everything I find on iOS and HTML is from 2010-2013/4. Has anyone else run into this issue of playing two videos simultaneously? Is there a fix/workaround?
Short answer: iOS 10 added new capabilities that may be enough for you. And if not, it seems that true support for multiple simultaneous videos is coming soon.
In iOS 10, you can autoplay or call play() on a video without requiring user interaction, as long as it doesn't have sound. And starting the video no longer forces it into fullscreen playback:
However you still can't play multiple videos simultaneously, but that patch just landed. So it's on the way:
Can you get your example working on iOS 10 by pausing one video when you start the other? You don't show them both at the same time, after all. You could keep them in sync by syncing up their currentTime properties each time the user switches.

$.mobile.silentScroll does not work in worklight app

I am developing an application using worklight framework from IBM in which I use jquery mobile library to code.
Unfortunately, when I use $.mobile.silentScroll to scroll, it has no effect, it does not work.
Has anyone met that issue? In other work, How to scroll page in worklight?
I don't think you can do this with jQuery Mobile's silentScroll, as it basically uses window.scrollTo, and this allows to scroll only within the current viewport (what you currently see on the screen).
Instead I would recommend to use iScroll's various API methods: scrollTo, ScrollToElement or Snap, etc.
I tested the below in Android and it worked.
You'll of course need to adjust it to your application...
var myScroll;
function wlCommonInit(){
myScroll = new IScroll('#wrapper');
<body style="display: none;">
<div id="wrapper">
<div data-role="page" id="page">
<div data-role="content" id="content" style="padding: 15px">
<div id="firstDiv">
<input type="button" value="scroll to the other div" onclick="myScroll.scrollToElement('#secondDiv', '0s');"/>
<div id="secondDiv">
0s means there will be no scroll effect; it will essentially 'jump' to the desired location.

bootstrap - no scrollbars on IOS?

I am using bootstrap version 2.x and when i use the app on a non mobile browser the scrollbars work correctly, however when i browse using iOS (iphone 5) there are no scrollbars -- specially vertical scrollbars and i cannot touch scroll on the screen - its just fixed i cannot more left or right or up or down......
Is there something i need to enable for touch scrolling like a different js library? or is there something broken.
I have read that if the tags for are not closed properly this could occur but my tags are closed.
So basically all my content is now not visible except for the first portion as i cannot scroll down...
Here is some code ( i am using durandal as a SPA)
this is my shell:
<!--ko compose: {view: 'nav'} --><!--/ko-->
<section id="content" class="main container-fluid">
<!--ko compose: {model: router.activeItem,
afterCompose: router.afterCompose,
transition: 'entrance'} -->
<!--ko compose: {view: 'footer'} --><!--/ko-->
at the moment i removed all 'nav' and 'footer' rendering and only something in the content HTML that is rendered in there a simple page:
<button id="btnrefresh" class="btn btn-info btn-force-refresh pull-right"><i class="icon-refresh"></i> Refresh</button>
<button id="btnrefresh2" data-bind="click: refresh" class="btn btn-info btn-force-refresh pull-right"><i class="icon-refresh"></i> Data Refresh</button>
<h3 class="page-title" data-bind="text: title" ></h3>
<div data-bind="visible: showDetails" style="height:500px;width:50px;background-color:red">
this will not scroll in IOS :(
The answer to this was that it as a Durandal based problem.
After severe debugging and stripping everything out except durandal i figured out this can be fixed by opening up durandal/app.js and commenting out the following lines of code:
adaptToDevice: function() {
//document.ontouchmove = function (event) {
// event.preventDefault();
