I want to use tf.metrics.accuracy to track the accuracy of my predictions, but I am unsure of how to use the update_op (acc_update_op below) that the function returns:
accuracy, acc_update_op = tf.metrics.accuracy(labels, predictions)
I was thinking that adding it to tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS would make sense, but I am not sure how to do this.
tf.metrics.accuracy is one of the many streamed metric TensorFlow operations (another one of which is tf.metrics.recall). Upon creation, two variables (count and total) are created in order to accumulate all incoming results for one final outcome. The first returned value is a tensor for the calculation count / total. The second op returned is a stateful function which updates these variables. Streamed metric functions are useful when evaluating the performance of a classifier over multiple batches of data. A quick example of use:
# building phase
with tf.name_scope("streaming"):
accuracy, acc_update_op = tf.metrics.accuracy(labels, predictions)
test_fetches = {
'accuracy': accuracy,
'acc_op': acc_update_op
# when testing the classifier
with tf.name_scope("streaming"):
# clear counters for a fresh evaluation
for _i in range(n_batches_in_test):
fd = get_test_batch()
outputs = sess.run(test_fetches, feed_dict=fd)
print("Accuracy:", outputs['accuracy'])
I was thinking that adding it to tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS would make sense, but I am not sure how to do this.
That would not be a good idea unless you are only using the UPDATE_OPS collection for testing purposes. Usually, the collection will already have certain control operations for the training phase (such as moving batch normalization parameters) that are not meant to be run alongside the validation phase. It may be best to either keep them in a new collection or add these operations to the fetch dictionary manually.
I have EEG data, for which I want to calculate the peaks' amplitudes and latencies. I'm working with MNE, and found the method get_peak in the Evoked object. However, I want to find peaks on epochs data (not averaged). How can I do it? I didn't see similar functions for the epochs object. I would prefer to do it through MNE, but other python libraries can also work. It's important that there is an option to get the amplitude and latency of the peaks, and choose a time window for detection.
In addition, I didn't understand if the get_peak returns only the highest peak, or something else? If there is more than one peak.
You can create an Evoked data structure from a single trial by just selecting a single trial from your Epochs structure and then applying .average(), e.g., as follows:
tmp_evoked = all_epochs[subj][cond][trial].average()
The above assumes you have an all_epochs object organized as trials within conditions within subjects (i.e., you're working at the group level). If your Epochs object has only one subject, then it would just be:
tmp_evoked = all_epochs[cond][trial].average()
You can further refine this to find the peak at only one channel as:
tmp_evoked = all_epochs[subj][cond][trial].pick(chan).average()
I'm reading over the implementation of the dask-lightgbm estimators (specifically, the _train_part function in dask_lightgb.core.py), and I'm failing to see how the entirety of the training set gets used to fit the final estimator?
The _train_part function accepts the boolean argument return_model, and in the implementation of the train function (which uses client.submit to call _train_part on each worker), return_model is only true when the worker is the "master_worker" (which itself appears to be a randomly chosen Dask worker). Logically, each worker gets dispatched 1/n chunks of the overall model training set - where n = total number of workers - then each worker trains its own independent model on its own subset of the training set. The return_model parameter controls whether each worker's model gets returned by _train_part, so it returns None for all workers - and therefore, models - except for one worker.
def _train_part(params, model_factory, list_of_parts, worker_addresses, return_model, local_listen_port=12400,
time_out=120, **kwargs):
network_params = build_network_params(worker_addresses, get_worker().address, local_listen_port, time_out)
# Concatenate many parts into one
parts = tuple(zip(*list_of_parts))
data = concat(parts[0])
label = concat(parts[1])
weight = concat(parts[2]) if len(parts) == 3 else None
model = model_factory(**params)
model.fit(data, label, sample_weight=weight)
return model if return_model else None
Is this not equivalent to training a non-distributed version of a lightgbm estimator on a 1/n subsample of the training set? Am I missing something? I feel like I am missing a part where either the workers' independent models get combined into one, or where a single estimator is getting updated with the individual trees learned by separate workers.
Thank you!
Ah the answer is yes - dask_lightgbm uses all available training samples. Dask's responsibility is only to distribute data across workers. LightGBM handles all distributed learning once its network parameters are set. It's not that each worker is training its own independent model - LightGBM is training a single model - but each worker will get a copy of it. For this reason, only the chosen worker returns the fitted estimator, and everyone else returns None.
How to perform asynchronous model training using TFF framework?
I review the iterative training process loop, however I am not sure how to know which clients models are received.
Its quite possible to simulate something akin to "asynchronous FL" in TFF. One way to think about this could be to conceptually decouple the simulation time from wall clock time.
Sampling different numbers of clients each round (rather than the uniform K clients that is commonly done), perhaps with some distribution that weights clients based on how long they are expected to train, could simulate asynchronous FL. Its possible to only process a portion of the selected clients first, the researcher has the freedom to slice up the data/computation as they desired.
Python-esque pseudo code demonstrates the two techniques, different client sampling, and delayed gradient application:
state = fed_avg_iter_proc.initialize()
for round_num in range(NUM_ROUNDS):
# Here we conceptualize a "round" as a block of time, rather than a synchronous
# round. We have a function that determines which clients will "finish" within
# our configured block of time. This might even return only a single client.
participants = get_next_clients(time_window=timedelta(minutes=30))
num_participants = len(participants)
# Here we only process the first half, and then updated the global model.
state2, metrics = fed_avg_iter_proc.next(state, participants[:num_participants/2])
# Now process the second half of the selected clients.
# Note: this is now apply the 'pseudo-gradient' that was computed on clients
# (the difference between the original `state` and their local training result),
# to the model that has already taken one step (`state2`). This possibly has
# undesirable effects on the optimisation process, or may be improved with
# techniques that handle "stale" gradients.
state3, metrics = fed_avg_iter_proc.next(state2, participants[num_participants/2:])
# Finally update the state for the next for-loop of the simulation.
state = state3
I'm training a multi-objective neural net in TensorFlow with my own loss function and can't find documentation regarding how batching interacts with that functionality.
For example, I have snippet of my loss function below, which takes the tensor/list of predictions and makes sure that their absolute value sums to no more than one:
def fitness(predictions,actual):
absTensor = tf.abs(predictions)
sumTensor = tf.reduce_sum(absTensor)
oneTensor = tf.constant(1.0)
isGTOne = tf.greater(sumTensor,oneTensor)
def norm(): return predictions/sumTensor
def unchanged(): return predictions
predictions = tf.cond(isGTOne,norm,unchanged)
But when I'm passing in a batch of estimates I feel like this loss function is normalising the whole set of inputs to sum to 1 at this point, rather than each individual set summing to 1. I.e.
[[.8,.8],[.8,.8]] -> [[.25,.25],[.25,25]]
rather than the desired
[[.8,.8],[.8,.8]] -> [[.5,.5],[.5,.5]]
Can anybody clarify or put to rest my suspicions? If this is how my function is currently working, how do I change that?
You must specify a reduction axis for reduction ops, otherwise all axes will be reduces. Traditionally this is the first dimension of your tensor. So, line 2 should look like this:
sumTensor = tf.reduce_sum(absTensor, 0)
After you make that change you will run into another problem. sumTensor will no longer be a scalar and will thus no longer make sense as a condition for tf.cond (i.e. what does it mean to branch per entry of a batch?). What you really want is tf.select since you don't really want to branch logic per batch entry. Like this:
isGTOne = tf.greater(sumTensor,oneTensor)
norm = predictions/sumTensor
predictions = tf.select(isGTOne,norm,predictions)
But, looking at this now, I wouldn't even bother conditionally normalizing the entries. Since you are operating at the granularity of a batch now, I don't think you can gain performance from normalizing an entry of a batch one at a time. Especially, since dividing is not really an expensive side effect. Might as well just do:
def fitness(predictions,actual):
absTensor = tf.abs(predictions)
sumTensor = tf.reduce_sum(absTensor, 0)
predictions = predictions/sumTensor
Hope that helps!
Using the BVLC reference AlexNet file, I have been training a CNN against a training set I created. In order to measure the progress of training, I have been using a rough method to approximate the accuracy against the training data. My batch size on the test net is 256. I have ~4500 images. I perform 17 calls to solver.test_nets[0].forward() and record the value of solver.test_nets[0].blobs['accuracy'].data (the accuracy of that forward pass). I take the average across these. My thought was that I was taking 17 random samples of 256 from my validation set and getting the accuracy of these random samplings. I would expect this to closely approximate the true accuracy against the entire set. However, I later went back and wrote a script to go through each item in my LMDB so that I could generate a confusion matrix for my entire test set. I discovered that the true accuracy of my model was significantly lower than the estimated accuracy. For example, my expected accuracy of ~75% dropped to ~50% true accuracy. This is a far worse result than I was expecting.
My assumptions match the answer given here.
Have I made an incorrect assumption somewhere? What could account for the difference? I had assumed that forward() function gathered a random sample, but I'm not so sure that was the case. blobs.['accuracy'].data returned a different result (though usually within a small range) everytime, so this is why I assumed this.
I had assumed that forward() function gathered a random sample, but I'm not so sure that was the case. blobs.['accuracy'].data returned a different result (though usually within a small range) everytime, so this is why I assumed this.
The forward() function from Caffe does not perform any random sampling, it will only fetch the next batch according to your DataLayer. E.g., in your case forward() will pass the next 256 images in your network. Performing this 17 times will pass sequentially 17x256=4352 images.
Have I made an incorrect assumption somewhere? What could account for the difference?
Check that the script that goes through your whole LMDB performs the same data pre-processing as during training.