Where is jenkinsfile downloaded when job fetches pipeline script from SCM - jenkins

I created a Jenkinsfile and pushed it to master branch.
In Jenkins pipeline job, I selected Pipeline Script from SCM and filled all other details.
When I build this job, it runs properly as expected.
Console log says 'Obtained Jenkinsfile from git <repo url>'.
I am using windows. Jenkins has a folder .jenkins in C:\Users\<Username>.
I looked in workspace folder which is empty until Jenkinsfile started downloading the repo.
Where is Jenkins storing the Jenkinsfile it downloaded in the very first step?

The output on the console log should show the directory where the Jenkinsfile was checked out. It is usually named somthing similar to what the workspace is called, but with an #script or something on the end.


Ho do I restart the jenkins pipeline with an updated JenkinsFile

I have a Jenkins project with a declarative pipeline defined in a JenkinsFile stored in a SCM. I use the "Pipeline script from SCM" option.
Sometimes if something fails I do a quick fix in the jenkins workspace and rerun the pipeline starting at a specific stage. This is working nicely.
There are cases in which I need to update the JenkinsFile and then do a 'restart at stage' with the updated Jenkins file. However, I can't find the JenkinsFile anywhere in the workspace folder. I need to know the location so I can do a quick fix and then restart the pipeline. Where is the JenkinsFile located?
See "Replay" Pipeline Runs with Modifications:
The "Replay" feature allows for quick modifications and execution of an existing Pipeline without changing the Pipeline configuration or creating a new commit.

Jenkins Multibranch pipeline cannot find Jenkinsfile in subfolder

I am using a Jenkins Multibranch pipeline -- specifically, an Organization folder, which monitors all my Bitbucket repos and builds a pipeline for any repo containing a Jenkinsfile. For simplicity, I have configured it to look at only 1 of my repos for now.
Here's my problem:
When the Jenkinsfile is located in the root folder of my repo, everything works fine -- Jenkins sees the Jenkinsfile, and creates the pipeline as defined in that Jenkinsfile.
|___> Jenkinsfile
As you can see, Jenkins finds it without any issues:
However, I want to move the Jenkinsfile to a subfolder in my repo (giving me the flexibility to have multiple pipelines defined for 1 repo).
When I move it to a subfolder (jenkins/ci-pipeline/Jenkinsfile), even though I explicitly give that relative file path to Jenkins, it can no longer find the Jenkinsfile!!
|___> jenkins
|___> ci-pipeline
|___> Jenkinsfile
As you can see, despite giving the relative file path (jenkins/ci-pipeline/Jenkinsfile) to Jenkins, it claims it can no longer find the Jenkinsfile:
Incidentally, even though the description of that Jenkins field says it is the "relative location", I tried to give it an absolute file path (${WORKSPACE}/jenkins/ci-pipeline/Jenkinsfile) instead to see if that would work:
Unfortunately, that didn't work either -- also, Jenkins didn't expand its WORKSPACE environment variable:
I have also logged into my Jenkins worker node and confirmed that the Jenkinsfile is present in that subfolder, within the Jenkins workspace for my repo.
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong??
This seems very simple, but it just refuses to work and it's driving me nuts!
As suggested by #Unforgettable631, this appears to be caused by the fact that I have an outdated version of the Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin (2.2.9).
As mentioned in https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-49261, that version of the plugin has a bug where it cannot find the Jenkinsfile if it is in a subfolder.

"Pipeline script from SCM" option in multibranch pipeline plugin

I have a Git repository with code I'd like to build and cant add a Jenkinsfile in its root. Is there a way to store the Jenkinsfile in one repository and have it build code from another repository?
As in pipeline plugin we have option "Pipeline script from SCM" and can choose from any other repo.
As in multibranch we have "Build Configuration" which ask for script path only, i couldnt get how i pass repo URL or this path would be absolute path in local directory? Any link for this would be helpful
Configure your pipeline with the SCM source pointing to the repo with the Jenkinsfile.
In your pipeline definition there, you can check out other code using the checkout or git steps.

Run a windows batch job on jenkins slave

I am a newbie to the jenkins and trying to run a windows batch job in Jenkins slave. I can see the workspace with all the svn code in job but when am trying to access the command from the workspace folder , i am getting an error path not specified. this is because the Jenkins master is having workspace path as [workspace]/[jobname] where as in slave it is [jobname]/[workspace]. How can i identify the workspace path in jenkins master and run from the slave . please help!
Your not supposed to work on the master. You need to tell which slave your working on with the agent{ label 's1'} block. After, go see the Snippet Generator and check the Checkout function for your svn request.

Jenkins 2 Pipeline workspaces xxx#script

I am new to Jenkins 2 and pipeline feature, and I am setting up a project to use the Jenkinsfile for pipeline.
I can see there are 3 workspace created:
When I run tox in pipeline, it complains about no tox.ini found, I suspect it's in side folder project-xxxxx which is empty, but the project files are inside project-xxxxx#script
Should I use checkout scm to populate the workspace with project files? Or am I suppose to use the project files in project-xxxxx#script and how do I do it properly?
Can someone please explain to me how those 3 folders work together?
You should not have to worry about the workspace in a pipeline. You start the build, you get a workspace and anything you checkout out or copy into it should be there.
How do you start the pipeline? Inline script, from scm or via a Multi-Branch or similar job type?
How are you getting files into your workspace?
