How can I get the original uploaded date?
It's available in YouTube Dashboard > Edit Video > Video Information > Uploaded time.
However, I can't find it anywhere in the API. Instead I just have the published time.
We are a UA agency and we are building an internal tool to automatically upload videos on YouTube in order to then use these videos in our Google Ads App Campaigns. However, we are currently limited to uploading 6 videos through YouTube API per day which is way too low compared to our needs. We followed the process to request a quota increase. However, we can't go through as our system is internal so Google can't check its use or purpose. We would like to get in touch with someone to whom we can explain the issue.
By default, YouTube allows video uploads that are up to 15 minutes long. If you try to upload videos longer than 15 minutes, the upload will fail. This is a YouTube limitation rather than a Brightcove limitation.
To upload longer videos to YouTube, you need to verify your account with YouTube:
Open the YouTube upload page at
Click Increase your limit link at the bottom of the page.
Note: If you can't find the Increase your limit link, it's possible that you may already be able to upload long videos. Check the Longer videos section in your YouTube Account Features page to check if the feature has already been enabled.
Follow the steps to verify your account with a mobile phone.
When you receive a text message from YouTube in response, enter the verification code from the text message and click Submit.
YouTube will then confirm when your YouTube account has been activated for longer uploads. From this point, any videos longer than 15 minutes in your Video Cloud account will be synced to YouTube.
You'll need to apply for a quota extension, you can do so here:
Youtube use to have a feature where you could click a more videos button while watching any video, and see a snapshot of the uploads playlist with videos uploaded before and after the one you are currently watching.
I am trying to get a list like that with the v3 data API and it seems there is no way. There use to be a way to dictate an index when using the playlistItems call, but now there isn't.
If you go to a channels upload playlist and click play all, you can see a list of videos surrounding the one you are watching, so it seems this functionality is possible, but I don't know how they are doing it.
Any ideas?
Every now and then when I push a video through the Youtube API I do not get the success result back to my server with the appropriate video ID. (assuming some kind of random connectivity issue)
This creates an issue where my server assumes the video hasn't uploaded it so it attempts to upload it again. Which then creates a duplicate.
How would I find out and remove any duplicates as well as the 1st uploaded video so I can start the process again and upload a fresh copy?
Is there a way to tell youtube to delete the video if it can not return the ID successfully to my server?
I want to get the daily view of a given video.
For example, I have a YouTube video ID, Then I need to retrieve its channel id, Then I need to get the daily viewcoun of that video.
My problem is that I can only get information about my channel (Logged in user's channel). I can not see the results for other users at all. It says it is "forbidden"
Ps. I used both google.api.explorer and a python code. (the authentication is OK.)
Does anyone know how to get these info?
If you run your program twice such that 00:00 Monday and 00:00 Tuesday, you can get daily viewCount of the video since you are able to get statistics of a single video. However, if you want to find dailyViewCount of a video, I think you would not able to do it. You can follow my way in unix by crontab in order to run in every 24 hours and get result and use it later to subtriction
Due to privacy issues, you can only access to your own videos (or the videos uploaded by channels you manage) statistics.
For other videos, you can get basic numbers like viewcounts etc but not in detail.
What is the difference between the published time and updated time of a youtube video obtained through the YouTube API call?
It shows difference values but shouldn't it be the same?
Meaning a person uploaded the video and updated it later by uploading another video under the same title?
Or the updated time is the time for the last comment?
published time, is the time the video was uploaded to the channel.
And updated time, is the last time a change has been made on the video information. (For example, the description might have been updated.)