Why is Entrez email address not specified in biopython even if given my NCBI log-in email? - biopython

Email address is not specified.
To make use of NCBI's E-utilities, NCBI requires you to specify your
email address with each request. As an example, if your email address
is A.N.Other#example.com, you can specify it as follows:
from Bio import Entrez
Entrez.email = 'A.N.Other#example.com'
In case of excessive usage of the E-utilities, NCBI will attempt to contact
a user at the email address provided before blocking access to the
E-utilities.""", UserWarning)

Issue code:
importing SeqIO, Entrez
Entrez.mai l= "rubayet#example.com" with Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide",rettype="fasta",retmode="text"‌​,id="AF191665.1") as handle: a=SeqIO.read(handle,"fasta") print(a.description)
replace Entrez.mai l= "rubayet#example.com"
with the following code:
Entrez.email = 'rubayet#example.com'
Note: Posting BioGeeks answer for the sake of getting this question out of the questionlist.


Allow user to register using django-all-auth even if the social account exists and then connect the two automatically

So, I have been able to connect social accounts (fb or google) to be connected to the local email account if already exists.
However, I also want the reverse functionality, i.e. I would like to allow user to sign up even if the (google or FB) social account exists. Currently it says:
{ A user is already registered with this email address }
I am using django-all-auth and django-rest-auth with Django 2.1
Yes, you can do that. You should be able to modify the password reset endpoint provided by django-rest-auth to set a password and then be able to login:
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordResetForm as DjangoPasswordResetForm
from rest_auth.serializers import (
PasswordResetSerializer as RestAuthPasswordResetSerializer
from rest_auth.views import PasswordResetView as RestAuthPasswordResetView
UserModel = get_user_model()
class PasswordResetForm(DjangoPasswordResetForm):
def get_users(self, email):
Given an email, return matching user(s) who should receive a reset.
active_users = UserModel._default_manager.filter(**{
'%s__iexact' % UserModel.get_email_field_name(): email,
'is_active': True,
return iter(active_users)
# or (u for u in active_users if not u.has_usable_password())
class PasswordResetSerializer(RestAuthPasswordResetSerializer):
password_reset_form_class = PasswordResetForm
class PasswordResetView(RestAuthPasswordResetView):
serializer_class = PasswordResetSerializer
You can add this view to your urls.py as general endpoint to reset passwords (remember to place it in front of the rest_auths' URLs) or as an additional endpoint to set passwords (see the commented line). Then you can add a note to your signup page that links to your page that serves your new endpoint.
As an alternative, you could also add a field to your user settings page where users can set a password.
You could also send an e-mail with a link via send_confirmation to set a password when a user tries to sign up and the e-mail exists already (or only in case this user has a social account). If you like I could add an example here how to do that.

Flutter / Dart : Avoid storing password in plain text

I am using Dart mailer in Flutter and there is a comment that says:
How you use and store passwords is up to you. Beware of storing passwords in plain.
Is there any way to hash the password? How can I avoid storing it in plain text?
It is generally not a good idea to store passwords in plain text anywhere. The way you handle passwords, though, depends on the platform.
The flutter_secure_storage package uses Keychain on iOS and KeyStore on Android to store passwords (or tokens).
// Create storage
final storage = FlutterSecureStorage();
// Read secret
String value = await storage.read(key: key);
// Write secret
await storage.write(key: key, value: value);
Note that for Android the min API is 18.
Dart Server
If you are making a server, it is even more important not to store the user passwords in plain text. If the server is compromised, the attacker would have access to all of the passwords, and many users use the same password on multiple accounts.
It would be best to hand the authentication over to Google or Facebook or some other trusted third party by using OAuth2. However, if you are doing your own authorization, you should hash the passwords with a salt and save the hash, not the password itself. This makes it more difficult for an attacker to get the user passwords in case the server is compromised.
A basic implementation (but see comment below) could use the crypto package by the Dart Team.
// import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
// import 'dart:convert';
var password = 'password123';
var salt = 'UVocjgjgXg8P7zIsC93kKlRU8sPbTBhsAMFLnLUPDRYFIWAk';
var saltedPassword = salt + password;
var bytes = utf8.encode(saltedPassword);
var hash = sha256.convert(bytes);
Save the salt and the hash. Discard the password. Use a different salt for every user.
To make brute forcing the hashes more difficult, you can also check out the dbcrypt package.
If you want to hash
Use the password_hash package. Their example code is very easy to use:
var generator = new PBKDF2();
var salt = Salt.generateAsBase64String();
var hash = generator.generateKey("mytopsecretpassword", salt, 1000, 32);
Store both the hash and the salt, and you can verify someone else's password attempt by running the generator.generateKey function using their password and the saved salt.
What you actually want
If you're trying to automatically login, you of course need the original password, not a hash. You have a couple options
If the device that will have your app installed is safe, as in it is some company-owned device that has to be logged into by an employee, then have it in plaintext. It doesn't matter. As any company's security policy should be, you must make sure that hard drives are wiped before disposing of electronics (And make sure that no one can stroll in and take the iPad or whatever it is).
If unknown people outside of your organization will be installing your app, you will have to have them login and use their email, or have an API open that will send emails on their behalf (To prevent spamming from your email). The app would sent a POST to that API to send an email. If you had the plaintext password in the application, they could find it on their device, and abuse it.
This response comes late, but here is my approach to storing and using a password for sending emails to recipients using mailer in Flutter. I hope it helps anyone facing this issue.
First I downloaded the crypton package. Then I created a separate dart file where I handle everything related to sending mails, I called it mailer. In this file is where I specify the password, encrypts it using crypton, and use send the email using the decrypted password.
Below is the code of my mailer.dart file:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:mailer/mailer.dart';
import 'package:mailer/smtp_server.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:crypton/crypton.dart';
class Mailer {
//the variable below we use to encrypt and decrypt the password
RSAKeypair _rsaKeypair = RSAKeypair.fromRandom();
//Below we set the password as a private variable
String _password = 'mySecurePassword';
//We set an encrypted variable that will store the encrypted password;
String _encrypted;
//The function below sets the encrypted variable by assigning it the encrypted value of the password
void setEncrypt () {
_encrypted = _rsaKeypair.publicKey.encrypt(_password);
//The function below is responsible for sending the email to the recipients and it is what we call when we want to send an email
emailSender({#required String emailRecipient, #required List<String> paths}) async {
//We call the setEncrypt() function to assign the correct value to the encrypted variable
String username = 'email#email.com';
//We asign the decrypted value of encrypted to the password we provide to the smtpServer
String password = _rsaKeypair.privateKey.decrypt(_encrypted);
//The rest of sending an email is the same.
final smtpServer = gmail(username, password);
// Use the SmtpServer class to configure an SMTP server:
// final smtpServer = SmtpServer('smtp.domain.com');
// See the named arguments of SmtpServer for further configuration
// options.
// Create our message.
Message message = Message()
..from = Address(username, 'Your name')
..subject = 'Date: ${DateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy').format(DateTime.now())}'
..text = 'This is the plain text.\nThis is line 2 of the text part.'
..html = "<h1>Hi:</h1>\n<p>This is some html</p>\n<p>Greetings, mailer.dart</p>";
for (String path in paths) {
var connection = PersistentConnection(smtpServer);
// Send the first message
await connection.send(message);
// send the equivalent message
//await connection.send(equivalentMessage);
// close the connection
await connection.close();
This was my approach to solving the issue of storing passwords as plain text for sending emails using the mailer package or any package with a similar purpose.

How to use the Gmail API to read the subjects of emails sent from a yahoo group

I'm using the Gmail API with Oauth 2 to read all of my emails and print out the subject and the date, like so:
for m in email_list:
msg = service.users().messages().get(userId="me", id=m["id"], format="full").execute()
header_list = msg["payload"]["headers"]
for i in header_list:
if nameindict=="Subject":
if nameindict=="Date":
this section is pasted into the main() function of the gmail API example, found here:
However, there's two problems:
-Sometimes, it misses the subject. I checked the full output and found that some outputs didn't have a subject attached, but couldn't find out why.
-This doesn't seem to work with email sent from a Yahoo group. The "full" option returns a jumble of letters and numbers, but no subject or readable date and time sent. Does anyone know if this is possible, and how I can do it?

Read Gmail XOAUTH mails without marking it read

I'm trying to read email from GMail using gmail-xoauth Gem. I want to read the email and leave its unread status.
First, I tried reading just the header. Works.
imap = Net::IMAP.new('imap.gmail.com', 993, usessl = true, certs = nil, verify = false)
imap.authenticate('XOAUTH2', email, access_token)
imap.search(["SINCE", since]).each do |message_id|
msg = imap.fetch(message_id,'RFC822.HEADER')[0].attr['RFC822.HEADER']
mail = Mail.read_from_string msg
puts mail.subject
Now, I want to read the body/text of the Email without marking it read.
This maybe be very late but I will leave it here for anyone else that stumbles onto this. If, for what ever reason you want to read the email and leave the flags intake, use:
instead of:
From the Net::IMAP doc
Sends a EXAMINE command to select a mailbox so that messages in the mailbox can be accessed. Behaves the same as select(), except that the selected mailbox is identified as read-only.
Based on the documentation you need to use the store method. The documentation mentions:
store(set, attr, flags)
Sends a STORE command to alter data associated with messages in the mailbox, in particular their flags. The set parameter is a number or an array of numbers or a Range object. Each number is a message sequence number. attr is the name of a data item to store: ‘FLAGS’ means to replace the message’s flag list with the provided one; ‘+FLAGS’ means to add the provided flags; and ‘-FLAGS’ means to remove them. flags is a list of flags.
The return value is an array of Net::IMAP::FetchData. For example:
p imap.store(6..8, "+FLAGS", [:Deleted])
#=> [#<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=6, attr={"FLAGS"=>[:Seen, :Deleted]}>, \\
#<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=7, attr={"FLAGS"=>[:Seen, :Deleted]}>, \\
#<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=8, attr={"FLAGS"=>[:Seen, :Deleted]}>]
So you have to remove the :Seen flag
imap.store(message_id, "-FLAGS", [:Seen])

find email and replace with a sentence in PHP

How do I prevent people from entering their email address in the description field by replacing their email to some wordings, for example if user entered the following text:
Please contact me via joe.joey#email.com.
I want the output to be:
Please contact me via <email address is blocked>.
I know of a basic str_replace but the output would simply be:
//output is Please contact me via joe.joey <email address is blocked> email.com
$string = 'Please contact me via joe.joey#email.com.';
$lookfor = '#';
$replacewith = '<email address is blocked>';
$newstring = str_replace($lookfor, $replacewith, $string);
This is a perfect time to use preg_replace. I've slightly simplified the requirements for a valid email here (emails can be horridly complex), but something like:
$newstring = preg_replace("/[\w-]+#([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+/", $replacewith, $string);
