Spring SAML Application using two IDPs and different URLs - spring-security

I can’t seem to figure out how to use two different IDPS and 2 different applications URLs. I had this working on weblogic but not with a spring boot application using the spring saml security.
One important part is that we have two different URLs.
Proxy URL for external users. They must use this URL as they are not in the network.
a. These users hit IDP-A
Internal URL for internal users.
b. These users hit IDP-B
The metadata we sent to the each of the IDPs use the same entity ID but different endpoint URLs.
One thing we did was turn on discovery and where able to hit each IDP but it always redirects us to the internal URL. I noticed that AssertionConsumerServiceUrl is always set to the internal URL, which explains why it is returned to is the same. In our weblogic implementation we do not send AssertionConsumerServiceUrl.
Can we exclude AssertionConsumerServiceUrl?
Do you know if the configuration I am attempting to do is even possible?

you can autowire the MetadataManager bean in your service and then call the addMetadataProvider to inititate a metadata.
You can get the entityId from the Metadata Obtained from IDP and can append to the url :
'http:///saml/login?idp=' by hitting this url it will redirect you to appropriate IDP login.


Mapping swagger page to APIM

I have an existing site which I want to use APIM with and I have successfully mapped my APIs across to APIM. However, I have a swagger page which I just want to be available in the same domain as APIM. How can I do this? The swagger page is:
I want this to come across as something like
My apis in APIM are of the form so I want the swagger to match the same domain
This can be done with a few caveats depending on how complex your web page is:
Create an API with URL suffix of "swagger"
Optionally uncheck "Require subscription" from that API to make it anonymous
Create inner operation with URL template of "/" and GET method
Add policies to operation inbound:
<set-backend-service base-url="https://mysite.azurewebsites.net" />
<rewrite-uri template="/api/swagger/index.html" />
Test and adjust
That will take care of the page itself. There will be problems if page uses cookies or references external scripts/images via relative URIs. Cookies will be a problem because they'll come with domain set to "mysite.azurewebsites.net", so you need to take care of this in policies.
Resources with relative URLs are problem because browser will make additional requests to your APIM service with those URLs, so you'll need to create additional operations to cover those requests. Using * in operation template might help cover multiple resources.

Spring SAML default consure URL | modify

I am trying to integrate SAML SSO for spring boot app, however, I want to configure the SAML response URL (consumer URL redirected by idp), to something other url, ex: /example/SAMLConsumer
Is is possible?
Yes, this is possible.
In the WebSSOProcessorFilter use the setFilterProcessUrl('desired_url')
make sure the filter added to the chain is mapped to same url pattern desired_url/**
re-generate Service Provider metadata (in case this is not automated generation).

Deny access to a rails route if request does not originate from app

I have a route in my application that returns results from an LDAP query. I'm using a privileged account for this as it needs to return information that a regular account can't access.
Is there a way to deny users access to this route if they're not using it via one of the application's views? What I'm trying to prevent is a someone reverse engineering it and building their own app to gain access to the PII.
There is no reliable way to say this request originated from this view vs. this request originated from (e.g.) the command line.
An HTTP URL request doesn't have a verifiable source of origination. There is a "referrer" HTTP header which is intended for saying where the previous request originated, but it is not for security and completely spoofable, and not even always included in the request.
Somehow you'll need to authenticate the request. Don't invent your own way. Use devise or some other tested tool to build an authentication strategy, and figure out how to modify your application to work with existing conventions of HTTP request authentication (secure token, cookie based auth, etc.)

Linkedin OAuth2.0 : How to configure OAuth 2.0 Redirect URL with a wildcard subdomain url for a multi tenant application

I am trying to configure a LinkedIn application for a multi tenant site. I will have 20+ tenants using the same application and the number is going to increase every time.
As per Linkedin API documentation (https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/oauth2) we need to ensure following points
We strongly recommend using HTTPS whenever possible
URLs must be
absolute (e.g. "https://example.com/auth/callback", not
URL arguments are ignored (i.e.
https://example.com/?id=1 is the same as https://example.com/)
cannot include #'s (i.e.
"https://example.com/auth/callback#linkedin" is invalid)
Can i configure redirect url as https://*.mysite.com/auth/linkedin/callback instead of specifying url of each tenant separately.
You cannot do a subdomain based wild card mapping as the IP should know the RP.
You can change the logic after you get the authorization callback, so you set the cookie and then you will have to redirect the user back to the tenant URL instead of the base URL.
Anyway, after successful authorization, you will be redirecting the user to an action, just figure out the subdomaina and the construct the URL and do the redirection
Since the use of the URL or other approaches seem to be a hack, can you please try to have a facade like application (or Gateway like one) that has a URL that is registered in linkedin and then on receiving the response, it can use a state or other factor to redirect to the tenant URL. This can use a 302 and it will be invisible unless the user is on a very slow network. This approach does not require any hack like approach.
Here state can be a function that takes a tenant info and generates a dynamic hash that is stored for tracking and redirection.

Dropbox OAuth 2 dynamic return URL

The Dropbox OAuth 2 requires me to set a return URL. Is it possible to implement the OAuth 2 flow with a dynamic return URL?
Background on why I need the return_url to be dynamic: The flow works great if the integration is through a website, however I am working on a product which is managed through a web console, and typically users will access it using the private IP on the unit. This IP is something I cannot know in advance.
Possible Solutions if dynamic return URLs aren't possible:
I host a cloud service of some sort to act as a broker --- the broker is a fixed URL and I relay back the access code to the device.
Use OAuth 1, which doesn't seem to have this restriction.
Florent's comment is correct, this isn't currently possible, as all OAuth 2 redirect URIs are required to be pre-registered as a matter of security. I'll be sure to pass this along as feedback though.
As mentioned though, one thing you may be able to do instead is to use one static redirect URI but encode the necessary information in the 'state' parameter, and decode it as necessary after the redirect back to your app, to handle it as necessary:
Alternatively, you can use OAuth 1, which doesn't require pre-registered redirect URIs. Edit: note that OAuth 1 is only available for API v1, which is now deprecated.
