Field not showing in TFS 2017 WebLayout - tfs

I have enabled the new work item form in TFS 2017 after upgrading from TFS 2015, but have found that there are some fields that aren't showing in the new work item form, even though I can see the field declared in the WebLayout section when editing the work item type XML. Is there a condition which hides fields in WebLayout?
The field I am trying to get appear is the Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork field. I have the following inside the WebLayout:
<!- Snipped some other groups which show -->
<Group Label="Timescales">
<!-- Snipped Some other fields which show -->
<Control FieldName="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork" Type="FieldControl" Label="Remaining Work" />
I also had the same issue with a custom String field, but I no longer needed the field so I removed it anyway.

The field is not shown and declared in Web Layout, you need to double check if the field is hidden or have an invalid value of the field.
In your case, you can edit the work item type to add the REQUIRED role from Remaining Work field when change particular States (such as from Done to In Progress). Please follow the below steps:
Open your work item type using TFS Power Tools in (Process Editor).
Under Workflow tab, find the Transition which from Done to
In Progress, then double click on this Transition.
In Workflow Transition dialog, under Fields tab, add the Remaining
Work field, then click OK button and save your work item type.
As a workaround, when you change the statuses, even though the transition was clearing the Reamining Work filed, still need to enter the value for the field.

So, what I found was that when I changed between 2 particular statuses, the transition was clearing the Remaining Work field value. I'm guessing that the WebLayout doesn't display invalid fields, as a blank string is not a valid Double field, which Remaining Work is defined as


orbeon forms - Dynamic Dropdown remove value

I’m using Oberon forms version 2019.2 CE.
In my form I have Dynamic Dropdown (with search) with country select (required field) and Text field with display code of selected country:
When I select country, in text field appears selected country code:
Now I can click ‘x’ sign to remove value form drop down:
Value in field 'code' has not been deleted. When I click Validate button no error is detected. It seems that when I use 'x' sign to remove value from dropdown, I remove only label, not value.
My question is whether it is possible to remove both label and value, when I click 'x' sign?
I am unable to reproduce this with Orbeon Forms CE 2019.2. This is what I am seeing when running this form. If this doesn't help, I'd recommend you update your question to include a link to a minimal form that you are using to reproduce this, with steps to reproduce (and then post a comment, for notification).
It looks like the problem occurs when I use ‘Service performs search’ option set to ‘Yes’. Below you can see how it looks like in my form:
Source code of the form: here

Clicking checkbox using capybara

Currently I have a checkbox wrapped by a label.
<label for="exercise_form_division_ids_34">
<input class="check_boxes optional division-checkboxes" type="checkbox" value="34" name="form[division_ids][]" id="exercise_form_division_ids_34"> Technology
In my integration test I tried to use
within '.organizations' do
check "exercise_form_division_ids_#{}", allow_label_click: true
But I still get this nable to find visible checkbox "calltree_exercise_form_division_ids_2" that is not disabled
Unable to find visible checkbox "exercise_form_division_ids_" that is not disabled
With the limited info provided you have a few potential possibilities.
The label/checkbox aren't actually inside an element with the class of the organizations on the page.
The error Unable to find visible checkbox "exercise_form_division_ids_" that is not disabled shows that no id is actually getting inserted into your selector which would tend to indicate that department isn't actually persisted in your test.
You may be assuming 34 is the correct id based on what it is in your dev environment but that may not be what it is in your test environment.
To narrow down the possibilities the first thing to do would be to grab a screenshot in your with test with page.save_and_open_screenshot (assuming you're using a driver which supports screenshots) and make sure there is actually a visible checkbox on the page. If not, you're probably not creating the required objects in the DB prior to your test starting.
Secondly look at the page in your browser and make sure the elements visible on the screen are actually the checkbox and/or the label. If both label & checkbox are being hidden and replaced with some JS widget then you'd need to interact with whatever elements the widget creates in the page (just like a user would). If only the checkbox is being hidden via JS/CSS but the label is visible then
check('Technology', allow_label_click: true) # check matching on label text
should work.

Grails : Using select tag of grails with disabled property set to true ignores the value

I need to disable a select element in grails depending on its value. The problem is when I started to add the disable property something is quite wrong with the code.
An example is when the form is sent to the backend, its as if there is no value for that select element and the value sent is null. But, when I checked the DOM, there is a selected attribute in the element. I tried to remove that disabled property because I have a feeling that it has something to do with the bug that I'm encountering and I was right because after removing it, everything worked correctly again.
this is the select tag
<g:select name="detail-entryNameId"
One more thing about this element is that it can occur as many as possible, which means I have a table and in every row, that element exist so I cannot simply manipulate it.
I've also read in this post how can i make a textfield read only in grails? that "If you use disabled="true" the value will not actually be submitted in the form, so the <g:field/> tag should be used." which proves that disable attribute affects the value of the element.
How can I disable the select element and at the same time, still get its value correctly?
The problem is that in HTML the mere existence of the disabled attribute disables the tag. The value of the attribute (true/false) is ignored.
In such cases the solution is to use an <g:if> to create the tag with or without the disabled attribute according to a condition.
In your case, since you want the value even when the tag is disabled you can add a <g:hiddenField> with the same name and value as the disabled select.

Including Empty Text in TFS HTML Field (TFS 2013)

I am trying to add default empty text to an HTML field in TFS 2013. I am doing this by updating the "EmptyText" attribute for the field in the Layout options (using Process Editor).
However, regardless of what I enter here, the intended text is never displayed. It is always empty. I have the same issue with both HTML & Plain Text fields.
Is this a fundamental limitation of TFS? Or am I specifying this incorrectly?
I am not using a DEFAULT rule because I want the user to notice that the field is empty and be required to enter a value.
I can get it work correctly. Two changes made:
Edit the "Empty Text" attribute just as you mentioned above (in my case I create one custom HTML field called Custom.DetailHTML):
Add Required rule to this field to define that this field must be specified with a value:
<FieldDefinition name="DetailHtml" refname="Custom.DetailHtml" type="HTML">
If you still can't get it work, please show your WIT file.

TFS 2010 - anyway to restrict editing of work items

Just installed TFS 2010 and noticed that the main text in work items can be edited. We'd like to freeze all editing of work items (except for admins), in order to keep a more auditable trail of discussion for each bug and minimize confusion over what the original bug was, etc.
Is there a way to configure TFS 2010 so that the main text previously entered for a work item is not editable by most users?
You can edit the process template and make the field only editable by Admins.
If you have not already, you will need to install the power tools and then open the work Item and change:
<FIELD refname="System.Description" name="Description" type="PlainText" />
<FIELD refname="System.Description" name="Description" type="PlainText">
<READONLY for="[Global]\Project Collection Valid Users" not="[Global]\Project Collection Build Administrators" />
You can obviously replace the groups with project specific ones. This makes this field perminantly readonly.
The entire history of the work item fields is available in the "History" -- it will show you what fields have cahnged and by whom.
What you might want to do is change your template so that both the description and history show on the same tab. Make it a standard of convention that only the history is updated, not the description.
Then, if the description does ever get changed, you can review it in the history window (along with any manually entered notes).
