How can I change the position of my navigation bar item in iOS 11 - ios

This is my navigation bar, the instance of UINavigationBar. Now, I want the leftBarButtonItem move left, how can i do? The platform is iOS 11.

I hope this helps,
Under the bar button item, assist menu. Change the image inset to negative


How to center a bar button item in navigation bar in swift using storyboard?

I'm trying to have 3 bar button items in my navigation bar in my swift project.
I can drag/drop the buttons in my navigation bar using storyboard but the buttons will go to the left or right of the navigation bar!
I need to have 1 of these 3 buttons to sit in the middle of the navigation bar so I can use it as a Logo.
I've tried to use the Flexible space bar item as well with no success. I have nothing else in my navigation bar other than these 3 buttons.
could someone please advice on this issue?

ViewController with different behavior on hidden Navigation Bar

I have a ViewController which has a hidden navigationBar (supported by a NavigationController). The problem is that the navigation bar is rendering a black image on the bottom of the nav bar.
What am i doing wrong?
This is a bug in iOS 11. If you try on a lower target you´ll see that it will work. The problem is that the navigation bar goes up like 10 pixels on iOS 11. Not much to do at the moment for this.

How to give automatically top space to navigation bar in ios?

I have a UIViewController. I am designing the screen for iPhone 5s. I have a UIImageView & I am giving top space to container of 20. I also have UINavigationBar at top.So the space given of 20 is not enough. UIImageView is hidden behind the UINavigationBar. I can resolve this issue by giving much space from top. But in that case at design time my UI will not look proper. So is there any way by which space from UINavigationBar is automatically calculated?
In Attribute Inspector set Top Bar to Translucent Navigation Bar like this
then set Top Space of imageView to Top Layout Guide like,
set navigation bar type as opaque Navigation Bar so it will opaque that much space from your view controller and show your view content after navigation bar space they will not hide inside of navigation bar.
but if you set navigation bar type as Translucent Navigation bar then your content will hide inside of navigation bar so set "Opaque Navigation Bar" type. no need to do any other stuff for that.
I hope it will help you!

Move navigation bar in navigation view controller in ios7

I want add 20 points margin to my navigation bar. I need it because I want another background color under status bar as youtube did:
I found
iOS Developer library says: Status bar background appearance provided by the window background, if using UIBarPositionTop.
I found solution for toolbar, but I can't move my navigation bar inside navigation view controller. I just set UIBarPositionTop for my navigation bar, but it changes nothing.
-(UIBarPosition)positionForBar:(id<UIBarPositioning>)bar {
NSLog(#"position method called");
return UIBarPositionTop;
I still see the gray background of status bar instead of white.
Is it possible to do it with a navigation bar or should I use a view with a toolbar?
(XCode 6, development target 7.0+, sdk 8.0, autolayout)
I read this question
and understood, that there is no need to add margin. I added view with background color I need over my navigation bar controller and it resolved my problem.
When you are adding your UIView to the UIWindow, you should change the UIViews size to not underlap the title bar. How to do this is well documented in this post:
Offset on UIWindow addSubview
I hope i understood correctly, look in size inspector, ios 6/7 deltas.
Check this link for an explanation:
Interface Builder: What are the UIView's Layout iOS 6/7 Deltas for?

How to increase the height of the navigation bar and change the vertical position of the title using xcode 5 (iOS7)?

I developed a simple app for iOS6 and now I'm to updating its appearence for iOS7. One of the first changes I would like to do concerns the navigation bar.
I'm using the standard navigation bar UI component that comes with xcode. While in iOS6 the navigation bar was clearly placed under the status bar (i.e. battery, carrier and hour), in iOS7 the navigation bar blends with the status bar.
My question is: how can I increase the height of the navigation bar and place the title vertically a little lower than the default position?
Currently I have this:
And the title is too close to the time. I would like to achieve this (standard Photos app that comes with iOS7):
here the title of the bar is lower and the bar is larger (or is just shifted down).
It have been trying to modify the height of the navigation bar through the size inspector but with no success.
It's probaly a very easy issue to solve, however I'm still new to xcode development and I can't figure it out.
Stick the view controller in a Navigation Controller, that should immediately solve the problem
