Deployment issue for custom app in spring cloud data flow - spring-cloud-dataflow

While deploying stream I am getting below error and deployment is failed
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception trying to list configuration properties for application jar:file:/C:/Users/atp1rzs/.m2/repository/net/atpco/rpc/route-path-cache-maintenance/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/route-path-cache-maintenance-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/
at ~[spring-cloud-dataflow-configuration-metadata-1.2.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:1.2.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error while creating ClassLoader for jar:file:/C:/Users/atp1rzs/.m2/repository/net/atpco/rpc/route-path-cache-maintenance/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/route-path-cache-maintenance-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/
at$ClassLoaderExposingLauncher.createClassLoader( ~[spring-cloud-dataflow-configuration-metadata-1.2.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:1.2.3.BUILD-SNAPSHOT]


Problem making a Grails 4.0.4 project connect to Neo4j Desktop

I have probably a very stupid error here, but I cannot get a simple Grails 4.0.4 project to connect to a Neo4j Desktop instance (1.3.8).
The neo4j service is running and I have been able to verify that I have connectivity to it from other tools, like DBeaver and Python.
The neo4j database settings in application.yml looks like this:
url: bolt://localhost:7687
username: "neo4j"
password: "neo4j"
The project I generated from running this:
curl -O -d version=4.0.4 -d features=events,geb2,neo4j
The problem is when I try to launch a Grails project, the app fails to start with the message:
Application run failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'neo4jDatastore': Bean instantiation via constructor failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.grails.datastore.gorm.neo4j.Neo4jDatastore]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is org.neo4j.driver.v1.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException: Connection to the database terminated. This can happen due to network instabilities, or due to restarts of the database
Would be grateful for some hints that could help me get started.
As per, there doesn't seem to be a version that yet supports Neo4j 4.x.
The latest supported version is Neo4j 3.x with GORM 7.0.x

Problems with deploying apache kylin

I am new to apache-kylin,and currently I am deploying kylin on Vmware Worksation.I met some problems when it started.Then I check the log file,here is part of what it shows:
Error creating bean with name 'aclService': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableExistsException: kylin_metadata_acl
detail info
problems with deploying apache kylin
Who can help?Thanks

Spring Cloud Dataflow ticktock example fails in CloudFoundry

I'm trying to get most basic example for Spring Cloud Dataflow running on CloudFoundry.
I've followed the steps here: to make the admin app available in my org/space.
Then I tried to create the most basic example from, namely to create the "ticktock" stream:
dataflow:>stream create ticktock --definition "time | log" --deploy
I can see that both apps ticktock-time and ticktock-log are created in the space, the needed service "redis" is bound to these apps and they try to start. Unfortunately they don't start completely, because they have problem to access "redis" service. In the log we find:
Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling
refresh attempt:
org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Failed to
start bean 'outputBindingLifecycle'; nested exception is
org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Failed to
start bean 'inputBindingLifecycle'; nested exception is Cannot
get Jedis connection; nested exception is
redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get
a resource from the pool
which eventually is caused by
Caused by: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Connection refused
Am I missing some configuration step in between?
There seems to be an issue with our deployer using the master branch of the Java buildpack. Try these settings for the Dataflow Server:
cf set-env s-c-dataflow-server CLOUDFOUNDRY_BUILDPACK
cf restage s-c-dataflow-server
Also, be aware that we currently launch apps using "streamname-module" as part of the URL so unless you use unique stream names you might collide with other users and get a "400 Bad Request" error.

Class not found exception after deploying grails app to wildfly

After deploying my grails application to wildfly i am getting this error wherever i am using base64 class
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tomcat/util/codec/binary/Base64

java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection ibatis

We are seeing a strange behavior in our prod environment only.
The application runs fine for several hours and after that we start seeing
java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection
This is happening with our spring + ibatis code base( we migrated from Hibernate to iBatis).
we are using weblogic 10.0.3, spring 3.0.2 and iBatis 2.3.5
The behavior of the exceptions are:
Couple of database exceptions while update ( single update not transaction) using iBatis.
Then java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
Then Cause: java.sql.SQLException: No more data to read from socket
Then Cause: java.sql.SQLException: OALL8 is in an inconsistent state.
Then Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Broken pipe.
and then all subsequent database queries getting
Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection and after then we have to restart the servers to bring the connections alive.
