Z3 infinite loop from KLEE - z3

I have a modified version of KLEE and an essentially simple query
(assert (= 173 (str.len "OREN"))) (meant to be false).
When I invoke the Z3 solver I get stuck in an infinite loop
(haven't waited forever though :]) inside the following while statement in
while (!frame_stack().empty())
I've posted it as a potential bug in GitHub/Z3Prover/z3/issues
but I'm not at all sure it is indeed a bug. Any help is very much appreciated, thanks!

From the answer in GitHub/Z3Prover/z3/issues:
KLEE uses the C API but uses wrapper classes to correctly do reference counting.
However what I did back at the time was:
called the Z3 C API without using KLEE's wrapper class: Z3ASTHandle
That made things go (very) wrong ...


How to understand what z3 is doing when it loops?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to debug z3. Is there a way to see what the SMT engine is "trying" to make it easier to understand why it's failing to see a solution that seems obvious and where it's devoting it's time instead?
As an example in my particular circumstance, I'm working with a recursive function and setting z3 to find inputs where the function has a certain result. SMT was timing out, yadda yadda yadda, turns out the thing I was recursing on had a base case of 0, but if it ever went negative, it'd recurse forever. Z3 didn't know not to pick a negative number, so it'd get stuck. I figured that out by staring at the code, but if I had some output somewhere that said "trying i == -10, trying i == -11, etc" it'd be very obvious what was going wrong.
I'm continuing to have less obvious issues, and I suspect Z3 is still getting stuck in loops. How can I see the loop it's getting stuck in?
It is unfortunately very difficult to find out why exactly Z3 is running forever, but typical culprits are matching loops due to bad patterns (a quantifier instantiations yields new ground terms that trigger another instantiations, and so on) and non-linear arithmetic.
The Z3 axiom profiler, described in this paper can help with identifying problems due to too many quantifier instantiations.

Does ctx-solver-simplify (and similar tactics) produce equivalent formulas, or just SAT-equivalent, or am I doing things completely wrong?

I'm trying to make z3 (I'm using z3py) to simplify some formulas for me (so that I can have more or less human-readable output). Using ctx-solver-simplify tactic seemed a good choice for me since in a couple of passes it would produce nice compact formulas. But soon I've run into a situation when the output of ctx-solver-simplify does not seem to be equivalent to the original formula (it looks more like being satisfiability-equivalent or so). Also, it might be the case that I'm not dealing with tactics correctly.
Here's what I was trying to do: http://rise4fun.com/Z3Py/g5sX. So, I construct a formula Set2 (everything before the definition of Set2 is just a setup needed to define it) which has a particular satisfying assignment. After applying ctx-solver-simplify, I get a single formula (as a goal) for which this assignment is not satisfying. So what am I dong wrong?
Am I wrong assuming that ctx-solver-simplify would produce an equivalent formula?
Am I handling the tactics and their output in the wrong way?
Anything else?
I have been looking into this, but have so far been unable to reproduce the bug directly
with our current branch. A bug in the context simplifier was fixed a little while ago, and it could
be manifesting itself with the online version of Z3.
There are still a few things I can do to double check if we can reproduce the bug
and I will update this post with what I find.

what's the difference between "simplify" and "ctx-solver-simplify" in z3

since current version, there is some problem in "ctx-solver-simplify"like in the example http://rise4fun.com/Z3/CqRv z3 gives the wrong answer. I replace "ctx-solver-simplify" by "simplify" like http://rise4fun.com/Z3/x9X4
I am wondering, what's the difference between these two tactic "simplify" and "ctx-solver-simplify"?
The tactic simplify only performs "local simplifications". For every term t, we have that simplify(t) is a new term equivalent to t. Moreover, the result of simplify(t) does not depend on the context where t occurs. By context, I meant the assertion F where t occurs and all other assertions. Since, simplify is local, it is very efficient. The implementation is essentially based on a bottom up application of simplification rules. Moreover, since the result of simplify(t) does not depend on contextual information, we can cache it. Thus, even if t occurs N times in a formula F, we only need to simplify it once. All builtin solvers in Z3 apply this kind of simplification. Thus, tactics such as simplify have been extensively tested.
The tactic ctx-solver-simplify uses the context where t occurs to apply simplifications. The basic idea is to simplify a formula F by traversing it using a solver S. The solver S essentially contains the "context". Whenever S.check() returns unsat, we know the current context is inconsistent, then we can replace the current formula by false. The ctx-solver-simplify is much more expensive. First, it performs many calls to S.check(). Each one of these calls is potentially very expensive. It is also much harder to cache intermediate results. Z3 may have to simplify a subformula t many times because it occurs in different contexts.
The bug you reported in your question have been fixed. The fix will be available in the next release (version 4.1). If you need we can provide you a pre-release version of Z3 4.1

Z3 4.0: get complete model

I need a complete model of an SMTLIB2 formula:
Z3 (version 3.2 and 4.0) returns values for all variables but not for var4. I tried some configuration settings like
but it did not seem to work. Does anybody have a suggestion? CVC3 in comparison returns a model (including var4), so it is not an issue of SMTLIB or my example.
The reason I need this is explained here in detail. In short: I want to use the C API for incremental solving. For this reason I have to use the function Z3_parse_smtlib2_string multiple times. This function needs previously declared functions and constants as parameters. I am unable to get this information via Z3_get_smtlib_decl because these kind of functions work just when z3_parse_smtlib_string is called, not Z3_parse_smtlib2_string.
You can avoid this problem by adding the following option in the beginning of your script.
(set-option :auto-config false)
I will fix it for the next release.
Here is a short explanation of what is going on.
Z3 has a solver for 0-1 integer problems. After preprocessing, your script is tagged as a 0-1 integer problem by Z3. The value of var4 is a "don't care" when the problem is viewed as a 0-1 problem, but it is not a "don't care" when the problem is viewed as an integer problem (var4 must be 0 or 1). By default, Z3 will not display the value of "don't care" variables.
The MODEL_COMPLETION=true will complete the model as you request values for constants that are not included in the model. For example, if we execute (eval var4), Z3 will produce an interepretation for var4.

Z3: A better way to model?

I've two SMT problem instances. The first is here:
Z3 returns a model for this problem in about 2 minutes on my not-so-great machine, which is great.. I also have this one:
I've ran z3 overnight on this problem, without Z3 completing. If you check the contents of these files, you'll see that the second one is identical to the first, except it has an extra assertion to "reject" the model returned by the first instance. (You can do a "diff" between them to see what I mean.) I happen to know that this problem has multiple satisfying models, and I'm trying to use z3 to find all satisfying models.
I understand that this might be completely expected, but I was curious to know why the second one is a much tougher problem for Z3 compared to the first. Is there a better way to formulate the second problem so Z3 will have an easier time?
It is hard to give you a precise answer without knowing more about your application.
As you suggested, modeling plays a big role in the logic you are using: AUFBV.
The strategy used by Z3 also has a big impact on the overall performance.
Z3 comes equipped with several builtin strategies. It has many parameters that can be used to influence the search.
Z3 also has a strategy specification language. This is a new feature. I’m not advertising it because it is working in progress, and the language will most likely change in the next versions.
You can access more information about the strategy language by executing the commands:
(help check-sat-using)
That being said, there is a builtin strategy in Z3 that seems to be effective on your problem.
It is the strategy used for the logic UFBV. Your problem uses arrays, but they can be avoided by transforming table0 into a function with two arguments:
(declare-fun table0 ((_ BitVec 64) (_ BitVec 64)) (_ BitVec 8))
And replacing every term of the form (select (table0 s65) t) with (table0 s65 t) where t is an arbitrary term.
Finally, you must also add the command (set-logic UFBV) in the beginning of the file. With this setting, I managed to generate 4 different models for your query.
I didn’t try to generate more than that. Each call consumed approx 75 secs.
