I'm using adal.js to enable azure ad login via OAUTH. I've started with this sample app, https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-javascript-singlepageapp-dotnet-webapi
I need to be able to use Microsoft Graph Api in conjunction with this so that I can grab a list of the groups that the currently logged in user belongs to. I don't know how to get the Access token to do this. Note that I already have a good id_token. Is there an additional redirection that I have to do after login? Is this something that adal.js can help with? Maybe msal.js? Can someone point me in the right direction?
Edit 1:
I'm using the Azure AD version 1 endpoints. I do not have the requirement that anyone outside of our AD needs to log in. It's an enterprise app and should be limited to only my AD. The users have more than 5 groups, thus the tokens have hasgroups:true instead of the actual groups list. I need to call the graph api, but the id token that I'm issued doesn't work, I need an access token, which I don't know how to get.
Seems like you just need to use the right sample code:
A simple JavaScript single page application calling the MIcrosoft
Graph using msal.js (Azure AD V2 endpoint)
I'm having difficulties finding documentation for auth0 and microsoft graph integration. My end goal is to have a SPA that can login with a microsoft profile to auth0 (connected to azure ad). Then I want my app to get a token for microsoft graph and do some api calls.
As I've understood it so far, auth0 does not allow you to get the access token to different identity providers in a front end application, but rather that they should use a proxy to get this token. My flow therefore is:
I login with a SPA auth0 app (using a microsoft identity)
This is then used to authenticate to a backend server using a api registration in auth0
The backend has its seperate machine-to-machine app in auth0
Backend api uses this seperate app to get access token to auth0 management api
Current user is fetched (based on the logged in user from front end app login) from management api,
Here i find an access token under the azure identity (if I do the same in the front end, the access tokens are omitted)
Token does not work to call graph, I am unsure of where to send it next.
I am aware that the above is probably completely wrong, that's why I am here :)
My questions are:
1) Is it even possible to get an access token for microsoft graph starting from a login to auth0 in the way I want it to. If not, can it be done from a backend?
2) Does anyone have a link that discusses this, ideally with some code samples.
To answer your first question:
1) Is it even possible to get an access token for microsoft graph starting from a login to auth0 in the way I want it to. If not, can it be done from a backend?
I have had the chance to authenticate apps using the microsoft identity library called MSAl whose documentation is found here. It gives a pretty detailed way to authenticate directly from your SPA.
I have also used the microsoft javascript sdk as it comes inbuilt with token caching and refreshing so that I do not need to build that for myself.
In relation to this,
Does anyone have a link that discusses this, ideally with some code samples.
You can find the samples well described in the samples section of the SDK
I hope this helps.
I'm trying to implement security to a backoffice CLI tool (NodeJS) that calls a REST api (Java/JAX-RS) for performing database operations etc.
As we're using Azure AD for all our user accounts I'd like to use it for authenticating our users and also for authorization.
The authorization is needed since not all members of the AD is supposed to use the CLI, and there are two types of users of the CLI with a different set of available commands, meaning that even if you are able to use it, some features might be locked out depending if you are an operator or administrator.
I've managed to create two applications in Azure AD, one for the CLI and one for the API. I can login using our AD credentials, fetch Access tokens for the CLI app id requesting the REST API resouce. On the client side I'm using https://www.npmjs.com/package/simple-oauth2 .
On the Java side the tokens are validated against Microsoft public keys, so everything seems to work out fine.
But, how should I lock down the users to either operator or admin roles? One naive way I can think of is to have the user/role correlation in the REST API and only use the OAuth flow for authenticating the user. But I guess that's what the AD is there for... Could OAuth scopes help me in this case?
Or should the REST API call the AD to query for users group memberships, once it receives the access tokens and knows the end user identity?
Thanks in advance!
Use the Application Roles.
Here you will find good description what application roles are and how to handle them:
The recommended resources at the end and also very helpful and will guide you through the process.
Also, when developing CLI it is recommended to use the Device Flow - described here with sample code (.net core) here.
I am building an app (HTTPS calls from LabVIEW) that will update my enterprise OneNote notebooks on Office 365 without the need for any user interaction. Hence I have opted for using the Client Credentials flow and granting Application permissions in Azure AD to my app (Read and write all OneNote notebooks) through Microsoft Graph.
I have referred to the instructions mentioned in the following pages:
I am able to get an access token from Microsoft Graph but once I try to use it to update my notebooks by making a POST call to the URL
I get the error:
"The OneDriveForBusiness for this user account cannot be retrieved." Code - 30108
However, I am fully able to access OneDriveForBusiness online using the same account which created the app and the tenant ID of which I used to grant permissions. Can someone please clarify if there are certain restrictions regarding the type of O365 and OneDriveForBusiness subscriptions that are necessary for my requirements? Which particular subscription or their combinations thereof should allow me to achieve the flow I need?
You cannot use /me with Client Credentials. /me is an alias for /users/{currentUserId but since you're using Client Credentials, there is a User in context for the API to map that alias to. You are effectively calling /v1.0/users/NULL/onenote/pages in this case.
You need to explicitly specify the User you want to access:
/v1.0/users/{userId or userPrincipalName}/onenote/pages
we're currently using the office 365 api but we're a little bit stuck in the oauth process. On the target platform we have no access to a browser, which cause the main problem using the oauth procedure.
Does Microsoft offer other kinds of authentication like Limited Input Device Authentication like google does? Or are there any alternatives, when no browser is available?
Thanks a lot!
Yes, there are ways to do it without a browser, depending on your scenario. If you're looking to prompt the user yourself for username/password, you can pass those directly via ADAL. For example, here's how to do it using the ADAL for Node.js: https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-nodejs/blob/master/sample/username-password-sample.js
The trick when you do this is that there must be user consent already recorded in Azure AD. Because this bypasses the user consent screen, it has to be "pre-consented". One way to do this is to have the organizational administrator register the application in their own Azure AD, which by default consents for all users in the org.
Another approach would be to use the client credential flow. In this scenario, the administrator consents once for their entire organization, and the app then has access to all mailboxes in that org.
I'm building a web application deployed to Azure Webapps where users need to sign in. To accomplish this, I'm leveraging Azure AD with OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant. Since I'm using Nancy (with the ASP.NET host) instead of MVC, I can't follow the official Azure AD MVC examples where all the OAuth handling seems to happen magically in the background.
Redirecting to the OAuth endpoint is straight-forward, and the user is also correctly redirected back to my application with an authorization code.
Now I need retrieve the user ID in order to match it to the user database in my application. I'm using ADAL for this, because this is basically step D & E of the authorization code grant flow, from what I understand.
Now what puzzles me is that this use case is not supported by Azure AD, stating that
The client '[ClientId]' and resource '[ResouceId]' identify the same application.
Also, as indicated by this answer, "ADAL is not meant to achieve web sign-on in a web application."
I've been able to work around this problem by creating two applications in Azure AD, as suggested by this blog, but it feels like I misunderstood something. This could very well be the case, as I am new to OAuth and Azure AD.
So my question is, what is the correct way to authenticate a user from a non-MVC web application using Azure AD?
the OWIN middleware should work with non-ASP.NET as well. See for example http://unlustrously55.rssing.com/browser.php?indx=24287735&item=13 - in your case you will have to use the OpenId Connect one or the ww-federation one.
Is this purely for users inside your organisation/tenant? It sounds like it.
Why don't you use an App Registration in Azure AD and grant it permissions to access the users profile? You should then be able to retrieve a user's UPN from the token. Please see here: