Authorized JavaScript origins not working localhost - oauth

Authorized JavaScript origins not working while Create client ID. i am trying to integrate google login from in my html page .. my localhost path is http://localhost/charts/ .. while adding http://localhost/charts/ to Authorized JavaScript origins files textbox showing error like this:Origin URIs must not contain a path or end with "/": http://localhost/charts/..
if any one can help me... here i am sending error screenshot

Try this will work http://localhost
hope this will helps you.

Please try removing /charts from the URL

I had a similar issue when trying to follow up a quickstart. I added http://localhost:8000 to Authorized Javascript origins, and then I went right after to load my browser - it didn't work. However it worked after 5 minutes or so. I guess you have to give it some time for the changes on the dashboard to take effect.
Some tips that might help:
Check if you are using a port and include it on the URIs.
Check your browser console for possible error information.
In my case I used python dev local server (http.server) to serve my app.


Doorkeeper client server

On railscast epidose "#353 OAuth with Doorkeeper", it has no client application set up. How to set up client application server to avoid the This webpage is not available on browser, instead return something.
I've already tried the following found on this link, but it still doesn't work for me.
Refer this repository by RyanB.

Rails 4.1 analytics and site verification

My site is in Rails 4.1.7 and is hosted in Ninefold.
I want to verify and add Google Analytics to it.
I tried uploading html file in public folder, no go.
I tried creating controller and route, didn't work.
I tried a couple of solutions that were supposed to do a workaround in turbolinks and added the analytics script to the footer. Didn't work
Any ideas?
I must add that in the first two solutions, the html / action were accessible through the browser call but not through external links (when you try to verify, it gives you a link in webmasters tools), which has led me to believe it's a csrf situation, where rails blocks incoming connections from other websites.
UPDATE: I have this solution live, analytics shows me some data but site verification still does not work.
UPDATE 2: Ok, i solved it. The problem was that i had stated the domain as in Ninefold and forgot about it, and then i was trying to verify in Google. Solved by adding the extra domain and verifying both of them.

Static images and CSS not showing (401) but bundled css and js do

We just deployed an ASP.NET MVC 4 webapp in production and are experimenting a strange behavior : the app works but images are not showing and part of the CSS is not loading.
When analyzing the HTTP requests, I can see that :
requests to images (*.png) fail with a 401 status code
requests to css files fail with a 401 status code
requests to bundled resources (*.js / *.css) are successful.
The application has worked properly in our Dev/Integration/Staging and Pre-Prod environment so I expect it to be some IIS configuration trick ....
We have already checked that :
only anonymous authentication is enabled in IIS
the IIS Pool user has Read access to the resources
I should add that some old HTTP modules are also configured (they take care of redirecting the user to some login page if he is not authenticated ...)
(I don't know whether this is relevant, but the app fails with HTTP status 401 when accessing its root Url (virtual directory) without the trailing slash ... i.e. https://{the domain}/{WebApp Name} fails but https://{the domain}/{WebApp Name}/ works fine)
Any clue about what might be going on ?
Thanks !
I was able to fix it by..
Navigating to folder that has css files in IIS
Double click "Authentication" icon on "Features View"
Right click Anonymous Authentation as shown in the pic and select Edit
Select "Application pool identity" option as shown in the pic
Restart the website
I could finally figure it out ...
Anonymous authentication was enabled (and using default config implying that the user seen by the code is the user IUSR).
The files for the web app were not stored locally where IIS is installed, but on some sort of network shared drive ....
In that place, IUSR had no read permissions, and could therefore not read the static resources.
I had to change the default "pass-though authentication", specifying that local execution is not done as the "authenticated users" (IUSR in that case).
In the WebApp Basic Settings in IIS, do not use "pass-throuh" authentication, use "Connect as"
HTTP 401: Not authorized
What this means is that your images and css files are in a folder which requires authorization, and the web site user is not authorized to see them.
You can use:
List item web.config location elements
or create specific web.config for the css and images folders, and allow anonymous access
Setting authorization rules for a particular page or folder in web.config
Struggled with this as well... Solved it by using #Styles.Render("Location_and_Name_of_CSS_file") inside my shared view as opposed to the HTML "link" tag
Hope this helps somebody
In my case none of the above was enough to fix the issue. After spending almost whole day on this I've found out that I also had to change my View to use #Url helper.
Before I had:
<img src="/Home/RetrieveImage" alt="" width="200" height="200">
It worked if I accessed via direct Url http://localhost/{applicationname}/Home/RetrieveImage but did not load the image on Index View as it should (error 401).
I changed it to:
img src="#Url.Action("RetrieveImage")" alt="" width="200" height="200"
and issue got resolved.
To get this working with pass-through authentication:
Set app pool identity to NetworkService user
Set Connect As to "Application user" on IIS site
Open the physical path and add read permissions for "NETWORK SERVICE and [local machine]\Users"
Although the app pool is set up to user NetworkService, local\Users also requires read access to the physical path.
You can also try running IIS as Administrator.

Connection Reset on long urls ($_GET) WAMP

I have an application under Yii, and I have this problem regarding my urls.
With the Yii CGridView, when we filter, the application passes an ajax GET request to the server in a form of a very long url. example:
With Firefox or Chrome's firebug, it doenst show any errors, just a failed status. Upon reviewing, it gives off a status of connection reset.
I am running the application in Windows, under WAMP.
With other urls (non yii) (
I think I did it.
I managed to fix the issue by making the URL of the paginations to use the default get parameter url symbols (? and &). I did this by placing a 'appendParams'=>FALSE to the UrlManager of the application.
It is fixed now and hopefully somebody will find this helpful.

Why is meta refresh redirect no longer working and how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
I have a website built in Ruby on Rails. My site has a webpage, located at, that you can use to enter a separate Community area (an off-the-shelf bulletin board called bbPress.)
I want users who type in the URL to be redirected to . It used to work this way, but for some reason, the redirect no longer works in any browser but IE.
We accomplished this redirect by placing an index.html file in the /community folder where bbPress had been installed. The entire code for the index.html file reads
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">
Back when we built the site, I was told that a meta refresh redirect using an index.html file was the best option. The redirect had to address ONLY a single page ( and not all of the sublevels of the community bb (which lives at Otherwise, the community bb and all of its sublevels would be redirected.
So... my questions:
Why is the meta refresh redirect not working anymore?
How can I fix it?
Thanks again for any help you can offer!
If it's only working in IE, it's possible there's a script or parsing issue that's breaking other browsers. I would run the HTML through a validator like
Meta-refresh is a legacy practice that is now discouraged -- the wikipedia entry contains more info and links to alternative solutions:
Here's what happened according to my developer. I don't fully understand the explanation, so I'm not sure I can answer follow-up questions! "With the old mongrel cluster, Apache would recognize "/community" as a directory, silently forward to "/community/", which would then pick up the forwarding index.html file. With Phusion Passenger," which I guess we're using now, "Apache sends the request directly to Passenger if "/community" is not a regular file, and Passenger was returning the 404 error. As a fix, we've disabled passenger in the community folder, which fixes the problem."
