How to animate centered square to the top - ios

I have a UIView in a portrait-only app.
The view is centered vertically and horizontally with AutoLayout ("manually" using storyboards).
The width equals the (main)view.width * 0.9
The height is the same size of the width (it is a square).
I want to tap a button inside this UIView and animate it only vertically until it reaches the top border of the screen (eg. height*0.9, 10 pts, whatever is possible).
When I click again, I want to reposition back the view to its original position (centered as it was when I first tapped).
During the transition the square should not be tappable.
After reading many posts I could not understand what's the best way to do this (I red mainly developers saying old techniques using centerX should be avoided and lamentations about some versions of the SO behaving in strange ways).
I suppose I should find a way to get the current "position" of the constraints and to assign a constraint the "final" position, but I was not able to do it.
Any help is appreciated

You are all going the wrong way about this.
Add one constraint that pins the view to the top, and add one constraint that pins the view to centerY. It will complain, so pick one and disable it (I think the property in Interface Builder is called Installed).
If the initial state is the view in the center, disable the constraint that pins it to the top, and viceversa.
Now write IBOutlets for both constraints in your controller and connect them to those constraints. Make sure the declaration of that variable is not weak, otherwise the variable will become nil when the constraint is disabled.
Whenever you want to toggle your animation you can enable one constraint and disable the other.
#IBOutlet var topConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
#IBOutlet var centerConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
func toggleState(moveToTop: Bool) {
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25) {
self.topConstraint.isActive = moveToTop
self.centerConstraint.isActive = !moveToTop

While you can use Autolayout to animate - to take the constraint constraining the centerY and set its constant to a value that would move to the top (e.g., constant = -(UIScreen.main.bounds.height / 2)), I would recommend using view's transform property.
So to move the view to the top you can use:
let topMargin = CGFloat(20)
let viewHalfHeight = self.view.bounds.height / 2
let boxHalfHeight = / 2
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {
box.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
.translatedBy(x: 0, y: -(viewHalfHeight - (boxHalfHeight + topMargin)))
You are moving related to the - so if you want to move the box to the top, you have to move its center by half a view's height (because the view's centerY is exactly height / 2 far from the view's top). That is not enough though, because then only a bottom half of the box is visible (now the box.centerY == Therefore you have to move it back by the box.bounds.height / 2 (in my code boxHalfHeight) - to make the top half visible. And to that boxHalfHeight you add topMargin so that there is some margin to the top.
Then, to move the box back to original position:
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {
box.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
If you really want to go with autolayout, you have to have a reference to the centerY constraint, so for example if it is created this way:
let boxCenterYConstraint = self.view.centerYAnchor)
boxCenterYConstraint.isActive = true
Then you can try this:
// calculating the translation is the same
let topMargin = CGFloat(20)
let viewHalfHeight = self.view.bounds.height / 2
let boxHalfHeight = / 2
let diff = -(viewHalfHeight - (boxHalfHeight + topMargin))
boxCenterYConstraint.constant = diff
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {
And animation back:
boxCenterYConstraint.constant = 0
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {


Change width UIView by animation and center

I have a view and need change width from 100 to 200 by animation.
UIView.animate(withDuration: 5
,animations: {
self.backgroundPlaceHolderView.frame.size.width += 200
when running this code, my view change width, but I need a change in width from the center, but this code increase view to the right
If you really need to do it with frames, here's a code snippet:
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1, animations: {
self.backgroudPlaceHolderView.frame.origin.x -= 100
self.backgroudPlaceHolderView.frame.size.width += 200
If you moved from manipulating the frame to manipulating constraints this would be easier and cleaner in my opinion.
In the InterfaceBuilder (or programmatically) center your UIView horizontally.
Outlet your width constraint (which would begin at 100).
When you want to increase the width of your UIView you can do the following;
view.layoutIfNeeded() // always make sure any pending layout changes have happened
widthConstraint.constant = 200
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: {
Autolayout will take care of the rest for you. Your view is centered horizontally so it should expand from the center.
You should have that backgroundPlaceHolderView constrained on the centerX. It's probably anchored on the left.

Animate NSLayoutConstraints multiplier and/or isActive state

I want to animate a constraint changing for a custom view.
I've tried ways similar to this:
if widthConstraint.isActive {
widthConstraint.isActive = false
widthConstraintA.isActive = true
} else {
widthConstraintA.isActive = false
widthConstraint.isActive = true
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1) {
the same for the multiplier (recreating a new constraint like here Can i change multiplier property for NSLayoutConstraint? ). But all states change instantly.
Is there any method that helps to create smooth interpolated animation between two states?
Yes there is suppose that a view1 in storyboard has a width constraint to the main view (self.view in code) like this
view1Width = view * 0.7 + constant
instead of creating 2 constraints and switching between them by changing Active property ORRR [by deactivating current constraint with old multiplier and creating a new one with a new multiplier] leave it 1 constraint and play with it's constant
suppose i want to change view1 multiplier to be 0.9 instead of 0.7
I may do this
self.view1Width.constant += self.view.frame.size.width * 0.2
same you do for subtraction
with this idea you haven't need to be stuck in how to animate active on/off but you still use

Auto Layout how to move the view2 from right to the bottom?

I have two views in the cell at the left UIImageView and at the right UIView Containing some other views as in picture
Now I want if the width of Cell is => 300 then View2 should be at the right of Screen as it is in picture other wise it should be moved to the bottom of View1
Do one thing. Set another constraints for that view
1) leading to main view
2) top to imageview (you can give this constraint by right click from view to drag imageview then vertical spacing.)
Now give outlets for this two constraints programatically.
And also give outlets for constraints which are:
1) leading from view to imageview
2) top of view.
Now as per your requirement,set if condition
if(width => 300)
topOfViewToImageviewConstraint.isActive = false
leadingOfViewToMainViewConstraint.isActive = false
leadingOfViewToImageViewConstraint.isActive = false
topOfviewToMainView.isActive = false
leadingOfViewToMainViewConstraint.constant = 0
topOfViewToImageviewConstraint.constant = 20
This will work. I am not currently in Xcode, so this is just some sample code, but the idea will work.
in cellForRowAt
check if self.tableView.cellForRowAt(IndexPath.row).frame.width => 300
if it is, make no change, but if it is not find the y coordinate of the bottom of view 1 and make a new rect at (x: 0, y: botOfView1, width, height). Then set the frame of view 2 equal to that.

Swift 3: Get distance of button to bottom of screen

I want to get the distance of a button to the bottom of the screen in Swift 3.
I can see the correct value in the Storyboard when I look at the distance (alt key) but unfortunately I am not able to calculate it manually.
The value I am looking for is the same as the constant in the "Vertical Spacing to Bottom Layout" constraint for the button.
view.frame.maxY - randomButton.frame.maxY
gave me a value way too high.
view.frame.size.height - (button.frame.size.height + button.frame.origin.y)
I think its ok! Hope it helps
If your button is not a direct successor of the view controller's view (aka, the hierarchy is something like ViewController's View -> SomeOtherView->Button), you won't get the right math by simply using frames. You will have to translate the button's Y-position to the coordinate space of the window object or your view controller's main view.
Take a look at this question: Convert a UIView origin point to its Window coordinate system
let realOrigin = someView.convert(button.frame.origin, to: self.view)
Then apply the math suggested by Lucas Palaian.
let bottomSpace = view.frame.maxY - (button.frame.height + realOrigin.y)
Another work around, in case something really wild and wierd is going on there, is to drag and drop an outlet of the button's bottom constraint. (Select the constraint from the view hierarchy in Interface Builder, hold the control key and drag the constraint to your view controller.) Then in your code you can access the constant.
let bottomSpace = myButtonBottomConstraint.constant
Use this to have it from the bottom of the button to the bottom of the view (Tested):
view.frame.size.height - randomButton.frame.size.height/2 - randomButton.frame.origin.y
I needed to find the distance from the bottom edge of the UICollectionView
to the bottom edge of the screen.
This code works for me:
#IBOutlet weak var collectionView: UICollectionView!
private var bottomSpace = CGFloat()
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
bottomSpace = UIScreen.main.bounds.height - collectionView.frame.maxY
This method is called several times it gives the correct result.

Swift: removefromSuperview removes constraints

Currently working on some swift program and I've a call to action where I remove a blurview from the superview and at the same time I'm animating 2 buttons.
Everything works like it should but there is one small problem. When I remove the blurview from my superview the constraints on my 2 buttons are being set to 0 on the bottom and animating from that position.
I don't want them to shift to 0. If I don't remove the blurview my animation is working perfectly. I've checked if my button constraints are related to the blurview, but that isn't the case. Because I assumed that it could only reset my constraints when they are relative to the blurview.
My storyboard looks the following:
|-> camera_view
|-> blur_view
|-> record_label
|-> record_button
The code that I'm executing is the following:
#IBAction func recordButton(sender: AnyObject) {
UIButton.animateWithDuration(0.3, delay: 0.2, options: .CurveEaseOut, animations: {
var recordButtonFrame = self.recordButton.frame
var recordLabelFrame = self.recordLabel.frame
recordButtonFrame.origin.y -= recordButtonFrame.size.height
recordLabelFrame.origin.y -= recordLabelFrame.size.height
self.recordButton.frame = recordButtonFrame
self.recordLabel.frame = recordLabelFrame
}, completion: { finished in
print("Button moved")
What am I doing wrong?
Kind regards,
Instead of removing blurView from superview you could hide it.
self.blurView?.hidden = true
The problem is that you're animating frames while using constraints. You should be animating constrain changes / constraint constant value changes.
When you don't remove the view the layout isn't recalculated so your frame animation 'works'. It isn't correct and will get reorganised at some point in the future.
When you remove the view the layout is recalculated and everything moves around before your animation starts.
You don't give details of your constraints but it seems likely that you should be animating constraints before removing the view, then removing and ensuring the constraints are all sane on completion.
