code coverage with Heroku CI - code-coverage

We are in the process of privatising our repo and have moved our CI to use Heroku's service. We are now trying to work out how to get code coverage reports so that we don't merge with reduced coverage. I am trying to work out how to generate such reports, as previously travis handled this for us in conjunction with codecov.
Code cov docs say Heroku CI is not one of their supported CI services. And I've not found any information for CodeCov support for Heroku CI. Does anyone know if there is a free code coverage tool supported by Heroku?


Is it necessary to use both Jenkins and GitHub?

My former web developer setup my site so that it uses Jenkins and GitHub. I understand the very basics of GitHub and even less of Jenkins. But in theory, when I make minor text changes to my website, can't GitHub manage the process of pushing those changes to the server? Or is there some good reason that Jenkins is also involved?
Thank you.
Yes. It's not a must but using both Jenkins and Github will make your life easy. Github and Jenkins are two tools that help you to do different functions.
Github will mainly help you to manage your codebase, resolve conflicts, etc. So it will basically behave as a repository. You can commit your changes and get other's updates and always be up to date. There are tons of other advantages but I'll keep it simple for understanding purpose.
Jenkins is an open-source automation server. In your case, you can automate the product building. For example if you have a test environment or even when you deploy the changes t live, you can do all that with just a click. And you can separately build tests and live environments and With concepts like pipeline, you can even integrate the building with tests, etc.
But if you are talking about your local environment, yes git is enough because you can build the project manually. but in production have git and jenkins both will be a handy option.
Read more on Jenkins

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery for react app with Jenkins

I want to setup a CI and CD processes for a React App for the company I'm working for, the following technologies are used:
React for frontend
Flask for backend
GitHub for source control management
currently we are using a script to build the app and than deploy it manually to AWS S3 bucket, I've read some article and watched tutorials and almost all of them cover Java based project and use Maven as a build tool to package the project before deploying.
appreciate if you could help.
I agree that the question is a bit broad but here but generally speaking you should ave a different CI pipeline for your frontend and backend application.
The implications of this are many since this will allow you to:
To use different release cycles for your backend/frontend application
Reduced build time
You might however at some point run an integration step to make sure everything holds together. Generally speaking your pipeline should look like (this should run on every commit):
Also make sure you choose a CI/CD tool that doesn't get in your way and that's flexible enough (i.e: GitLab, Jenkins).
Build docker image
Linter (to ensure a minimum code formatting and quality)
Unit Testing
Code coverage (Code coverage perse it's a bit useless but combined with how it evolves and enforcing a minimum % might help with quality)
Functional testing (this makes more sense for your backend stack if it uses a database for instance ...)
If everything passes then push to DockerHub
Deploy the recently built image to the corresponding environment. Example merging to develop implies deployment to your staging environment

Does Jenkins support Xcode integration

Has anyone used Jenkins in Xcode for code management and automated deployment ? If yes, how can it be integrated ? How does automated deployment work with Jenkins ? Went through the documentation but didn't get much idea.
I went through the Jenkins plugins for iOS but not clear if we can publish the build to AppStore using any plugin.
We are using a Jenkins Server for Continuos Integration, by fetching the source from an SVN Server when the Jenkins is triggered by Commits to this repositories.
But, to be serious, i wouldn't recommend the jenkins... i'd rather use xcode server/bots to get rid of all the hassle with the jenkins...
fastlane is a tool for iOS and Android developers to automate tedious tasks like generating screenshots, dealing with provisioning profiles and releasing your application.
xctool is a replacement for Apple's xcodebuild that makes it easier to test iOS and Mac products. It's especially helpful for continuous integration.
The term "Jenkins in Xcode for code management" seems not fully correct. Because Jenkins server is for CI, in which we config it (create a job) that will fetch the source code from your repository (SVN, GIT), then compile it and run, probably execute your unit tests, UI automation tests or code coverage tool.
Based on your schedule, Jenkins server will automatically start its job or is triggered whenever there is a change in your repo (anybody commits the code for example).
The tool you mentioned which in Xcode is probably XCode Bots, the built-in CI tool.
In order to set up, firstly, you have to install and config XCode server. After that, connecting your server with your repositories. Secondly, creates a bot with your customize configuration and run it.
In my opinion in term of Jenkins and Xcode comparison, I would say that it depends on what tools or add-in functions that you want to set up for your CI server. Jenkins has many plugins might helpful like check style, measure code coverage while Xcode bot still having some limitation.
This document for your further reference.
I hope this would be helpful to you.
There is a gem called xcpretty, you can use it to output JUnit format test result, then use Jenkins JUnit Plugin to show the result.
Install xcpretty
gem install xcpretty
Use xcpretty to create junit format xml file
xcodebuild test ... | xcpretty --report junit --output [path_to_save]/unit_test_result.xml
Then this unit_test_result.xml can be used to report by Jenkins JUnit Plugin

Salesforce app + Git + TeamCity = how to set up "save to server" step?

I am setting up continuous integration for SalesForce application.
I am new in SalesForce, and don't know how to automate some steps in my workflow. Please help me understand.
My build steps in TeamCity:
Get the branch with application code from git repository.
Save the updated code to my development org - this should automate the
"Save to Server" command that the developer clicks in Eclipse.
Run unit tests using Ant tool.
Get the branch with Selenium tests code from git repository.
Run the selenium tests.
If the tests are green, merge the develop branch to QA branch and deploy the code changes from development org to QA org for manual testing.
Problem: I don't know how to set up Step 2
As far as I understand everything should be automated. I have been told by my manager that it's the developer's job to manually click 'save to server' command in Eclipse and then push the code changes to git repository. Also SalesForce does the so called build on its own in the cloud.
I would appreciate any explanations, references and examples. Thank you.
You can use Salesforce Migration Tool which relies on Apache's Ant for this as well. My approach was designing a Perl program that lists all modified, or added files within a branch and then saves them to the server using Ant.
For more information:
(Deployment in this case is saving to the server)
EDIT: spelling mistake

Automated Deployment in Rails

I'm working on my first rails app and am struggling trying to find an efficient and clean solution for doing automated checkouts and deployments.
So far I've looked at both CruiseControl.rb (having been familiar with CruiseControl.NET) and Capistrano. Unfortunately, unless I'm missing something, each one of them only does about half of what I want (with each one doing a different half).
For what I've seen so far:
Automated builds on repository checkouts upon commit
Also runs unit/functional tests and reports back
No built-in deployment mechanisms (best I can find so far is writing your own bash scripts)
Built for deployments
Has to be kicked off via a command (i.e. doesn't do automated checkouts upon commit)
I've found ways that I can string the two together -- i.e. have CruiseControl ping the repository for changes, do a checkout upon commit, run the tests, etc. and then make a call to Capistrano when finished to do the deployment (even though Capistrano is also going to do a repository checkout).
Basically, when all is said and done, I'd like to have three projects set up:
Dev: Checkout/Deployment is entirely no touch. When someone commits a file, something checks it out, runs the tests, deploys the changes, and reports back
Stage: Checkout/Deployment requires a button click
Prod: Button click does either a tagged check out or moves the files from stage
I have this working with a combination of CruiseControl.NET and MSBuild in the .NET world, and it was fairly straightforward. I would guess this is also a common pattern in the ruby deployment world, but I could easily be mistaken.
I would give Hudson a try (free and open source). I started off using CruiseControl but got sick of having to relearn the XML configuration every time I needed to change a setting or add a project. Then I started using Hudson and never looked back. Hudson is more or less completely configurable over the web. It was initially a continuous integration tool for Java but has plugins for other development stack such as .NET and Ruby on Rails. There's a Rake plugin. If that doesn't work, you can configure it to execute any arbitrary command line after running your Rake builds/tests.
I should also add it's extremely easy to get Hudson going:
java -jar hudson.war
Or you can drop the war in any servlet container.
I would use two system to build and deploy anyway. At least two reasons: you should be able to run it separately and you should have two config files one for deploy and one for build. But you can easily glue the two systems together.
Just create a simple capistrano task, that tests and reports back to you. You can use the "run" command to do anything you want.
If you don't want any command line tool there was webistrano 2 years ago.
To could use something like to trigger the build deploy if you use git as repository.
At least for development automated deployments, check out the hook scripts available in git:
I think you'll want to focus on the post-receive hook script, since this runs after a push to a remote server.
Also worth checking out Mislav's git-deploy on github. Makes managing deployments pretty clean.
