Mapbox SDK offline map Download - ios

I'am trying to download offline map using Mapbox SDK and its succesfully downloaded in basic mapstyle(i.e [NSURL URLWithString:#"mapbox://styles/mapbox/basic-v9"]). but when am try to download satellite style(i.e [MGLStyle satelliteStreetsStyleURLWithVersion:9]) its not downloading as expected.
i.e if i use zoom scale as 0 - maxZoomlevel(20) of map, it throws offlinePackDidReceiveMaximumAllowedMapboxTiles exceeded error.
and if i use small zoom range its 5 - 10 its download succesfully but map shows white screen.
Does anyone tried to download offline in satellite mode ?
Is it possible to change mapbox tile limit to a greater value ?

It sounds like you are hitting the tile limit, which is 6000 tiles. The limit can be raised with an enterprise plan. The number of tiles required by a region increases with the zoom level. You've already found the workaround, which is to adjust the minimum and maximum zoom for the offline region. You can use this tile count estimator to estimate the size of your offline region.


IOS app closes on map zoomedout to maximum value

I am working on an ios app using module(titanium),the problem im facing here is when i zoomout of the map page completely the app closes itself.please sugguest how can I solve this issue,is there anything like setting minimum/maximum zoom level for ios to zoomout of the map? ,as soon as possible so as it would help us for releasing the app to stores.
You should use the "zoom" method of the mapview. Referance!/api/Titanium.Map.View-method-zoom
A positive value increases the current zoom level and a negative value decreases the zoom level. Each increase in zoom level increases the magnification by a factor of two.

iOS MapKit does not load tiles on maximum zoom on MKMapTypeHybrid

I am facing a problem in my region because MapKit does not download the last set of tiles (most likely because it does not exist) but the problem is that instead of just show the previous tiles, it actually removes! the tiles and shows nothing.
The image bellow illustrates just before I reach maximum zoom:
And the image bellow show how tiles are displayed when I reach maximum zoom:
Can someone tell if there is a way of stopping iOS MapKit to try to download tiles at a zoom that there is no imagery for it? Thanks!
No, there's no way of stopping this. In fact, there's not even a way to detect this scenario because it depends on satellite imagery availability. I've logged a radar back in 2012 for this. You might wanna dupe it to raise awareness.

What is the size of single map tile of mapbox?

I am using mapbox for showing map in my app, I need to include offline map feature also. Since there is a limit in tile size download, so can anyone tell me what is the size of single tile of mapbox map? Thanks in advance!
This is equivalent to asking "what is the size of an image": tiles range from 5kb to 40kb, depending on a range of factors from the complexity of the image to the compression chosen.

How to show View relatively on the image while zoom in/out the image?Footprint: Indoor Positioning with Core Location

I am using apple's Footprint: Indoor Positioning with Core Location
I have successfuly implemented it in my iOS application with my custom Floor Plan Image.
now what I want is to zoom in and out this image and i want that my current location pin object on the image should scale according to that and there is no documentation they provide on how to zoom in/out the image of floor plan with the object showing on that image(e.g. user current location pin).
Try to use the newer version of Footprint (v2.0):
-Added Swift support -Built-in diagnostic visualizations & annotations for detecting coordinates alignment problems -Uses PDF for better support at multiple device sizes and zoom levels -Uses MKMapView for better rotation and zoom support, as well as native blue dot support -Shows how to handle venue specific regions

How do you allow the map to zoom more than the map actually has

We have an iPhone app that uses mapbox to display offline maps created using tilemill. In previous versions of Mapbox the user could zoom in as much as they wanted even though the map had only be created to a level 15 zoom. This was important to us as we overlay a GPX track and waypoints over the map and it is important we can zoom in to view that information. The map of course distorted but wasn't a major issue.
We have created various maps with tilemill however we are finding that to be able to zoom in to the level we require needs a map of 100s of megabytes which is not feasible for an iPhone app. In previous editions of Mapbox the user was able to zoom in further than the zoom set when creating the app.
Is there any way to zoom into the maps further? or are there any other alternatives to view offline maps on a mobile device?
Additional comment: Another option would be to hide all data at zoom levels above 17 so that the map would go blank above zoom 17. i.e. user can zoom in but once they past a certain point the map goes blank. Therefore not requiring the thousands of tile images above zoom level 17. How could we do that in Tilemill?
