finding the depth in arkit with SCNVector3Make - ios

the goal of the project is to create a drawing app. i want it so that when i touch the screen and move my finger it will follow the finger and leave a cyan color paint. i did created it BUT there is one problem. the paint DEPTH is always randomly placed.
here is the code, just need to connect the sceneView with the storyboard.
my question is how do i make the program so that the depth will always be consistent, by consistent i mean there is always distance between the paint and the camera.
if you run the code above you will see that i have printed out all the SCNMatrix4, but i none of them is the DEPTH.
i have tried to change hitTransform.m43 but it only messes up the x and y.

If you want to get a point some consistent distance in front of the camera, you don’t want a hit test. A hit test finds the real world surface in front of the camera — unless your camera is pointed at a wall that’s perfectly parallel to the device screen, you’re always going to get a range of different distances.
If you want a point some distance in front of the camera, you need to get the camera’s position/orientation and apply a translation (your preferred distance) to that. Then to place SceneKit content there, use the resulting matrix to set the transform of a SceneKit node.
The easiest way to do this is to stick to SIMD vector/matrix types throughout rather than converting between those and SCN types. SceneKit adds a bunch of new accessors in iOS 11 so you can use SIMD types directly.
There’s at least a couple of ways to go about this, depending on what result you want.
Option 1
// set up z translation for 20 cm in front of whatever
// last column of a 4x4 transform matrix is translation vector
var translation = matrix_identity_float4x4
translation.columns.3.z = -0.2
// get camera transform the ARKit way
let cameraTransform =
// if we wanted, we could go the SceneKit way instead; result is the same
// let cameraTransform = view.pointOfView.simdTransform
// set node transform by multiplying matrices
node.simdTransform = cameraTransform * translation
This option, using a whole transform matrix, not only puts the node a consistent distance in front of your camera, it also orients it to point the same direction as your camera.
Option 2
// distance vector for 20 cm in front of whatever
let translation = float3(x: 0, y: 0, z: -0.2)
// treat distance vector as in camera space, convert to world space
let worldTranslation = view.pointOfView.simdConvertPosition(translation, to: nil)
// set node position (not whole transform)
node.simdPosition = worldTranslation
This option sets only the position of the node, leaving its orientation unchanged. For example, if you place a bunch of cubes this way while moving the camera, they’ll all be lined up facing the same direction, whereas with option 1 they’d all be in different directions.
Going beyond
Both of the options above are based only on the 3D transform of the camera — they don’t take the position of a 2D touch on the screen into account.
If you want to do that, too, you’ve got more work cut out for you — essentially what you’re doing is hit testing touches not against the world, but against a virtual plane that’s always parallel to the camera and a certain distance away. That plane is a cross section of the camera projection frustum, so its size depends on what fixed distance from the camera you place it at. A point on the screen projects to a point on that virtual plane, with its position on the plane scaling proportional to the distance from the camera (like in the below sketch):
So, to map touches onto that virtual plane, there are a couple of approaches to consider. (Not giving code for these because it’s not code I can write without testing, and I’m in an Xcode-free environment right now.)
Make an invisible SCNPlane that’s a child of the view’s pointOfView node, parallel to the local xy-plane and some fixed z distance in front. Use SceneKit hitTest (not ARKit hit test!) to map touches to that plane, and use the worldCoordinates of the hit test result to position the SceneKit nodes you drop into your scene.
Use Option 1 or Option 2 above to find a point some fixed distance in front of the camera (or a whole translation matrix oriented to match the camera, translated some distance in front). Use SceneKit’s projectPoint method to find the normalized depth value Z for that point, then call unprojectPoint with your 2D touch location and that same Z value to get the 3D position of the touch location with your camera distance. (For extra code/pointers, see my similar technique in this answer.)


ARKit - positioning a node in the world relative to world origin

At the moment, my code loads in a 3D model, creates a node using that model, and displays the node in the scene. Setting the scale/rotation (euler angles) of the node works fine. However, I'm trying to set the position of the node relative to the world origin, and I don't want the node to be attached to a plane.
I've tried setting node.position and node.worldPosition to no avail; although the position of the node changes, when the camera moves, the node doesn't stay static, but moves about with the camera. I'm new to using ARKit, so I'm probably doing something stupid, but I can't figure out what it is that I need to do, so any help would be much appreciated.
The weird thing is that if I set the coordinates to say SCNVector3(0, 3, 0) it's fine, but if I go over a certain number of meters away it seems to fail. Is this expected
Firstly, poor world tracking can be caused by these common issues.
Poor ligthing. Causes low number of feature points available for tracking
Lack of texture Causes low number of feature points available for tracking
Fast Movement Causes blurry images which causes tracking to fail
However, what I believe is happening in your case (which is a little more tricky to debug)... is you are most likely placing the loaded model underneath the detected horizontal plane in the scene.
In other words, you may have positioned the SCNNode using a negative Y coordinate which places the node below the horizontal detected plane and causes the model to drift around as you change the cameraView
try setting the Y position of the node to either 0 or a small positive value like 0.1 metres
node.position = SCNVector3(0, 0, -1) // SceneKit/AR coordinates are in meters
z = -1 places the SCNNode 1 metre in front of your cameraView.
Note: I verified this issue myself using a playground I use for testing purposes.

Recreate the 3D outlines of a City street in iOS SceneKit with OSM XML data

What is best strategy to recreate part of a street in iOS SceneKit using .osm XML data?
Please assume part of a street is offered in the OSM XML data and contains the necessary geopoints with latitude and longitude denoting the Nodes to describe the paths/footprints of 6 buildings (i.e. ground floor plans that line the side of a street).
Specifically, what's the best strategy to convert latitude and longitude Nodes in order to locate these building footprints/polygons on the ground floor in a scene within SceneKit iOS? (i.e. running through position 0,0,0)? Thank you.
Very roughly and briefly, based on my own experience with 3D map rendering:
Transform the XML data from lat/long to appropriate coordinates for a 2D map (that is, project it to a plane using a map projection, then apply a 2D affine transform to get it into screen pixel coordinates). Create a 2D map that's wider and taller than the actual screen, because of what's going to happen in step 2:
Using a 3D coordinate system with your map vertical (i.e., set all the Z coordinates to zero), rotate the map so that it reclines at an appropriate shallow angle, as if you're in an aeroplane looking down on it; the angle might be 30 degrees from horizontal. To rotate the map you'll need to create a 3D rotation matrix. The axis of rotation will be the X axis: that is, the horizontal line that is the bottom border of your 2D map. The rotation is exactly the same as what happens when you rotate your laptop screen away from you.
Supply the new 3D coordinates to your rendering system. I haven't used SceneKit but I had a quick look at the documentation and you can use any coordinate system you like, so you will be able to use one that is convenient for the process I have just described: something that uses units the size of a screen pixel at the viewing plane, with Y going upwards, X going right, and Z going away from the viewer.
One final caveat: if you want to add extrusions giving a rough approximation of the 3D building shapes (such data is available in OSM for some areas) note that my scheme requires the tops of buildings, and indeed anything above ground level, to have negative Z coordinates.
Pretty simple. First, convert Your CLLocationCoordinate2D to a MKMapPoint, which is exactly the same as a CGRect. Second, scale down the MKMapPoint by some arbitrary number so it fits in with how you want it on your scene graph, let's say by 200. Since scenekit's coordinate system is centered at (0,0), you'll need to make sure your location is correct. Then just create your scnvector3's with the x/y of he MKMapPoint, and you will be locked to coordinates.

Is there a reverse function of lookat for glMatrix?

I am using the glMatrix to code Webgl and want to get the eye position, focal point and up direction from the existing projection and view matrix (kinda like the reverse of lookat function). Is there any way to do this?
I didn't implement one, no. I'm not even sure that you could decompose it into the original vectors, for that matter. The lookAt point could be anywhere along a ray from the origin, and how would you determine what the appropriate up vector was? I'm thinking this is a one-way algorithm (just too lazy to prove it!)
Beyond that, however, I question wether you would want to do this even if there was a method for it. I'll be willing to bet that it's almost always more beneficial to track the values you're using and manipulate them rather than to try and pull them back and forth from matrix to vectors and back.
Yes and No: Yes you can invert the model view transformation and no you will not get exactly all three vectors the same.
The model view transformation of lookAt is very similar to the connectTo operation as used in CSG models. It is mounting your scene in front of your camera. This is done by translation and three axis rotations. The eye point is translated to (0,0,0) and all further rotation is done around it. You can easily derive the eye point by transforming (0,0,0) with the inverse matrix.
But the center point is just used for adjusting the axis of view along the -Z axis. In openGL the eye is facing to -Z. The distance between center and eye is lost. So you can easy get a center point along your axis of view if you define the distance yourself. Let's say we want a distance of d. Then we just need to transform (0,0,-d) with the inverse matrix and we get a valid center point, but not exactly the same. The center point is defining only two rotation angles, the camera pan and tilt.
Even more worse is the reconstruction of the up vector. It is only used for the roll angle of the camera and thus only for one scalar value. Thus for the inverse transformation you can not only choose any positive value along the Y axis, you could choose any point in the YZ plane with a positive Y value. To get a up vector perfectly normal to the viewing axis and of size 1 we just transform (0,1,0) with the inverse matrix. Remember to transform as vector this time (not as point).
Now we have eye, center and up reconstructed in a way to get exactly the same result of lookAt next time. But since this matrix contains only 6 values of information (translation,pan,tilt,roll) we had to choose 3 values that were lost (distance center to eye, size and angle of up vector in YZ plane of camera).
The model view matrix can of course do other transformation (any affine) but the lookAt function is using this matrix only for translation and rotation. It is adjusting the scene in front of the camera without distorting it.

XNA WorldMatrix and ViewMatrix

I have created a Camera class that allows me to move around a scene in first person. The camera has worked just fine until I decided to use it as a location to add something to the 3D world. What I am trying to do is add a cube to the world when I press a mouse button. I want to cube to eventually travel away from the camera, but for now I just want to create it right in front of it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it creates it to one side or the other. It all depends on how much I've rotated and translated the camera.
I am tryinng to find the vector in front of my camera by using the View Matrix like so:
Vector3 inFront = Camera.ViewMatrix.Forward;
I plan to use the vector to add some physics behind the cube and have it travel away from the camera. For now I am just wanting to get a correct Vector.
I know you normally draw thing in the world using the WorldMatrix, but I can't figure out how to convert my ViewMatrix into a WorldMatrix. Still learing :-)
What am I doing wrong?
First of all, there is no real difference between a "World Matrix" and a "View Matrix", they are both transformation matrices and the distinction is somewhat arbitrary. Some systems even combine the two (OpenGL simply has a "ModelView" matrix).
Traditionally the "world matrix" is used to move individual models from "model space" to "world space". Then the "view matrix" is used to move all the models from world space into their relative positions in front of the camera (which, in effect, "moves the camera"). And finally the "Projection Matrix" converts the 3D positions into their 2D positions on the screen (generally with a perspective projection). Because they are matrices, they can be multiplied together into a single matrix that can transform points in a single step.
First of all, take a look at the properties of the Matrix struct.
What you also need to realise is that Matrix.Forward returns a Vector3. A Vector3 can represent either a position or a scalar and a direction. You need two of them to represent a position and a direction.
Now, my 3D matrix maths is a bit rusty, but I'm pretty sure that what you want is the Matrix.Translation as the position of the camera in world space. And Matrix.Forward as the forward direction of the camera in world space.
Unless your camera/view matrix is performing a scaling operation on the world (and really it shouldn't), then the Vector3 you get back from Matrix.Forward will have unit length - in other words just a direction (no scalar). Use this to give a direction to move your object in.
I assume you have to location of the camera. Have you tried something like this (I haven't done Matrix/Vector math in a few years so this might be off):
float scalar = 10; // how far away from the camera you want to move the object
Vector3 camPos = ???; // supplied from somewhere elese
Vector3 inFront = Camera.ViewMatrix.Forward;
Vector3 newPos = camPos + inFront * scalar;

What is this rotation behavior in XNA?

I am just starting out in XNA and have a question about rotation. When you multiply a vector by a rotation matrix in XNA, it goes counter-clockwise. This I understand.
However, let me give you an example of what I don't get. Let's say I load a random art asset into the pipeline. I then create some variable to increment every frame by 2 radians when the update method runs(testRot += 0.034906585f). The main thing of my confusion is, the asset rotates clockwise in this screen space. This confuses me as a rotation matrix will rotate a vector counter-clockwise.
One other thing, when I specify where my position vector is, as well as my origin, I understand that I am rotating about the origin. Am I to assume that there are perpendicular axis passing through this asset's origin as well? If so, where does rotation start from? In other words, am I starting rotation from the top of the Y-axis or the x-axis?
The XNA SpriteBatch works in Client Space. Where "up" is Y-, not Y+ (as in Cartesian space, projection space, and what most people usually select for their world space). This makes the rotation appear as clockwise (not counter-clockwise as it would in Cartesian space). The actual coordinates the rotation is producing are the same.
Rotations are relative, so they don't really "start" from any specified position.
If you are using maths functions like sin or cos or atan2, then absolute angles always start from the X+ axis as zero radians, and the positive rotation direction rotates towards Y+.
The order of operations of SpriteBatch looks something like this:
Sprite starts as a quad with the top-left corner at (0,0), its size being the same as its texture size (or SourceRectangle).
Translate the sprite back by its origin (thus placing its origin at (0,0)).
Scale the sprite
Rotate the sprite
Translate the sprite by its position
Apply the matrix from SpriteBatch.Begin
This places the sprite in Client Space.
Finally a matrix is applied to each batch to transform that Client Space into the Projection Space used by the GPU. (Projection space is from (-1,-1) at the bottom left of the viewport, to (1,1) in the top right.)
Since you are new to XNA, allow me to introduce a library that will greatly help you out while you learn. It is called XNA Debug Terminal and is an open source project that allows you to run arbitrary code during runtime. So you can see if your variables have the value you expect. All this happens in a terminal display on top of your game and without pausing your game. It can be downloaded at
It is free and very easy to setup so you really have nothing to lose.
