How to correctly address "can't add a _parent field that points to an already existing type, that isn't already a parent" on app startup - spring-data-elasticsearch

I'm running into a problem with my Elasticsearch Document index creation failing on startup with "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't add a _parent field that points to an already existing type, that isn't already a parent". I'm not sure if this is due to a version upgrade or b/c I am starting with a brand new Elasticsearch server install.
Contrived example that shows what I'm seeing:
#Document(indexName = "hr_index", type = "user")
public class UserSearchResult implements Serializable {
private String departmentCode;
#Document(indexName = "hr_index", type = "department")
public class DepartmentSearchResult implements Serializable {
When I start my application I get that exception. If I check the ElasticSearch server, I see the "hr_index" index and the "department" mapping, but the "user" mapping is not created.
If I understand the error, it's because "department" is being created and then when Spring tries to create "user" with "department" as its parent, it doesn't like that, since department wasn't previously marked as a parent when it was created.
Is there some way (via annotation?) to denote DepartmentSearchResult as being a parent when it's created somehow?
Or, is it possible to give a hint to Spring Data Elasticsearch as to what order it should create the indices/mappings? I have seen some other posts (Spring Data Elasticsearch Parent/Child Document Repositories / Test execution error) but disabling auto creation and then manually creating it myself (either as part of my Spring codebase or external to the app) seems kind of "un-Spring-y" to me?
Or, is there some other approach I should be taking?
(This is a working Spring application that had been using Spring 4.2.1 and Spring Data Release Train Gosling, that I'm attempting to upgrade to use Spring 5.0.0 and Spring Data Release Train Kay. As part of this I am starting with a fresh Elasticsearch install, and so I'm not sure if this error is coming from the upgrade or just b/c the install is clean).

In the SD ES, issues related to the parent-child relationship at now really poorly developed.
The problem is most likely due to the fact that you are using a clean installation of Elasticsearch. Before the update, the problem did not arise, because mappings have already been created. For the solution, you can use elasticsearchTemplate, which is part of SD ES, and ApplicationListener. It's simple. Just 3 steps.
Drop index in ES (it only needs one time):
curl -XDELETE [ES_IP]:9200/hr_index
Tell SD ES not to create indices and mappings automatically
#Document(indexName = "hr_index", type = "user", createIndex = false)
public class UserSearchResult implements Serializable {
private String departmentCode;
#Document(indexName = "hr_index", type = "department", createIndex = false)
public class DepartmentSearchResult implements Serializable {
Add a ApplicationListener:
public class ApplicationStartupListener implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {
private ElasticsearchTemplate elasticsearchTemplate;
//Mapping for child must be created only if mapping for parents doesn't exist
public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
try {
} catch (ElasticsearchException e) {
P.S. Among other things, it is worth paying attention to the fact that with the release of ES 5.6, a process for removing types began. This inevitably entails the removal of the parent-child relationship. In one of the next releases of the SD ES, we will provide the opportunity to work with joins. Working with parent-child relationships is unlikely to be improved


Spring #Transactional and Neo4j OGM session.getTransaction()

What is the correlation between Spring org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional annotation and Neo4j OGM org.neo4j.ogm.session.Session.getTransaction() method.
I'm trying to access the current transaction via session.getTransaction() inside of the method annotated with Spring #Transactional but always getting null.
I have added a following code inside of my Spring MVC RestController method:
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
} catch (Throwable th) {
logger.error("Error while inserting mock data", th);
} finally {
in case of the following method:
private void initializeNode(TestNode node) {
it prints current tx - so far everything is okay.
But in case of the following method:
private void initializeNode(TestNode node) {
User admin = userDao.findByUsername("admin");
first time it prints current tx and then null... transaction disappear before commit for a some reason..
this is findByUsername method:
public class UserDaoImpl implements UserDao {
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public User findByUsername(String username) {
return userRepository.findByUsername(username);
Right after that on commit I'm getting a following exception:
org.neo4j.ogm.exception.TransactionManagerException: Transaction is not current for this thread
at org.neo4j.ogm.session.transaction.DefaultTransactionManager.commit(
at org.neo4j.ogm.transaction.AbstractTransaction.commit(
at org.neo4j.ogm.drivers.embedded.transaction.EmbeddedTransaction.commit(
What am I doing wrong ? Why transaction disappears ?
There are several issues and themes going on in this question. I will try and break them down and hopefully at the end it will all make sense.
As of the latest release of Spring Data Neo4j (4.1.x) there is no correlation between Spring's #Transactional and the Neo4j OGM's Session.getTransaction() or Session.beginTransaction() when called directly.
In your first two code blocks you are completely managing your OGM session lifecycle directly. Spring is not involved at all at this point and as you say it executes as expected.
In your updated third code block you are now expecting the session that you have manually opened to work with your Spring managed DAO. What will happen here is depends on the Neo4j Driver you are using with SDN but essentially because your DAO has the #Transactional annotation, Spring will intercept the call and start a brand new transaction all on its own on top of the one you are manually managing. At this point, we can't make any guarantees about the behaviour but the easiest explanation would be to say that it will be unexpected (again, depending on the driver used).
So how can you fix this?
I'm going to assume you want to use Spring Transactions and Spring Data Neo4j. If that's the case you will want to start by:
Changing your DAO to use Spring Data Repositories. This gives you a lot of free persistence functionality like finders, saves, deletes etc.
Putting the #Transactional annotation around the unit of work you want to accomplish. You might have a method that calls userRepository.findByUserName(), modifies that user and calls In a web environment this is typically some sort of service method.
Removing any code that manually starts or ends an OGM session transaction.
You can find a very short code sample here and a longer code sample here.
A more comprehensive guide can also be found here.
In Spring Data Neo4j 4.2.x we hope to introduce some more powerful and friendlier #Transactional behaviour so keep posted for that update.

SDN4 - MappingException thrown when using an interface as the end of a RelationshipEntity

This functionality was working at one point but seems to have broken in the latest SDN4 snapshot (7-16-15)
I have two node classes, one representing intermediate, non-leaf nodes and one representing leaf vertex nodes of degree one. The two classes implement a common interface.
public interface Node {
public class SimpleNode implements Node {
public class SimpleLeafNode implements Node {
The former can be related to other intermediate nodes OR leaf nodes and I have modeled this relationship by mapping the SimpleNode class to the Node INTERFACE:
public class SimpleRelationship {
private SimpleNode parent;
private Node child;
When I try to start up my Spring Boot application, I receive an SDN mapping exception:
Caused by:
10:51:04.173 [DEBUG] org.neo4j.ogm.metadata.MappingException: No identity field found for class: com.sdn4demo.entity.Node
10:51:04.174 [DEBUG] at
10:51:04.174 [DEBUG] at<init>(
10:51:04.174 [DEBUG] at
Again, this was working before the 7-16-15 snapshot so my questions is - is this not supported functionality? Is this a bug?
A contrived example exists at:
Reproduce-able by doing ./gradlew clean test --debug
It's a bug. We're currently working on sorting stuff out regarding SD-commons and Spring DATA REST integration and this is one of those consequences of using the bleeding edge stuff.
Using RC1 is probably the best bet for now. Keep an eye on this JIRA issue to see when it's completed:

Spring Data Neo4j - Unit Test - Transaction rollbacked but data not deleted

I am building an application using spring-boot (1.1.8.RELEASE), spring-data-neo4j (3.2.0.RELEASE) in order to connect to a stand alone neo4j server via rest api. I am using spring-test in order to test the application I have implemented a unit test to create a Node and retrieved it. It is working well but the new node remained in the database after the test is completed, however I expect the transaction to be rollbacked and the node deleted
However in the console I can see the following statement.
"Rolled back transaction after test execution for test context...
** I don't understand why based on the console the roll back seems to have occured but the transaction has been committed to the database. **
It would be really appreciated if somebody could help me to figure out where the issue is coming from.
Find below my spring configuration
public class AppConfig extends Neo4jConfiguration {
public AppConfig() {
public GraphDatabaseService graphDatabaseService(Environment environment) {
return new SpringRestGraphDatabase("http://localhost:7474/db/data");
Find below my test class
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = AppConfig.class)
public class AppTests {
private Neo4jTemplate template;
public void templateTest() {
Person person = new Person();
Person newPerson =;
Person retrievedPerson = template.findOne(newPerson.getNodeId(),Person.class);
Assert.assertEquals("Benoit", retrievedPerson.getName());
I tried to add the following annotation in my unit test class but it did not change anything:
#TransactionConfiguration(transactionManager="transactionManager", defaultRollback=true)
I also tried to add the following in my unit test based on what I have seen in other posts
implements ApplicationContextAware
Thank you for your help
The behavior you are experiencing is to be expected: there is nothing wrong with transaction support in the Spring TestContext Framework (TCF) in this regard.
The TCF manages transactions via the configured transactionManager.
So when you switched to an embedded database and configured the transaction manager with the data source for that embedded database, that works perfectly. The issue is that the transaction support in Neo4J-REST does not tie in with Spring's transaction management facilities. As Michael Hunger stated in the other thread you referenced, an upcoming version of the Neo4J-REST API should address this issue.
Note that annotating your test class with #TransactionConfiguration has zero effect since you are merely overriding the defaults with the defaults which achieves nothing. Furthermore, implementing ApplicationContextAware in a test class has no effect on transaction management.
Sam (spring-test component lead)

L2S DataContext out of synch: row not found or changed

Read on, by all means. But I can tell you here that the problem had nothing to do with the DataContext, but with Dependency Injection. I have left the question up, as it documents one possible issue with the "row not found or changed error" that has nothing to do with real world concurrency conflicts.
It seems the problems have been caused by badly written dependency injection. Or rather, I am beginning to believe, by default lifecycle management by the DI container I used.
The problem was that I used a DataContext as a constructor argument that was supplied by Ninject. It seems that the default behaviour was to cache this DataContext, leading to all manner of unexpected behaviour. I will ask a separate question about this.
Anyway, what follows is my original question, which as you will see, misses the real cause of the issue by a mile...
The Problem
I am getting a number of errors that imply that the DataContext, or rather, the way I am using the DataContext is getting out of synch.
The error occurs on db.SubmitChanges() where db is my DataContext instance. The error is:
Row not found or changed.
The problem only occurs intermitently, for example, adding a row then deleting it. If I stop the dev server and restart, the added row is there and I can delete it no problem.
Ie, it seems that the problem is related to the DataContext losing track of the rows that have been added.
Before anyone votes to close this thread, on the basis of it being a duplicate, I have checked the sql server profiler and there is no "Where 0 = 1" in the SQL.
I have also recreated the dbml file, so am satisfied that the database schema is in synch with the schema represented by the dbml file.
Ie, no cases of mismatched nullable/not nullable columns, etc.
My Diagnosis (for what it is worth):
The problem seems (to me) related to how I am using the DataContext. I am new to MVC, Repositories and Services patterns, so suspect that I have wired things up wrong.
The Setup
Simple eLearning app in its early stages. Pupils need to be able to add and delete courses (Courses table) to their UserCourses.
To do this, I have a service that gets a specific DataContext instance Dependency Injected into its constructor.
Service Class Constructor:
public class SqlPupilBlockService : IPupilBlockService
DataContext db;
public SqlPupilBlockService(DataContext db)
this.db = db;
CoursesRepository = new SqlRepository<Course>(db);
UserCoursesRepository = new SqlRepository<UserCourse>(db);
// Etc, etc
The CoursesRepository and UserCoursesRepository are both private properties of the service class that are of type IRepository (just a simple generic repository interface).
SqlRepository Code:
public class SqlRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
DataContext db;
public SqlRepository(DataContext db)
this.db = db;
#region IRepository<T> Members
public IQueryable<T> Query
get { return db.GetTable<T>(); }
public List<T> FetchAll()
return Query.ToList();
public void Add(T entity)
public void Delete(T entity)
public void Save()
The two methods for adding and deleting UserCourses are:
Service Methods for Adding and Deleting UserCourses:
public void AddUserCourse(int courseId)
UserCourse uc = new UserCourse();
uc.IdCourse = courseId;
uc.IdUser = UserId;
uc.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
uc.DateAmended = DateTime.Now;
uc.Role = "Pupil";
uc.CourseNotes = string.Empty;
uc.ActiveStepIndex = 0;
public void DeleteUserCourse(int courseId)
var uc = (UserCoursesRepository.Query.Where(x => x.IdUser == UserId && x.IdCourse == courseId)).Single();
I am using Ajax via Ajax.BeginForm
I don't think that is relevant.
I am using mvc3, but don't think that is relevant: the errors are related to model code.
The problem only occurs intermitently,
for example, adding a row then
deleting it. If I stop the dev server
and restart, the added row is there
and I can delete it no problem.
Your code does not show what the link is between the Added Row and the Delete/Update. Your Add() doesn't return an object reference.
I'm thinking you are missing a Refresh (ie reload the object after Insert). Is your IdCourse also the PK in the Table?
Further research has revealed that the problem is with the dependency injection.
The problem was related to how Dependency Injection manages the items it creates. Google for 'lifecycle management' in IoC or DI. Essentially, DI cached a DataContext constructor argument that I injected.
For a way to solve this using the Factory Pattern, see this thread:
Ninject caching an injected DataContext? Lifecycle Management?
The accepted answer solved it all.

Why getting a 202 in two equal setup structuremap code paths

In the C# language, using StructureMap 2.5.4, targeting .NET Framework 3.5 libraries.
I've taken the step to support multiple Profiles in a structure map DI setup, using ServiceLocator model with Bootstrapper activation. First setup was loading default registry, using the scanner.
Now I like to determine runtime what Registry configuration I like to use. Scanning and loading multiple assemblies with registries.
Seems it's not working for the actual implementation (Getting the 202, default instance not found), but a stripped test version does work. The following setup.
Two assemblies containing Registries and implementations
Scanning them in running AppDomain, providing the shared Interface, and requesting Creation Of Instance, using the interfaces in constructor (which get dealt with thanx to the profile on Invokation)
Working code sample below (same structure for other setup, but with more complex stuff, that get's a 202):
What type of couses are possible for a 202, specifically naming the System.Uri type, not being handles by a default type?? (uri makes no sense)
// let structure map create instance of class tester, that provides the registered
// interfaces in the registries to the constructor of tester.
public class Tester<TPOCO>
private ITestMe<TPOCO> _tester;
public Tester(ITestMe<TPOCO> some)
_tester = some;
public string Exec()
return _tester.Execute();
public static class Main {
public void ExecuteDIFunction() {
public class ImplementedTestMe<TSome> : ITestMe<TSome>
public string Execute()
return "Special Execution";
public class RegistryForSpecial : Registry
public RegistryForSpecial()
gc =>
Background articles on Profiles I used.
How to setup named instances using StructureMap profiles?
It seemed the missing interface was actually the one being determined runtime. So here is the next challange (and solved):
I provided a default object whenever StructureMap needs to create the object. Like:
.TheDefault.Is.Object(new WebServiceConnection());
This way I got rid of the 202 error, because now a real instance could be used whever structure map needed the type.
Next was the override on runtime. That did not work out at first using the ObjectFactory.Configure method. Instead I used the ObjectFactory.Inject method to overide the default instance. Works like a charm.
ObjectFactory.Inject(typeof(IConnectionContext), context);
Loving the community effort.
Error code 202 means a default instance could not be built for the requested type. Your test code is apparently not equal to your real code that fails. If you are getting an error about Uri, you likely have a dependency that requires a Uri in its constructor. It may not be the class you are asking for - it may be one of that classes dependendencies - or one of the dependencies dependencies... somewhere down the line someone is asking StructureMap to resolve a Uri, which it cannot do, without some help from you.
