When to use HANA SPs instead of graphical Calculation views? - stored-procedures

I didn't come across in any such scenario where we have to use stored procedure instead of Calculation View, but I read many sites where it is mentioned. One can use Stored Procedure in complex scenarios, but I am confused which scenarios are meant.
Can anyone suggest me such scenarios where we have to use Stored Procedure instead of Graphical Calculation View?

If you are looking for the parents (or children) of an object for undetermined depth, you have to do many SELECTs in a loop.
If you use views, the loop has to be on ABAP side, causing many roundtrips between the application server and the DB.
Stored procedures are very beneficial in this case, as they can run the loops on HANA side. You only have to more the end result through the network.
Sidenote: you should be using CDS views instead of Calculation views, as they offer many benefits.
First of all they are used by SAP internally in S/4 products, making CDS the way of the present and future.
Also they are ABAP objects, transported together with the referencing ABAP coding.

In a stored procedure, or in an AMDP you can use a script code block which can contain more than a single SELECT statement. You can store temp tables storing outcomes of previous SELECT commands in that AMDP and use later for example.
AMDP enables developers to keep the business logic in it.
But if you are using a view, you are generally limited with allowed functions with a single SELECT statement
For example, I could not use TRIM function within a CDS view but can use in AMDP


Is there a way in SumoLogic to store some data and use it in queries?

I have a list of IPs that I want to filter out of many queries that I have in sumo logic. Is there a way to store that list of IPs somewhere so it can be referenced, instead of copy pasting it in every query?
For example, in a perfect world it would be nice to define a list of things like:
And then in another query reference it:
where mything IN things
Right now I'm just copying/pasting. I think there may be a way to do this by setting up a custom data source and putting the IPs in there, but that seems like a very round-about way of doing it, and wouldn't help to re-use parts of a query that aren't data (eg re-use statements). Also their template feature is about parameterizing a query, not re-use across many queries.
Yes. There's a notion of Lookup Tables in Sumo Logic. Consult:
for details.
It allows to store some values (either manually once, or in a scheduled way as as a result of some query) with | save operator.
And then you can refer to these values using | lookup which is conceptually similar to SQL's JOIN.
Disclaimer: I am currently employed by Sumo Logic.

Is it faster to constantly assign a value or compare

I am scanning an SQLite database looking for all matches and using
if tbl1.FieldByName('Name').AsString = 'jones' then
if OneFound then // Do something
or should I be using
if not(OneFound) then OneFound:=True;
Is it faster to just assign "True" to OneFound no matter how many times it is assigned or should I do the comparison and only change OneFuond the first time?
I know a better way would be to use FTS3, but for now I have to scan the database and the question is more on the approach to setting OneFound as many times as a match is encountered or using the compare-approach and setting it just once.
Your question is, which is faster:
if not(OneFound) then OneFound:=True;
OneFound := True;
The answer is probably that the second is faster. Conditional statements involve branches which risks branch mis-prediction.
However, that line of code is trivial compared to what is around it. Running across a database one row at a time is going to be outrageously expensive. I bet that you will not be able to measure the difference between the two options because the handling of that little Boolean is simply swamped by the rest of the code. In which case choose the more readable and simpler version.
But if you care about the performance of this code you should be asking the database to do the work, as you yourself state. Write a query to perform the work.
It would be better to change your SQL statement so that the work is done in the database. If you want to know whether there is a tuple which contains the value 'jones' in the field 'name', then a quicker query would be
with tquery.create (nil) do
sql.add ('select name from tbl1 where name = :p1 limit 1');
sql.params[0].asstring:= 'jones';
onefound:= not isempty;
Your syntax may vary regarding the 'limit' clause but the idea is to return only one tuple from the database which matches the 'where' statement - it doesn't matter which one.
I used a parameter to avoid problems delimiting the value.
1. Search one field
If you want to search one particular field content, using an INDEX and a SELECT will be the fastest.
Do not forget to create an INDEX on the column, first!
2. Fast reading
But if you want to search within a field, or within several fields, you may have to read and check the whole content. In this case, what will be slow will be calling FieldByName() for each data row: you should better use a local TField variable.
Or forget about TDataSet, and switch to direct access to SQLite3. In fact, using DB.pas and TDataSet requires a lot of data marshalling, so is slower than a direct access.
See e.g. DiSQLite3 or our DB classes, which are very fast, but a bit of higher level. Or you can use our ORM on top of those classes. Our classes are able to read more than 500,000 rows per second from a SQLite3 database, including JSON marshalling into objects fields.
3. FTS3/FTS4
But, as you guessed, the fastest would be indeed to use the FTS3/FTS4 feature of SQlite3.
You can think of FTS4/FTS4 as a "meta-index" or a "full-text index" on supplied blob of text. Just like google is able to find a word in millions of web pages: it does not use a regular database, but full-text indexing.
In short, you create a virtual FTS3/FTS4 table in your database, then you insert in this table the whole text of your main records in the FTS TEXT field, forcing the ID field to be the one of the original data row.
Then, you will query for some words on your FTS3/FTS4 table, which will give you the matching IDs, much faster than a regular scan.
Note that our ORM has dedicated TSQLRecordFTS3 / TSQLRecordFTS4 kind of classes for direct FTS process.

Trimming BOLD_CLOCKLOG table

I am doing some maintenance on a database for an application that uses the Bold for Delphi object persistence framework. This database has been been in production for several years and several of the tables have grown quite large. One of them is the BOLD_CLOCKLOG which has something to do with Bold's transaction management.
I want to trim this table (it is up to 1.2GB, with entries from Jan 2006).
Can anyone confirm the system does not need this old information?
From the bolds documentation:
To be able to map the transaction numbers used in the TimeStamp columns to the corresponding physical time (such as 2001-01-01 12:34) the persistence mapper will store a log with timestamps and times. Normally, this log is written for each database operation, but if the traffic to the database is very intensive, it is possible to restrict how often this log is written by setting the property ClockLogGranularity. The event OnGetCurrentTime should also be implemented to ensure that all clients have the same time.The usage of this table can be controlled with the tagged value: Model.UseClockLog
So I believe this is used for versioning Boldobjects, see Object Versioning Extension in bolds documentation. If your application don't need this you can drop this in the database.
In our Bold application we don't use that feature. Why don't simply test to turn off Bold_ClockLog in the model, drop that big table and try to use your application. I'm pretty sure if something is wrong then it say so at once.
I can also mention that we have an own custom objecthistoy. It is simply big string (as TStringList.DelimetedText) in a ObjectHistory class that have Time, user and a note about action. This suits our need better that Bolds builtin objecthistory. The disadvantage is of course that we need to add calls in the code when logging to history is done.
Bold_ClockLog is an optional table, it's purpose is to store mapping between integer timestamps and corresponding DateTime values.
This allows you to find out datetime of the last modification to any object.
If you don't need this feature feel free to empty the table, it won't cause any problems.
In addition to Bold_ClockLog, the Bold_XFiles is another optional table that tends to grow large. But unlike the Bold_ClockLog the Bold_XFiles can not be emptied.
Both of these tables can be turned on/off in the model tag values.

Can TCustomClientDataset apply updates in a batch mode?

I've got a DB Express TSimpleDataset connected to a Firebird database. I've just added several thousand rows of data to the dataset, and now it's time to call ApplyUpdates.
Unfortunately, this results in several thousand database hits as it tries to INSERT each row individually. That's a bit disappointing. What I'd really like to see is the dataset generate a single transaction with a few thousand INSERT statements in it and send the whole thing at once. I could set that up myself if I had to, but first I'd like to know if there's any method for it built in to the dataset or the DBX framework.
Don't know if it is possible with a TSimpleDataset (never used it), but surely you can if you use a TClientDataset + TDatasetProvider + <put your db dataset here>. You can write a BeforeUpdateRecord to handle the apply process yourself. Basically, it allows you to bypass the standard apply process, access the dataset delta with changes made to records, and then use your own code and components to apply changes to the database. For example you could call stored procedures to modify data, and so on.
However, there is a difference between a transaction and what is called "array DML", "bulk insert" or the like. Even if you use a single transaction (and an "apply" AFAIK happens in a single transaction), within the transaction you may still need to send "n" INSERTs. Some databases supports a way of sending a single INSERT (or update, delete) with an array of parameters to be inserted, reducing the number of single statements to be used - but that may be very database specific and AFAIK dbExpress/Datasnap do not support it - you still could use the BeforeUpdateRecord event to take advantage of specific database capabililties.

MSSQL2000: Using a stored procedure results as a table in sql

Let's say I have 'myStoredProcedure' that takes in an Id as a parameter, and returns a table of information.
Is it possible to write a SQL statement similar to this?
Table-ify('myStoredProcedure ' + #MyId) AS [MyTable]
I get the feeling that it's not, but it would be very beneficial in a scenario I have with legacy code & linked server tables
You can use a table value function in this way.
Here is a few tricks...
No it is not - at least not in any official or documented way - unless you change your stored procedure to a TVF.
But however there are ways (read) hacks to do it. All of them basically involved a linked server and using OpenQuery - for example seehere. Do however note that it is quite fragile as you need to hardcode the name of the server - so it can be problematic if you have multiple sql server instances with different name.
Here is a pretty good summary of the ways of sharing data between stored procedures http://www.sommarskog.se/share_data.html.
Basically it depends what you want to do. The most common ways are creating the temporary table prior to calling the stored procedure and having it fill it, or having one permanent table that the stored procedure dumps the data into which also contains the process id.
Table Valued functions have been mentioned, but there are a number of restrictions when you create a function as opposed to a stored procedure, so they may or may not be right for you. The link provides a good guide to what is available.
SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 change the options a bit. SQL Server 2005+ make working with XML much easier. So XML can be passed as an output variable and pretty easily "shredded" into a table using the XML functions nodes and value. I believe SQL 2008 allows table variables to be passed into stored procedures (although read only). Since you cited SQL 2000 the 2005+ enhancements don't apply to you, but I mentioned them for completeness.
Most likely you'll go with a table valued function, or creating the temporary table prior to calling the stored procedure and then having it populate that.
While working on the project, I used the following to insert the results of xp_readerrorlog (afaik, returns a table) into a temporary table created ahead of time.
INSERT INTO [tempdb].[dbo].[ErrorLogsTMP]
EXEC master.dbo.xp_readerrorlog
From the temporary table, select the columns you want.
