Split JSON coordinated in two arrays without keys in Objective-C - ios

I want to split my JSON object into two arrays but the object has not keys so how can i do that ?
My JSON object as following :
[[[46.75738391,24.87721852],[46.67171251,24.83205573], [46.67177448,24.7417784],[46.75738391,24.69666377],[46.84299333,24.7417784],[46.8430553,24.83205573],[46.75738391,24.87721852]]]}
I want to split the coordinates into two arrays. The first array must have the longitude and the second array has latitude .


Problems With sorting array data coming from json (all values)

I have 4 values coming from json (name, ratings, reviews and Qualifications). I want to sort this data using name, reviews and qualifications one by one. But when I sort this data then remaining values are not changing in array.
Here is my code.
_arrOfDoc_name = [_arrOfDoc_name sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)];
From comments:
I have to show four values on my screen which are coming from 4 different arrays. but when i sort one array then values of another arrays are not gng to sort and it displays wrong data on screen. how can i sort data of remaining arrays using its index path.
Ok, your comments explain what you're trying to do.
The best answer is to NOT use 4 different arrays. Restructure your data to have a single array that contains dictionaries. Then sort the array of dictionaries.
Failing that, you'll have to be clever. You might be able to create an array of indexes and sort that, or hand-write a sort routine that sorts all 4 arrays at once.

isEqualToArray or isEqualToDictionary how deep can it compare?

Ohkk So I have many scenarios here.
A NSArray of dictionaries with a key as type NSString and value also of type NSString.In this case if I change one value in the NSdictionary on the array and try comparing old array with new one it works. isEqualToArray returns false
A NSArray of dictionaries with a key type as NSString and value type of some model object with attributes like name,address,DOB . So if I change one value in the model object like name and insert in the dictionary with same key. And compare the arrays with old one still works. isEqualToArray returns false
Now this can go on .What if I have a NSArray in my model object which of again a primitive type of some model.What will happen?? Does isEqualToArray compares almost everything in the values of the objects like deep-serializing compare or it has to stop somewhere??
When you compare arrays, the NSArray isEqual: method first checks that both arrays have the same number of elements (otherwise, they are obviously not the same), and then it goes through all the elements one by one and compares them in turn using the isEqual: method. So if your array contains other arrays, or dictionaries, or other objects, then arrays are again compared as just described, dictionaries will be compared as I will describe, and other objects are compared by sending isEqual.
When you compare dictionaries, the NSDictionary isEqual: method first checks both dictionaries have the same number of key/value pairs. Then it takes the first key of the first dictionary, and that key must be present in the second dictionary, and the objects must be the same. Then the second key, the third key and so on.
It all works as long as each class involved has a proper implementation of the isEqual: method. It really has nothing to do with isEqualToArray:. All that does is call isEqual: on each object in the two arrays. So it depends on those objects having a valid isEqual: method (and hash method).
As long as your model object's isEqual: method properly compares each of its properties, you will get the expected result.

efficient storage and retrieval of large set of objects in dictionaries/arrays

I am creating a data source from a user's complete set of photos stored on the device (which may number in the thousands).
For each asset, I need:
When the view loads, I will enumerate all of the assets and store these 4 pieces of data for each asset. I am wondering if there are significant differences among the options for arranging all of this data. For example:
Create 1 array, with each object in the array containing a dictionary with 4 key-value pairs.
Create 1 array, containing just the URL strings. Create 3 additional dictionaries, 1 mapping each URL string to a latitude, 1 mapping each URL string to a longitude, and 1 mapping each URL string to a timestamp.
Same as #1, but instead of adding dictionaries to the array, add instances of a custom class subclassed from NSObject and containing 4 properties.
Are there significant differences in the time required to create or read from these collections (assuming thousands of objects)? Thanks.
There are lots of ways to do this, but the simplest that would save you time and would have a very low overhead would be to create a class that holds the four properties you want to create and put them in a dictionary. Making your own object to hold these pieces of information rather than rigging together a couple arrays or dictionaries will allow for more flexibility in the future.
As you enumerate through the photos, set the objects in the dictionary with the timestamp as the key (or whatever unique property you want). You can sort the keys in O(n*(log n)) and access entries in O(1) time. Then you have a sorted list of all images, it's quick, scalable, and you can easily add more properties in the future.

Get index for value NSDictionary

I've got a value like so: #"2329300" and I've got a NSDictionary like so :{#"John Appleseed":[#"2329300",#"2342322",#"32i249"]}
How do I find the index of the key/value pair in the NSDictionary when I've only got a string value of the entire list that's known as the value. I'm assuming there's no duplicates in the dict.
I know that there's indexForObject on a NSArray but is there a similar thing for a dict?
I imagine it would look something like this:
[NSDictionary indexForValue:value]; // returns index number.
And even then the NSString doesn't match the value, so I'd need a workaround for that too.
You have a basic misunderstanding. Dictionaries are unordered collections. They do not have any particular order for their key/value pairs. You can't have indexes to the key/value pairs because that implies a fixed order.
Think of a dictionary as a bunch of kids milling around on a playground. You can call out a kid's name "Johnny, come here!" and fetch that kid (use a key to find an object) but what does order mean for kids that won't sit still?
You can create an array of the keys from a dictionary and sort that into a particular order (an alphabetical list of the kids on the playground) if that's what you want, or you can create an array of dictionaries, or an array of a custom data object that contains any arbitrary properties that you want.
For a table view, an array of dictionaries is probably a good choice. Each entry in the array contains a dictionary with all the settings for a cell in the dictionary. If you have a sectioned table view then you want an outer array for sections, containing inner arrays for the rows, and each entry in the inner array containing a dictionary.
I tend to prefer custom data objects to dictionaries though. (An object that just has properties for each setting I want.) That way the list of values and their types is crystal-clear and fairly self-documenting.

What is the relationship between elements of plists, arrays and dictionaries?

I've got a simple program that needs to log and persistently store 2 simple pieces of data produced each time the user selects an item in a table view. The two pieces of data are 1) the time of the tap (NSDate) and 2) the name of the item tapped (NSString). At this point, this information is in this form:
TimerEvent *latestTappedEvent = [[TimerEvent alloc] init];
latestTappedEvent.timeTapped = NSDate.date;
latestTappedEvent.activityTapped = tappedItem.itemName;
The two data pieces must remain associated with each other.
My question is this:
How do I get this data into and out of a plist, ordered chronologically?
In my research, I have only become more confused. It's just not obvious to me how to use a plist. Initially, I thought I could use an NSMutableDictionary with latestTappedEvent.timeTapped as a key, and latestTappedEvent.activityTapped as the value. But when I tried to construct the plist manually, it appears not to be possible, wanting instead a string for a key.
If anyone can help me understand this, preferably by giving a graphic representation of the relationship among these different elements, I would be forever grateful.
Dictionaries and arrays both store 'things' - and the things stored are retrieved and set by using 'something else' to do a 'lookup' on the data structure. In an array, that lookup is the index in the array where an object is stored. In tabular form:
Index Storage
0 "some string stored at index 0"
1 "some other string"
2 <some other object, stored at index 2>
To find "some string stored at index 0" you would need to know it's stored at index 0 and ask the array for the object at that index. So arrays use integers to look up objects stored in them, and these integers must be in the range of 0 to the array's count minus 1. The use of integers to look up items in the array also gives the array order - the top-to-bottom ordering you see in the table above is the same order that iterating in code would yield.
Dictionaries use arbitrary objects to do the lookup which also means there's no ordering in a dictionary, there's just a set of associations of keys and what they refer to. In tabular form:
Key Storage
"name" "a string that will be accessed using the key 'name'"
"number" <some numeric object, that will be accessed using the key 'number'>
<object> "will be accessed with key <object> which is an arbitrary object"
To get "a string that will be accessed using the key 'name'" from this dictionary, you ask the dictionary for what's stored under the key "name".
In the above examples, I gave the table heading "Index - Storage" or "Key - Storage", but to circle back to the point that these structures both store things hat are accessed using another thing, let's view the array with a more generic table:
Thing used to access the thing that's stored Thing that's stored
0 "some string stored at index 0"
1 "some other string"
2 <some other object, stored at index 2>
And again, the dictionary, with the same table:
Thing used to access the thing that's stored Thing that's stored
"name" "a string that will be accessed using the key 'name'"
"number" <some numeric object, that will be accessed using the key 'number'>
<object> "will be accessed with key <object> which is an arbitrary object"
Also, let's view your class TimerEvent in the same table:
Thing used to access the thing that's stored Thing that's stored
timeTapped <date object>
activityTapped "name of an activity"
The items in the left column are Objective-C property names, and the items on the right are the values those properties contain. Now, take another look at the dictionary - the items on the left are arbitrary values (in practice they are commonly strings) and the items on the right are other arbitrary values. Hopefully you can see the connection here - that you can generally represent an object's properties as a dictionary that maps the string representation of a property name to the value the property stores. So, if you want to represent the TimerEvent object in a dictionary, you'd end up with a representation like:
Key Object
"timeTapped" <date object>
"activityTapped" "activity name"
The tables above illustrate the commonalities and differences between arrays, dictionaries, and other objects, and show that using a dictionary to map property names to property values can represent the properties of any given object. So, how would the code to do this look? Let's say we want to represent the TimerEvent object timerEvent in an NSDictionary:
NSDictionary *timerEventRepresentation = #{ #"timeTapped": timerEvent.timeTapped,
#"activityTapped": timerEvent.activityTapped};
And here's how we could create a TimerEvent from a dictionary representation:
TimerEvent *timerEvent = [[TimerEvent alloc] init];
timerEvent.timeTapped = timerEventDictionaryRepresentation[#"timeTapped"];
timerEvent.activityTapped = timerEventDictionaryRepresentation[#"activityTapped"];
The purpose behind coercing all your objects into dictionaries is that the property list format only serializes a few classes - NSArray, NSDictionary, NSString, NSDate, NSNumber, and NSData. So we write code to represent non-supported classes using the supported ones, and vice versa, to serialize these objects in plists.
As an addendum, you mention that you need to store a record of all taps, and sort them. As I mentioned above, arrays inherently order the things they store, so that is the appropriate solution here. You'd want to build something that looked like this:
Index Item
0 <dictionary representing first tap>
1 <dictionary representing second tap>
n <dictionary representing n-1th tap>
In code, serializing each tap would take the same form as was described earlier, but make sure to add an extra step of calling addObject: on an NSMutableArray property with the newly-created dictionary as the parameter.
