putting form for new inside other view from different controller - ruby-on-rails

I have created an app which has a user, user can have many players and each player can have many abilities. Now in my player show view, I can see information about a player and his abilities, but also I want to have a form for creating/updating abilities for that player. How do I implement a view from abilities controller to player show view so i can create/edit and delete his abilities directly from there via ajax? I was thinking about making new.html.erb from abilities a partial and then render it into show.html.erb but what do I put in form_for so that rails knows that its supposed to communicate with different model and controller? Whats the right way of doing this?

First of all, there is no problem in adding the form_for for the associated model(Ability) in show of Player. You can make a partial of the form, and render it for all its abilities.
In controller,
#abilities = #player.abilities
And in show,
#Some code to show player details
<% #abilities.each do |ability| %>
<%= render 'ability', ability: ability%> #Pass local variable ability to partial
<% end %>
And make partial using form_for tag with AJAX in init to update the information. Also, you can define 'action' of form_for tag using
form_for(ability,:url => url_for(:controller => 'abilities', :action => 'update')
You can place the partial of ability in abilities folder corresponding to Abilities Controller and give its relative path in the above render statement as:
<%= render '/abilities/ability', ability: ability %>


How to pass object to partial using controller?

I've been trying to pass my Product object to my rendered partial but no matter what I try it doesn't work. The home page has a quick view button that pops a modal (the partial) and I want to pass the correct product to it.
get 'shop-product-ajax-page', to: "pages#shop_product_ajax_page"
Home Page (shortened to only the link for brevity)
<% #products.each do |product| %>
<%= link_to "Quick View", shop_product_ajax_page_path, :data => {:lightbox => 'ajax'} %>
<% end %>
Controller Action
def shop_product_ajax_page
render :partial => 'pages/shop_product_ajax_page', :layout => false
Right now, the button works and displays the HTML in the modal. I want to be able to populate the correct product information for whatever Quick View product is selected.
The problem is that the link is making a completely separate AJAX request, it's hitting the server separately, so the Ruby context you expect (variables etc) isn't available in that new request.
Two choices:
Don't make an AJAX request but render the lightbox as part of the page. You could hide it using display: none or similar, then use Javascript to display it when the link is clicked.
Make the request the way you currently are, but pass in the same parameters that your current controller action is using to get #products and in shop_product_ajax_page do the same thing to hit the database and get the products.
The second choice might be easier without messing with JS. It would be something like:
def shop_product_ajax_page
#products = get_products_from_params(params)
render :partial => 'pages/shop_product_ajax_page', :layout => false
def get_products_from_params(params)
Product.find(params["product_ids"]) # or whatever you're currently doing

Trying to get two actions to have different views, but the same URL

I have an app with shepherds (i.e. the users) and each shepherd has a set of animals. I am trying to make it so that if the logged in shepherd tries to view one of their animals it takes them to a view controlled by the edit action. Alternatively, if the shepherd tries to view another shepherd's animals it gives them a view controlled by the show action. I'd prefer to not have URLs with */edit - I want them to look the same for edit and show. In my routes.rb file I have this...
get '/shepherds/:username/:eartag', to: 'animals#show', as: :shepherd_animal_show
get '/shepherds/:username/:eartag', to: 'animals#edit', as: :shepherd_animal_edit
In the shepherd's show view I create a link to their animals like this...
<% if animal.shepherd == current_shepherd %>
<a href="<%= shepherd_animal_edit_path(username: animal.shepherd.username, eartag: animal.eartag) %>"
<% else %>
<a href="<%= shepherd_animal_show_path(username: animal.shepherd.username, eartag: animal.eartag) %>"
<% end %>
I can see that when I'm logged in and try to access my animals, it goes into the block with the shepherd_animal_edit_path, but it directs me to the show view rather than the edit view. Here's part of the output of the routes...
shepherd_animal_show GET /shepherds/:username/:eartag(.:format) animals#show
shepherd_animal_edit GET /shepherds/:username/:eartag(.:format) animals#edit
I'm a bit of a beginner at Rails and would really appreciate any help people can offer.
I think you should be using the show action for both, and just rendering a different template depending on the animal ownership. I.e.:
def show
render 'edit' if animal.shepherd == current_shepherd
# the show template will be rendered automatically if `render` wasn't explicitly called
Then in your view, you can unconditionally link to the show action, and the controller will take care of deciding which view template to render.
Also, FWIW, I would probably define the routes as follows:
resources :shepherds, shallow: true do
resources :animals
And then use the link_to helper in the view instead of hard-coding HTML tags:
<%= link_to animal_path(animal) %>
But that would then allow you to do other things like:
link_to shepherd_animals_path(#shepherd) # link to the `index` action of `AnimalsController`, with `params[:shepherd_id]` set to `#shepherd.id`.
That would then allow you to render (or not render) other controls for the shepherd to manage his/her own flock if current_shepherd.id == params[:shepherd_id] (or current_shepherd == Shepherd.find(params[:shepherd_id])).

Render view from application_controller

So, I have search form, and search is avaliable obviously from any page.
I thought that it makes sense, that such action from application controller is placed in layouts/views folder.
But I just don't get- Rails doesn't see it. So I can't do this? How then should I provide action, avaliable from any page?
def tests_search
respond_to do |format|
search_tests GET /search_tests(.:format) application#tests_search
<%= form_tag search_tests_path, {:id=>'test_search',:method => :get} do%>
Unknown action
The action 'tests_search' could not be found for ApplicationControllerr
You should create a new search controller. Use rails g controller search index which will create a search controller with a index action (you could also call the action something like result). Then add a search/_form.html.erb file in your search view folder, with the form:
<%= form_tag search_path, {:id=>'test_search',:method => :get} do |f| %>
and render this in your layout/application.html.erb where you want it to be:
<%= render "search/form" %>
This way you have a search form on any pages, that uses the SearchController to handle the search requests.
I would recommend using other controller to do this. It can be for example SearchController even if there will be only one method.
Notice that ApplicationController is controller that every other controller in application inherits from by default. So if it wouldn't be the case, it could make sense, but now every controller will inherit your test_search action, which is not desired.
If your search form will be a partial, then there is no difference whether this is in ApplicationController or in any other controller. You just have to point to right route.
Initially you have to explain yourself the flow. What you need is some partial which is rendered on all pages, and if a user adds some input to it and submits, he gets some output. Right? Good. So you start by creating a new partial somewhere in
Then, you create your route in routes.rb to point to a controller's action. You don't have to place this in application_controller. Instead, create your search_controller.rb and create some action which responds to the form submission there.
Whenever you want to render your search form on other pages, you simply call render partial (more on that here) with something like
<%= render "shared/search" %>
This is good if you created the file above. Make sure your action exists and the name is correct, in your case it should be:
def test_search
Good luck.

Render a view of another controller

What I want to do is have 2 different controllers, client and test_client. The client controller is already built and I want to create a test_client controller that i can use to play around with the UI of the client and adjust it as needed. I am mainly trying to get around the validation i have built into the client and its dependence on an admin controller that loads the data.
so i want the test_client controller to load a sample data set and then render the client controller's index view so i can adjust the clients UI. That is all.
I tried this in the test_clients index method:
class TestClient
def index
render :template => 'client/index'
but i get an error because it cannot find the client partials as it is looking in the current controllers view for them...
So I have looked into this already and most people say that you should never make such a call but i think that this case is a reasonable usage...I just need to figure out how to get it to work.
You will need to adjust your view so that the path to the partial you need is in the form 'controller/partial'. In this case probably 'client/partial'. Then you can simply use render 'client/index' as before.
So say somewhere in your view you have this:
<%= render :partial => 'info' %>
You will want to change it to this:
<%= render :partial => 'client/info' %>
Convert your client controller views to partials, create empty views for all actions in test_client controller, render client partials for respective test_client views.
client view
index.html.erb to _index.html.erb
test_client view
in this view, <%=render :partial => 'clients/index', :locals =>{ }%>
You could do this in a number of ways and everyone is different. One way you could do it, is by putting your finders into a presenter. Then turn some data in the index view into a partial or you can render the template with layout set to false.
Then in the client_test view you can render that index with the presenter associated with it.

Should my edit and new actions re-use the same view? (editing a post)

I have this setup in my routes:
namespace :admin do
resources :posts
so in my admin/posts_controller.rb I have my new, create and edit actions.
I want to re-use my new and edit view page somehow, b/c the page has allot of custom javascript etc. for the form and I don't want to repeat myself.
How can I do this?
i.e. for the edit page, I have to pre-populate the form fields and for the new page it is to be empty.
For a new page, it should post to the 'create' action, and for the edit I am thinking it should post to a different 'update' action (which is a PUT request as per my rake routes)?
Rails is pretty clever, a form like
<% form_for post do |f| %>
<% end %>
will post to the create action if post.new_record? == true and to the update action otherwise.
So, you can put the form in a partial, and render it inside your new/edit views, which will probably have different headings and copy.
Alternatively you can just have a single view and perform your own logic based on post.new_record? - but I'd advise against this because you'll end up with an unnecessarily complex view.
