app()->environment() not using value set by config() - environment

I'm writing a unit test for a function that calls app()->environment(). The phpunit.xml file sets the environment as testing. I want to test the function in other environments as well.
I've tried:
config('app.env', 'prod')
config('env', 'prod')
$_ENV['app.env'] = 'prod'
$_ENV['env'] = 'prod'
I also included the orchestral/testbench package and used this:
protected function getEnvironmentSetUp($app)
//Both of the following
$app['config']->set('app.env', 'prod');
$app['config']->set('env', 'prod');
None of these have changed the output of app()->environment().
Am I missing something?

I ended up figuring this out by looking at the code for the ->environment() command. It uses $this['env'] for the comparison so in my test I wrote:
app()['env'] = 'prod';
This seems to be the only way I could get it to work.


Using global shared libraries in Jenkins to define parameter options

I am trying to use a global class that I've defined in a shared library to help organise job parameters. It's not working, and I'm not even sure if it is possible.
My job looks something like this:
pipelineJob('My-Job') {
definition {
// Job definition goes here
parameters {
choiceParam('awsAccount', awsAccount.ALL)
In a file in /vars/awsAccount.groovy I have the following code:
class awsAccount implements Serializable {
final String SANDPIT = "sandpit",
final String DEV = "dev",
final String PROD = "prod"
static String[] ALL = [SANDPIT, DEV, PROD]
Global pipeline libraries are configured to load implicitly from the my repository's master branch.
When attempting to update the DSL scripts I receive the error:
ERROR: (myJob.groovy, line 67) No such property: awsAccount for class: javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.BuildParametersContext
Why does it not find the class, and is it even possible to use shared library classes like this in pipeline job?
Disclaimer: I know it works using Jenkinsfile. Unfortunatelly, not tested usng Declarative Pipelines - but no answers yet, so it may be worth a try
Regarding your first question: there are some reasons why a class from your shared-lib could not be found. Starting from the library import, the library syntax, etc. But they definitvely work for DSL. To be more precise about it, additional information would be great. But be sure that:
You have your groovy class definition using exactly the directory structure as described in the documentation (
Give a name to the shared-lib in jenkins as you configure it and be sure is exactly the name you use in the import
Use the import as described in the documentation (under Using Libraries)
Regarding your second question (the one that names this SO question): yes, you can include parameter jobs from information in your shared-lib. At least, using Jenkinsfiles. You can even define properties to be included in the pipelie. I got it working with a tricky syntax due to different problems.
Again, I am using Jenkinsfile and this is what worked for me:
In my shared-lib class, I added a static function that introduces the build parameters. Notice the input parameters that function needs and its usage:
class awsAccount implements Serializable {
static giveMeParameters (script) {
return [
// Some parms
script.string(defaultValue: '', description: 'A default parameter', name: 'textParm'),
script.booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'If set to True, do whatever you need - otherwise, do not do it', name: 'boolOption'),
To introduce those parameters in the pipeline, you need to place the returned value of the function into the parameters array
properties (
parameters (
awsAccount.giveMeParameters (this)
Again, notice the syntax when calling the function. Similar to this, you can also define functions in the shared-lib that return properties and use them in multiple jobs (disableConcurrentBuilds, buildDiscarder, etc)

Set environment parameter in Nix for a building phase for buildGoModule?

I am trying to build a Go moodule with buildGoModule. My issue is that during building time go tries to reach out to but it is block in my network and solution is to set an environment variable GOPROXY.
I thought that passthru = { GOPROXY = "direct"; }; would do the job, but the error persists. So I would like to know what is a good way to pass an env variable.
Overriding GOPROXY should work since I tested it in nix-shell separately - it works fine.
In buildGoModule it is possible to override go-modules derivation with overrideModAttrs.
Specifically for GOPROXY it would look like:
overrideModAttrs = (_: {
GOPROXY = "whatever";

Grails - How to make a piece of code run only during functional test

I have a piece of code in my application, that should run only during functional testing. It should not be execute while unit-testing or integration-testing or during "run-app".
if( Environment.current == Environment.TEST )
Is there anything similar to the above check, that would check for functional-testing?
We had a similar requirement in one of our projects.
The approach was to set a system property with the current test phase. To do so create a file scripts/Events.groovy with the following content:
eventTestPhaseStart = { args ->["grails.test.phase"] = args
Now you can perform logic depending on the content of this property:
if (["grails.test.phase"] == "functional") {
// do something
This is very similar to this answer or this blog entry.
You can use this
GrailsUtil.environment == 'test'

Output a text file from Ranorex to include just a pass/fail result and a number

I am trying to get Ranorex to output a text file which will look like the following:
The pass/fail result will be obtained based on whether the test running has passed or failed. The number will be hardcoded to all I need to do is store that in a variable and include it in the output.
I would have thought it would have been simple but I'm struggling to get any help from Ranorex. I though I might be able to use the reporting function, change the output file type and alter the report structure but that didn't work either.
Although I am used to Ranorex and writing my own user code, I am new to adapting it in this way.
All my user code is written in C#
Can anyone offer any assistance?
Edit: So I've now managed to get Ranorex to output a text file and I can put any text into it, including a string stored in a variable.
However I'm struggling to store the pass/fail result of my test in a string that I can output.
I've discovered a way to do this however it relies on the following:-
The user code must be in separate test
This separate test must exist in a sibling test case to the one your main test is in
Both this test case and the case containing your main test must both be part of a parent test case
For example:
Parent TC
.....-AddUser TC
.........-MAIN TEST
.....-AddUser FailCheck
.........-USER CODE
You can then set your AddUser TC to 'Continue with sibling on fail'
The user code is as follows:
public static void Output()
string result = "";
ITestCase iCase = TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Add_User_Test"); // The name of your Test Case
if(iCase.Status == Ranorex.Core.Reporting.ActivityStatus.Failed){
result = "Failed"; }
if(iCase.Status == Ranorex.Core.Reporting.ActivityStatus.Success){
result = "Passed"; }
int testrunID = 79;
using (StreamWriter writer =
new StreamWriter("testresult.txt"))
This will take the testrunID (specific to each test case) and the result of the test and output it to a text file.
The idea is then to read in the file with a custom java application I've developed and push the data into a test case management program such as QA Complete which can mark tests as Passed/Failed automatically
You can run the test suite directly using the TestSuiteRunner.Run() method. This will allow you to look at the return value of that directly and output pass or failure based on the return value.
if(TestSuiteRunner.Run(typeof({testSuiteclass}),{Command Line Arguments})==0)

TestDataConfig.groovy not found, build-test-data plugin proceeding without config file

I am getting the following error when including in Mixin Build in unit tests:
TestDataConfig.groovy not found, build-test-data plugin proceeding without config file
it works like charm in the integration tests but not part of unit tests. I mean, 'build' plugin works itself in unit test but the 'TestDataConfig' is not populating default values
Thank You
First you should verify the version from build-test-data in your BuildConfig.groovy
test ":build-test-data:2.0.3"
Second, check your test. If you want build objects you need:
import grails.buildtestdata.mixin.Build
#Build([TestingClass, SupportClass, AnotherClass])
class TestingClassTest{
void testMethod{
def tc1 =
def sc1 =
def ac1 =
Third, check the domains constraints, you could have some properties validations like unique that fails when you build two instances. You need set that properties in code:
def tc1 = 'unique')
def tc2 = 'special')
I guess the dependency should be:
test ":build-test-data:2.0.3"
Since is just used for testing, right?
