ImageJ calculating area of solid - imagej

I have a series of images of Ice that I want to analyse to determine the area of solid versus liquid. An example image here. This is similar to a porosity measurement however Im struggling as the colours are too similar to simply do Threshold.
At the moment I'm having to play around with the contrast/find edges/despeckle/make binary to make the crystals easier to identify.
I then pass them through morphological segmentation:
example and then threshold to work out area.
Is there an easier way to do this to work out the area of ice versus the area of space/liquid without having to trace out each crystal?

Your image has an uneven background illumination, so it makes sense to do a background subtraction. And Find Edges is a nice preprocessing step to enhance the edges to make the Morphological Segmentation (a reasonable tool here) easier.
Here is a sample macro which automates many of these steps:
// Perform a background subtraction.
orig = getImageID();
run("Duplicate...", " ");
dupl = getImageID();
run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=50");
imageCalculator("Subtract create 32-bit", orig, dupl);
// Enhance the edges.
run("Find Edges");
// Run Morphological Segmentation.
run("Morphological Segmentation");
wait(1000); // HACK
call("inra.ijpb.plugins.MorphologicalSegmentation.segment", "tolerance=20", "calculateDams=true", "connectivity=6");
call("inra.ijpb.plugins.MorphologicalSegmentation.setDisplayFormat", "Catchment basins");
The resulting image has each region with a different solid value:
From there you could create a histogram (Analyze > Histogram) to get the count of each intensity value—i.e., the area of each object. For some strange reason it didn't work for me until I duplicated the result image first (shift+d).
You can click the Copy button to put the entire histogram into the clipboard, and then paste it into a spreadsheet program or text file, for analysis in other tools.
There are surely other (and probably better) ways to analyze the Catchment basins "labeling" image from Morphological Segmentation; consider asking on the ImageJ Forum for more ideas and suggestions.
Another simpler option you could try is the Trainable Weka Segmentation.


What Kind of pre-processing techniques can I apply to make an object more clear?

I applied few techniques of denoising on MRI images and could not realize what techniques are applicable on my data to make the cartilage object more clear. First I applied Contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) with this function:
J = adapthisteq(I)
But I got a white image. This is original image and manual segmentation of two thin objects(cartilage):
And then I read a paper that they had used some preprocessing on microscopy images, such as: Anisotropic diffusion filter(ADF), then, K-SVD algorithm, and then Batch-Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP). I applied the first two and the output is as following:
It seems my object is not clear. It should be brighter than other objects. I do not what kind of algorithms are applicable to make the cartilage objects more clear. I really appreciate any help.
This is the object:
Edited (now knowing exactly what you are looking for)
The differences between your cartilage and the surrounding tissue is very slight and for that reason I do not think you can afford to do any filtration. What I mean by this is that the two things that I can kinda catch with my eye is that the edge on the cartilage is very sharp (the grey to black drop-off), and also there seems to be a texture regularity in the cartilage that is smoother than the rest of the image. To be honest, these features are incredibly hard to even pick out by eye, and a common rule of thumb is that if you can't do it with your eye, vision processing is going to be rough.
I still think you want to do histogram stretching to increase your contrast.
1:In order to do a clean global contrast stretch you will need to remove bone/skin edge/ whatever that line on the left is from the image (bright white). To do this, I would suggest looking at the intensity histogram and setting a cut-off after the first peak (make sure to limit this so some value well above what cartilage could be in case there is no white signal). After determining that value, cut all pixels above that intensity from the image.
2:There appears to be low frequency gradients in this image (the background seems to vary in intensity), global histogram management (normalization) doesn't handle this well, CLAHE can handle this if set up well. But a far simpler solution worth trying is just hitting the image with a high pass filter as this will help to remove some of those (low frequency) background shifts. (after this step you should see no bulk intensity variation across the image.
3: I think you should try various implementations of histogram stretching, your goal in your histogram stretch implementation is to make the cartilage look more unique in the image compared to all other tissue.
This is by far the hardest step as you need to actually take a stab at what makes that tissue different from the rest of the tissue. I am at work, but when I get off, I will try to brainstorm some concepts for this final segmentation step here. In the meantime, what you want to try to identify is anything unique about the cartilage tissue at this point. My top ideas are cylindrical style color gradient, surface roughness, edge sharpness, location, size/shape

Ideas to process challenging image

I'm working with Infra Red image that is an output of a 3D sensor. This sensors project a Infra Red pattern in order to draw a depth map, and, because of this, the IR image has a lot of white spots that reduce its quality. So, I want to process this image to make it smoother in order to make it possible to detect objects laying in the surface.
The original image looks like this:
My objective is to have something like this (which I obtained by blocking the IR projecter with my hand) :
An "open" morphological operation does remove some noise, but I think first there should be some noise removal operation that addresses the white dots.
Any ideas?
I should mention that the algorithm to reduce the noise has to run on real time.
A median filter would be my first attempt .... possibly followed by a Gaussian blur. It really depends what you want to do with it afterwards.
For example, here's your original image after a 5x5 median filter and 5x5 Gaussian blur:
The main difficulty in your images is the large radius of the white dots.
Median and morphologic filters should be of little help here.
Usually I'm not a big fan of these algorithms, but you seem to have a perfect use case for a decomposition of your images on a functional space with a sketch and an oscillatary component.
Basically, these algorithms aim at solving for the cartoon-like image X that approaches the observed image, and that differs from Y only through the removal of some oscillatory texture.
You can find a list of related papers and algorithms here.
(Disclaimer: I'm not Jérôme Gilles, but I know him, and I know that
most of his algorithms were implemented in plain C, so I think most of
them are practical to implement with OpenCV.)
What you can try otherwise, if you want to try simpler implementations first:
taking the difference between the input image and a blurred version to see if it emphasizes the dots, in which case you have an easy way to find and mark them. The output of this part may be enough, but you may also want to fill the previous place of the dots using inpainting,
or applying anisotropic diffusion (like the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi equation) to see if the dots disappear. Despite its apparent complexity, this diffusion can be implemented easily and efficiently in OpenCV by applying the algorithms in this paper. TV diffusion can also be used for the inpainting step of the previous item.
My main point on the noise removal was to have a cleaner image so it would be easier to detect objects. However, as I tried to find a solution for the problem, I realized that it was unrealistic to remove all noise from the image using on-the-fly noise removal algorithms, since most of the image is actually noise.. So I had to find the objects despite those conditions. Here is my aproach
1 - Initial image
2 - Background subtraction followed by opening operation to smooth noise
3 - Binary threshold
4 - Morphological operation close to make sure object has no edge discontinuities (necessary for thin objects)
5 - Fill holes + opening morphological operations to remove small noise blobs
6 - Detection
Is the IR projected pattern fixed or changes over time?
In the second case, you could try to take advantage of the movement of the dots.
For instance, you could acquire a sequence of images and assign each pixel of the result image to the minimum (or a very low percentile) value of the sequence.
Edit: here is a Python script you might want to try

Alternative for Threshold in opencv

I am using threshold in Opencv to find the contours. My input is a hand image. Sometimes the threshold is not good so I couldnt find the contours.
I have applied the below preprocessing steps
1. Grabcut
cv::grabCut(image, result,rectangle,bgModel,fgModel, 3,cv::GC_INIT_WITH_RECT);
gray Scale conversion
cvtColor(handMat, handMat, CV_BGR2GRAY);
medianBlur(handMat, handMat, MEDIAN_BLUR_K);
I used the below code to find threshold
threshold( handMat, handMat, 141, 255, THRESH_BINARY||CV_THRESH_OTSU );
Sometimes I get good output and sometimes the threshold output is not good. I have attached the two output images.
Is there any other way than threshold from which contours can be found?
Good threshold Output:
Bad threshold Output
Have you tried an adaptive threshold? A single value of threshold rarely works in real life application. Another truism - threshold is a non-linear operation and hence non-stable. Gradient on the other hand is linear so you may want to find a contour by tracking the gradient if your background is smooth and solid color. Gradient is also more reliable during illumination changes or shadows than thresholding.
Grab-cut, by the way, uses color information to improve segmentation on the boundary when you already found 90% or so of the segment, so it is a post processing step. Also your initialization of grab cut with rectangle lets in a lot of contamination from background colors. Instead of rectangle use a mask where you mark as GC_FGD deep inside your initial segment where you are sure the hand is; mark as GC_BGD far outside your segment where you sure background is; mark GC_PR_FGD or probably foreground everywhere else - this is what will be refined by grab cut. to sum up - your initialization of grab cut will look like a russian doll with three layers indicating foreground (gray), probably foreground (white) and background (balck). You can use dilate and erode to create these layers, see below
Overall my suggestion is to define what you want to do first. Are you looking for contours of arbitrary objects on arbitrary moving background? If you are looking for a contour of a hand to find fingers on relatively uniform background I would:
1. use connected components or MSER to segment out a hand. Possibly improve results with grab cut initialized with the conservative mask and not rectangle!
2. use convexity defects to find fingers if this is your goal;
One issue is to try to find contours without binarizing the image.
If your input is in color, you can try to change color space in order to enhance the difference between the hand and the background.
Otsu try to find an optimal threshold, you can also try to set it manually but Otsu is useful because if the illumination change, the threshold will adapt automatically.
There are also many other kind of binarization : Sauvola, Bradley, Niblack, Kasar... but Otsu is simple, and work well. I suggest you to do preprocessing or postprocessing if you want to improve the binarization result.

Sharpening image using OpenCV OCR

I've been trying to work on an image processing script /OCR that will allow me to extract the letters (using tesseract) from the boxes found in the image below.
Following alot of processing, I was able to get the picture to look like this
In order to remove the noise I inverted the image followed by floodfilling and gaussian blurring to remove noise. This is what I ended up with next.
After running it through some threholding and erosion to remove the noise (erosion being the step that distorted the text) I was able to get the image to look like this before running it through tesseract
This, while a pretty good rendering, allows for fairly accurate results through tesseract. Though it sometimes fails because it reads the hash (#) as a H or W. This leads me to my question!
Is there a way using opencv, skimage, PIL (opencv preferably) I can sharpen this image in order to increase my chances of tesseract properly reading my image? OR Is there a way I can get from the third to final image WITHOUT having to use erosion which ultimately distorted the text in the image.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
OpenCV does has functions like filter2D that convolves arbitrary kernel with given image. In particular you can use kernels that are used for image sharpening. The main question is whether this will improve the results of your OCR library or not. The image is already pretty sharp and the noise in the image is not a result of blur. I never worked with teseract myself, but I am fairly sure that it already does all the noise reduction it could. And 'helping' him in this process may actually have opposite effect. For example any sharpening process tends to amplify noise (as opposite to noise reduction processes that usually are blurring images). Most of computer vision libraries give better results when provided with raw (unprocessed) images.
Edit (after question update):
There multiple ways to do so. The first one that I would test is this: Your first binary image is pretty clean and sharp. Instead of of using morphological operations that reduce quality of letters switch to filtering contours. Use findContours function to find all contours in the image and store their hierarchy (i.e. which contour is inside which). From all the found contours you actually need only the contours on first and second levels, i.e. outer and inner contours of each letter (contours at zero level are the outermost contours). Other contours can be discarded. Among the contours that do belong to first level you can discard those whose bounding box is too small to be a real letter. After those two discarding procedures I would expect that most of the remaining contours are the ones that are parts of the letters. Draw them on white image and run OCR. (If you want white letters on black background you will need to invert the order of vertices in the contours).

Image preprocessing for text recognition

What's the best set of image preprocessing operations to apply to images for text recognition in EmguCV?
I've included two sample images here.
Applying a low or high pass filter won't be suitable, as the text may be of any size. I've tried median and bilateral filters, but they don't seem to affect the image much.
The ideal result would be a binary image with all the text white, and most of the rest black. This image would then be sent to the OCR engine.
There's nothing like the best set. Keep in mind that digital images can be acquired by different capture devices and each device can embed its own preprocessing system (filters) and other characteristics that can drastically change the image and even add noises to them. So every case would have to be treated (preprocessed) differently.
However, there are commmon operations that can be used to improve the detection, for instance, a very basic one would be to convert the image to grayscale and apply a threshold to binarize the image. Another technique I've used before is the bounding box, which allows you to detect the text region. To remove noises from images you might be interested in erode/dilate operations. I demonstrate some of these operations on this post.
Also, there are other interesting posts about OCR and OpenCV that you should take a look:
Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python
Basic OCR in OpenCV
Now, just to show you a simple approach that can be used with your sample image, this is the result of inverting the color and applying a threshold:
cv::Mat new_img = cv::imread(argv[1]);
cv::bitwise_not(new_img, new_img);
double thres = 100;
double color = 255;
cv::threshold(new_img, new_img, thres, color, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
cv::imwrite("inv_thres.png", new_img);
Try morphological image processing. Have a look at this. However, it works only on binary images - so you will have to binarize the image( threshold?). Although, it is simple, it is dependent on font size, so one structure element will not work for all font sizes. If you want a generic solution, there are a number of papers for text detection in images - A search of this term in google scholar should provide you with some useful publications.
