how to debug ReadP parser? - parsing

I've written a simple parser using readP. it works, but I'm using it as a sort of validating parser, as input is manually written and sometimes deviates from norm. in order to correct the input, I'd like to know in which line my parser failed, so my question is:
how can I obtain a debugging message showing in which line of input my parser failed, like the ones shown in real world haskell (for Parsec)?
(I'm fairly new to haskell, btw.)

ReadP doesn't offer error-reporting capabilities. That's evident from the type of a ReadP parser:
newtype ReadP a = R (forall b . (a -> P b) -> P b)
data P a
= Get (Char -> P a)
| Look (String -> P a)
| Fail
| Result a (P a)
| Final [(a,String)] -- invariant: list is non-empty!
deriving Functor
You can see that the Fail constructor doesn't store any information.
You will need to use a different parser combinator library for that (or build your own).


Haskell Type error in Double recursion function

I'm trying to define a greedy function
greedy :: ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
that parses a sequence of values, returning only the "maximal" sequences that cannot be extended any further. For example,
> readP_to_S (greedy (string "a" +++ string "ab")) "abaac"
I'm using a very simple and probably clumsy way. Just parse the values and see if they can be parsed any further; if so, then reapply the function again to get all the possible values and concat that with the previous ones, or else just return the value itself. However, there seems to be some type problems, below is my code.
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
addpair :: a -> [([a],String)] -> [([a],String)]
addpair a [] = []
addpair a (c:cs) = (a : (fst c), snd c ) : (addpair a cs)
greedy :: ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
greedy ap = readS_to_P (\s ->
let list = readP_to_S ap s in
f list )
f :: [(a,String)] -> [([a],String)]
f ((value, str2):cs) =
case readP_to_S ap str2 of
[] -> ([value], str2) : (f cs)
_ -> (addpair value (readP_to_S (greedy ap) str2)) ++ (f cs)
The GHC processes the code and says that function "f" has type [(a1,String)] -> [([a1],String)] but greedy is ReadP a -> ReadP [a]. I wonder why it is so because I think their type should agree. It also really helps if anyone can come up with some clever and more elegant approach to define the function greedy(my approach is definitely way too redundant)
To fix the compilation error, you need to add the language extension
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
to your source file, or pass the corresponding flag into the compiler. You also need to change the type signature of greedy to
greedy :: forall a. ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
This is because your two a type variables are not actually the same; they're in different scopes. With the extension and the forall, they are treated as being the same variable, and your types unify properly. Even then, the code errors, because you don't have an exhaustive pattern match in your definition of f. If you add
f [] = []
then the code seems to work as intended.
In order to simplify your code, I took a look at the provided function munch, which is defined as:
munch :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP String
-- ^ Parses the first zero or more characters satisfying the predicate.
-- Always succeeds, exactly once having consumed all the characters
-- Hence NOT the same as (many (satisfy p))
munch p =
do s <- look
scan s
scan (c:cs) | p c = do _ <- get; s <- scan cs; return (c:s)
scan _ = do return ""
In that spirit, your code can be rewritten as:
greedy2 :: forall a. ReadP a -> ReadP [a]
greedy2 ap = do
-- look at the string
s <- look
-- try parsing it, but without do notation
case readP_to_S ap s of
-- if we failed, then return nothing
[] -> return []
-- if we parsed something, ignore it
(_:_) -> do
-- parse it again, but this time inside of the monad
x <- ap
-- recurse, greedily parsing again
xs <- greedy2 ap
-- and return the concatenated values
return (x:xs)
This does have the speed disadvantage of executing ap twice as often as needed; this may be too slow for your use case. I'm sure my code could be further rewritten to avoid that, but I'm not a ReadP expert.

Implement `Applicative Parser`'s Apply Function

From Brent Yorgey's 2013 Penn class, after getting help on defining a Functor Parser, I'm attempting to make an Applicative Parser:
--p1 <*> p2 represents the parser which first runs p1 (which will
--consume some input and produce a function), then passes the
--remaining input to p2 (which consumes more input and produces
--some value), then returns the result of applying the function to the
Here's my attempt:
instance Applicative (Parser) where
pure x = Parser $ \_ -> Just (x, [])
(Parser f) <*> (Parser g) = case (\ys -> f ys) of Nothing -> Parser Nothing
Just (_, xs) -> Parser $ g xs
However, I'm getting compile-time errors on the apply (<*>) definition.
Intuitively, I believe that using <*> achieves AND functionality.
If I have a parser for foo and a parser for bar, then I should be able to use apply <*> to say: foo followed by bar. In other words, input of foobar should successfully match, whereas foobip would not. It would fail on the second parser.
However, I believe that the types are:
Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
So, that makes me think that my intuition is not entirely correct.
Please give me a tip to guide me towards understanding how to implement apply.
Your code is predicated on a misunderstanding of what a Parser is. Don't worry, virtually everybody makes this mistake.
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> Maybe (a, String) }
Lets break down what this means.
String -> Maybe (a, String)
[1] [2] [3] [4]
[1]: I take a string and return Maybe (a, String)
[2]: I might not succeed in parsing the input into the desired datatype
[3]: The desired type I am parsing the String into
[4]: Remaining input after having consumed the amount of data required to parse a
Parser is a function of text input to Maybe a tuple of a value and the rest of the text. Parser is emphatically not a tuple, otherwise you wouldn't have a parser. Just data in a tuple.
I'm not going to tell you how to implement <*> and nobody else should either as it would deprive you of the experience.
However, I'll give you pure so you understand the basic pattern:
pure a = Parser (\s -> Just (a, s))
See? It's a function of s -> Maybe (a, s). I intentionally mimicked the type variables in my terms to make it more obvious.

Conditional looping in an Applicative Functor

Suppose that Parser x is a parser that parses an x. This parser probably possesses a many combinator, that parses zero or more occurrences of something (stopping when the item parser fails).
I can see how one might implement that if Parser forms a monad. I can't figure out how to do it if Parser is only an Applicative Functor. There doesn't seem to be any way to check the previous result and decide what to do next (precisely the notion that monads add). What am I missing?
The Alternative type class provides the many combinator:
class Applicative f => Alternative f where
empty :: f a
(<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
many :: f a -> f [a]
some :: f a -> f [a]
some = some'
many = many'
many' a = some' a <|> pure []
some' a = (:) <$> a <*> many' a
The many a combinator means “zero or more” a.
The some a combinator means “one or more” a.
The some a combinator returns a list of one a followed by many a (i.e. 1 + (0 or more)).
The many a combinator returns either some a or an empty list (i.e. (1 or more) | 0).
The many combinator depends upon the (<|>) operator which can be viewed as the default operator in languages like JavaScript. For example, consider the Alternative instance of Maybe:
instance Alternative Maybe where
empty = Nothing
Nothing <|> r = r
l <|> _ = l
Essentially the (<|>) should return the left hand side value if it's truthy. Otherwise it should return the right hand side value.
A Parser is a data structure which is defined similarly to Maybe (the idea of applicative lexer combinators and parser combinators is essentially the same):
data Lexer a = Fail | Ok (Maybe a) (Vec (Lexer a))
If parsing fails, the Fail value is returned. Otherwise an Ok value is returned. Since Fail <|> pure [] is pure [], this is how the many combinator knows when to stop and return an empty list.
It can't be done just by using what is provided by Applicative. But Alternative has a function that gives you power beyond Applicative:
(<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
This function lets you "combine" two Alternatives without any restriction whatsoever on the a. But how? Something intrinsic to the particular functor f must give you a means to do that.
Typically, Alternatives require some notion of failure or emptiness. Like for parsers, where (<|>) means "try to parse this, if it fails, try this other thing". But this "dependence on a previous value" is hidden in the machinery implementing (<|>). It is not available to the external interface, so to speak.
From (<|>), one can implement a zero-or-one combinator:
optional :: Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)
optional v = Just <$> v <|> pure Nothing
The definitions of some an many are similar but they require mutually recursive functions.
Notice that there are Applicatives that aren't Alternatives. You can't make the Identity functor an Alternative, for example. How would you implement empty?
many is a class method of the Alternative class (link) which suggests that an general applicative functor does not always have a many implementation.

Creating a parser combinator of type Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (Either a b)

I want to parse some text in which certain fields have structure most of the time but occasionally (due to special casing, typos etc) this structure is missing.
E.g. Regular case is Cost: 5, but occasionally it will read Cost: 5m or Cost: 3 + 1 per ally, or some other random stuff.
In the case of the normal parser (p) not working, I'd like to fallback to a parser which just takes the whole line as a string.
To this end, I'd like to create a combinator of type Parser a -> Parser b -> Either a b. However, I cannot work out how to inspect the results of attempting to see if the first parser succeeds or not, without doing something like case parse p "" txt of ....
I can't see a build in combinator, but I'm sure there's some easy way to solve this that I'm missing
I think you want something like this
eitherParse :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (Either a b)
eitherParse a b = fmap Left (try a) <|> fmap Right b
The try is just to ensure that if a consumes some input and then fails, you'll backtrack properly. Then you can just use the normal methods for running a parser to yield Either ParseError (Either a b)
Which is quite easy to transform into your Either a b
case parse p "" str of
Right (Left a) -> useA a
Right (Right b) -> useB b
Left err -> handleParserError err
Try this: (<|>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
As a rule you could use it this way:
try p <|> q

Insert a character into parser combinator character stream in Haskell

This question is related to both Parsec and uu-parsinglib. When we write parser combinators, they process characters streams from compiler. Is it somehow possible to parse a character and put it back (or return another character back) to the input stream?
I want for example to parse input "test + 5", parse the t, e, s, t and after recognition of test pattern, put for example v character back into the character stream, so while continuating the parsing process we are matching against v + 5
I do not want to use this in any particular case for now - I want to deeply learn the possibilities.
I'm not sure if it's possible with these parsers directly, but in general you can accomplish it by combining parsers with some streaming that allows injecting leftovers.
For example, using attoparsec-conduit you can turn a parser into a conduit using
sinkParser :: (AttoparsecInput a, MonadThrow m)
=> Parser a b -> Consumer a m b
where Consumer is a special kind of conduit that doesn't produce any output, only receives input and returns a final value.
Since conduits support leftovers, you can create a helper method that converts a parser that optionally returns a value to be pushed into the stream into a conduit:
import Data.Attoparsec.Types
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Attoparsec
import Data.Functor
reinject :: (AttoparsecInput a, MonadThrow m)
=> Parser a (Maybe a, b) -> Consumer a m b
reinject p = do
(lo, r) <- sinkParser p
maybe (return ()) leftover lo
return r
Then you convert standard parsers to conduits using sinkParser and these special parsers using reinject, and then combine conduits instead of parsers.
I think the simplest way to archive this is to build a multi-layered parser. Think of a lexer + parser combination. This is a clean approach to this problem.
You have to separate the two kind of parsing. The search-and-replace parsing goes to the first parser and the build-the-AST parsing to the second. Or you can create an intermediate token representation.
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
parserLvl1 :: Parser String
parserLvl1 = many (try (string "test" >> return 'v') <|> anyChar)
parserLvl2 :: Parser Plus
parserLvl2 = do text1 <- many (noneOf "+")
char '+'
text2 <- many (noneOf "+")
return $ Plus text1 text2
data Plus = Plus String String
deriving Show
wholeParse :: String -> Either ParseError Plus
wholeParse source = do res1 <- parse parserLvl1 "lvl1" source
res2 <- parse parserLvl2 "lvl2" res1
return res2
Now you can parse your example. wholeParse "test+5" results in Right (Plus "v" "5").
Possible variations:
Create a class and an instance for combining wrapped parser stages. (Possibly carrying parser state.)
Create an intermediate representation, a stream of tokens
This is easily done in uu-parsinglib using the pSwitch function. But the question is why you want to do so? Because the v is missing from the input? In that case uu-parsinglib will perform error correction automatically so you do not need something like this. Otherwise you can write
pSwitch :: (st1 -> (st2, st2 -> st1)) -> P st2 a -> P st1 a
pInsert_v = pSwitch (\st1 -> (prepend v st2, id) (pSucceed ())
It depends on your actual state type how the v is actually added, so you will have to define the function prepend yourself. I do not know e.g. how such an insertion would influence the current position in the file etc.
Doaitse Swierstra
