Apps using firebase crash after 3-4 days of installing them on a device/simulator (iOS) - ios

I am somewhat new to developing apps for iOS and I have been creating a few demo projects in Xcode. My problem is the following:
I have been following a few tutorials from and I created an app using firebase, the app works fine for about 3-4 days of use. But after more time passes by, the application does not launch on my device or the simulator. I thought I must have done something wrong when I did the tutorials, so I did them again but the same thing happens after 3-4 days of installing the app. They immediately close after I try to launch them. However, they do work if I rebuild the app on my phone or on the simulator. I do not seem to understand why this happens. has anyone else come across this problem? Or is this a normal thing that happens until you upload the app via the app store? Thank you guys, hope someone here knows. Cheers!

in such case you can check your GoogleService-Info.plist file or get idea about what's wrong by check the App terminate reason printed in your output Console.


Flutter app crashes on launch only during Apple FlightTest

I had completed a Flutter app, which seems to work well in simulator. I then went on to release the initial version of the app to AppStore Connect and sent it to beta testers via TestFlight and they were able to test it without any issue and sent me some feedback.
I made a few changes to the app based on the feedback (nothing too drastic) and tested it throughly in the simulator which seems to work fine. But now when the users download the app via TestFlight it crashed while opening and I cant seem to fix it no matter what I try. Any help would be really appreciated
So far I have tried,
Followed this article letter to letter
Modify optimisation parameters in Build Settings as mentioned here
Tried this SO answer
Crash report from XCode is not much of use since it is not very readable (as attached in the picture).
Can't yet seem to find any reliable answer, Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Iphone App developed with KivyMD Crashing

I've created a game with KivyMD and currently I am testing it on iOS. I have tested the game on Android and it works flawlessly. The game builds successfully in XCode and once built, the game works fine on an iPhone. However, few days later, something seems to be going wrong and app starts to crash in iPhone. As soon as I launch the game, I see a black screen which appears to be a pre-splash. However, I haven't set a pre-splash for the game. If I rebuild the game in XCode again, it builds successfully with no errors and the app starts to work fine again for few more days and then it starts to crash. Can someone help me with the following?
Is there a way to look at the error message in some log file on iPhone when the app crashes?
Is there a debugging tool that I can use to troubleshoot when the app crashes?
Is there an iOS simulator app that I can use on my iMac to test the app?
XCode shows the build log as successful always. So, the app crashing appears to be a run-time error. Unfortunately, I am new to this and needs some help.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: You'll probably want to find a solution that is specific to Kivy. This answer may help. In fact, your question may be considered a duplicate:
Generally, I recommend Firebase Crashlytics for crash logs. If a crash occurs in your app, the stack trace and other helpful info will be uploaded to your Firebase console the next time the app is started. You can see all your crashes in the console. You will need to follow the instructions to integrate crashlytics into your app and then release a new build, but it's well worth it. This will allow you to get crash logs from all devices (testers, users, etc).
For crashes you can reproduce on your dev device, you can also retrieve the log directly:

Firebase console show this while choose Crashlytics with iOS "We'll be listening for your app to communicate with our servers"

Please guide me! Why Firebase console take much time to communicate with server. I'm waiting one and half hour to complete this takes. Anybody tell me what is the reason behind this issue or anyone facing this issue before.
Not show the Graph.
Please make your app force fully crash 2-3 times, after disconnecting your app from Xcode.
This is what worked for me.
In my case, I solved this problem by doing these steps:
Make sure you follows the all steps that mentioned in Firebase Documentation Crashlytics.
Use fatalError() for crash your app.
Uninstall App from simulator or Real Device
Run the app on Simulator or Real device then stop running.
And then Open the App that Install on Simulator or Real device.
Open Firebase Console project And Refresh it.
This can happen as a result of several different issues, however they're usually connected to your app being unable to make the proper call to the Crashlytics settings endpoint. You can either write in to Firebase support, or feel free to start a private thread with me, and I can check your apps settings in the Firebase backend.
if you followed all steps as per latest crashlytics documents!
try forcing a crash directly with button click on initial view instead of just building and running your app
use fatalError() for crash your app

iPhone App Close immediately after launching

I have an iPhone app and working fine . But some of(2 or 3) my customers arises a complaint that they are having issue opening the app in the iPhone . They have installed the app and when open the app it just closes out right away. Also tried restarting phone but it still does this.Also tried to delete the app and then reinstall it but this still happens.
Is this any thing i can do in my app to prevent this ? Or how they can solve this problem ?
Is there any more information you could give regarding the nature of the crash? Have you recreated this scenario in Xcode and gotten an error message?
The best I can think to tell you is to look in the app delegate. That is where your app looks first, so there is some kind of uncaught error happening.
Maybe the app is trying to use some piece of data right at launch and it's not there. Maybe you are trying to use something before it is initialized.
Is your app using any 3rd party frameworks right at launch? If so, maybe something changed with the library.
If it is happening on some iPhones and not others, perhaps you are using some framework or function that is not compatible with an older version of iOS.
Perhaps there is something in common among the kind of devices the app crashes on.
Another thought, does your app ask for any permissions? Such as using the user's location. If it does, and there is a spot in your code where you assume you have permission and you don't perhaps that could cause a crash.
Hope this helps.
P.S. just read the comments to your question. They have some good advice. I would try what they are suggesting.

ios Bug fix works locally but isn't working live

I worked on some bugs for an app and the fixes seemed to work fine on the simulators and physical devices I tested them on. Now that the update has gone live though, I have reports from users saying the same bugs still exist. I downloaded the app from the app store instead of loading it from xcode and indeed the bugs are still there. Has anyone one else ran into this issue? If so do you have any idea if it is a problem with xcode, ios, the app store, or something else?
I've done some more looking around about '.ipa'. Is it possible that the live '.ipa' is different from the one that was submitted?
