Is there any Fourier transform Function in Appcelerator? - ios

I am trying to take the FFT of an image inside an application for iOS and android. I was wondering if there is a built in function in appcelerator.
If not, What is the easiest way to implement it.

Appcelerator is a company. What you're trying to find is a function for Titanium. It actually is even easier than that. Titanium is build in JavaScript, and it supports nodejs packages and uses the commonjs approach.
So any commonjs module, or nodejs package (that doesn't rely on the nodejs core packages) are supported by Titanium.


Using dart pigeon in a federated model

I"m looking at converting a dart package ( to a federated model using pigeon.
The documentation around combing these two pieces is a little sparse.
Looking at the video_player sample ( seems to suggest a federated model as the web platform is separate.
However both the android and ios packages are part of the main package.
Is this just an historical artefact or do the ios and android packages still need to be part of the main plugin?
If they can be separated out what is the correct package(s) structure?
Are then any open source plugins that use pigeon in a fully federated model that could be used as samples?
Having the iOS and Android projects inside of the main package is the standard as of now. I looks like there's discussion around generating federated plugins when running flutter create.
There is an article on the url_launcher federated plugin model refactor which is helpful for figuring out the FS structure:
As far as Pigeon is concerned, because Pigeon is in pre-release and the federated plugin design is fairly new, I doubt there are any fully federated open source packages using Pigeon. However it seems like your message spec would be owned by the my_plugin_platform_interface package and the generated code would be copied over to your platform specific package e.g. my_plugin_ios, my_plugin_android, my_plugin_macos, etc.
Hope that's of some use.
Why is video_player's android and iOS code not federated?
Is this just an historical artefact or do the ios and android packages still need to be part of the main plugin?
It appears to either be:
a convenience: flutter create will create a package easily with android/ios boilerplate
historical artefact: They might have created the package before federated plugins were released. (This is why people have requested the flutter create plugin template to generated a federated plugin automatically).
Correct package structure
If they can be separated out what is the correct package(s) structure?
They can be separated out.
For pigeon specifically, you can put the Dart generated code (from Pigeon) in your Platform specific interface, and your Native platform generated code (from Pigeon) in your platform specific package.
In your platform specific package, you should declare it to be a federated plugin (see docs and url_launcher), where url_launcher is the app facing package in that example:
implements: url_launcher
pluginClass: UrlLauncherPlugin
fileName: url_launcher_macos.dart
Example package
If you take a look at url_launcher, all platforms have federated plugin packages.
Why federate
The advantage of creating a separate platform specific package is that a user can override the default implementation. For video_player, a user cannot override Android or iOS implementation because it is in the app-facing package.
More reading
After writing the above, I found this GitHub issue which goes over a lot of our concerns:

How to use HighCharts dart library in Flutter app?

I'm looking into using HighCharts Dart library to build visualisation for my flutter app. Base on the example here, I'm not too sure how to integrate it into the flutter app.
After looking around, it seems like there isn't chart library for flutter app, other than building from scratch. Do you know if this issue has been addressed or still in progress?
Thanks for your time!
I know your looking for direct integration, but you can use the node export server.
How I use it is, I post to highchairs on the server, get the SVG, and display that in flutter. It's not as nice as local, but it works for a good number of use cases.
The same technique can be applied using any server-side SVG chart renderer.

Is any possibilities to use ANT UI Design in Electron Desktop App Framework?

I have found so many facility to use javascript, Angular, material design ui with Electron App Framework, I would like to know, is there any possibilities to use ANT UI for my desktop application? At-least some work around.
The short answer is yes. Electron provides an entire NodeJS environment and allows you to use common Node, Javascript and React toolsets.
In fact, Electron is listed as an officially supported environment on their Github page.
That being said, it's a very diverse library so there might be occurrences where a particular component is not supported or might need tweaking to be compatible with the Electron environment.
The company I work for actually had to do this for a project we're working on so I can officially confirm that it works great.

Run OpenCV Viz on iOS

Is it possible to port my existing Viz3d-based visualisation to iOS? It is using VTK under the hood so in theory, it should be doable since VTK can run on iOS.
If yes, is there a working example of this, or can you provide one?

Any way to use some Scala for iOS coding?

I want to be able to use Scala to code iOS programs. Any tools available for this ?
You can run JavaScript on iOS, so you could compile your Scala to JavaScript using Scala.js. This has obvious huge limitations - I wouldn't want to try to code actual native iOS UI - but might be practical for some cross-platform logic. Combining this with React Native might be interesting.
There's also Scala Native as of a couple months ago; that should probably run on iOS. It's not ready for production use, but keep an eye on it.
Well, now you can use RoboVM - a Java library for native IOS development
See also:
an SBT plugin for RoboVM
A blog post aboute Scala development for IOS
Not today, but it may be close:
But, while Apple directly opposes the use of the JVM on iOS devices, it will make little sense to go that way (it's still early days). You will run into one obstacle after another, and won't have any guarantee that the code you write today, will run on the iOS of tomorrow.
Sit on the sideline with your Android, Ubuntu and popcorn, and let the big guys fight it out.
In the meantime.... you can write a thin front-end in PhoneGap (which works on most modern mobile devices), your services with Spray and have fun with your back-end in Scala.
I recently developed a toolchain based on IKVM and MonoTouch that allows you to develop iOS apps in Scala. I put together a demo of the toolchain here:
Currently Codename One doesn't have builtin support for Scala but it supports Kotlin reasonably well. There is a blog post here that covers the process of adapting Codename One to support other JVM languages. By doing that you can instantly get support for other platforms such as iOS, UWP, JavaScript/Web, Android & desktop mac/windows for free.
The core of Codename One which includes the VM's, API's and most of the tools is open source.
