Camaleon-CMS: How to disable media files edition - ruby-on-rails

Is there a way to disable the media items edit button? Either in the Camaleon configuration or by using a hook... In my case, the user can only upload images and use them, but cannot edit them!

in the current version you can do it by adding a css style using the hook "admin_before_load".
"hooks": {
"admin_before_load": ["my_function_admin_before_load"],
def my_function_admin_before_load
append_asset_content('<style>#cama_media_gallery .media_item .edit_item{display: none;}</style>')
In current development version I added two hooks "file_manager_edit_file" and "file_manager_del_file"


Disable Quasar's default CSS

Is there any way to disable the default quasar.css which comes with a Quasar app?
It's almost 12000 lines long and I don't plan on using any of it. I can't find anything which mentions how you could do this, so I'm assuming it can't be done.
The solution I've got is for quasar v2, but I am pretty sure it should work with v1 too.
The end result is straighforward:
// quasar.config.js
build: {
chainWebpack (chain) {
chain.resolve.alias.set('quasar/dist/quasar.css', false)
chain.resolve.alias.set('quasar/dist/', false)
chain.module.rule('sass').exclude.add(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules/quasar/dist/quasar.sass'))
chain.module.rule('scss').exclude.add(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules/quasar/dist/quasar.scss'))
The chain.resolve.alias.set is taking care of import 'quasar/dist/quasar.css' in the .quasar/client-entry.js file. For a further explanation see
Setting resolve.alias to false will tell webpack to ignore a module.
The chain.module.rule part disables processing of sass/scss. Note that ../../node_modules path will need amending if you don't use workspaces ( or
Note: don't use IgnorePlugin as the imported module will be removed during the build (see
Another note: I only tested this in SPA mode, but will update the answer if I come across any problems while testing other modes.
//quasar.conf.js Quasar plugins
plugins: [],
removeDefaultCss: true

How disable LoadingBar of Quasar completely?

Is it possible to disable the LoadingBar of Quasasr completely? It's loading with every AJAX request, but I have own solution for it.
When using the UMD version of Quasar, all components, directives and
plugins are installed by default. This includes LoadingBar. Should you
wish to disable it, specify loadingBar: { skipHijack: true } (which
turns off listening to Ajax traffic).
Link -
Set skipHijack to true for disabling QAjaxBar.

How to edit my openedx home page?

The Home page presents a default text :
Welcome to the Open edX® platform! It works! This is the default
homepage for this Open edX instance.
Where to go to edit this content ?
Disclaimer : found these solutions online but I did not implemented them. I'am summarizing them here for convenience and later testing. (Source discussion)
There are 2 ways to change you page contents.
1. Manually
If you want to manually update the code, edit the main pages are:
2. Via a theme and its edition
Get code in : git clone /edx/app/edxapp/themes/
Rename scss : mv _default.scss edx-theme.scss
In lms.env.json, set "USE_CUSTOM_THEME": true " , "THEME_NAME": "edx-theme" in lms.env.json
Edit /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/templates/index.html

translations using mediaelementjs

How does the auto translations:['es','ar','yi','zh-cn'] work with mediaelement player
I tried the suggestion -
// automatically create these translations on load
// allow the user to add additional translations
translationSelector: true,
// start with English automatically turned on
startLanguage: 'en'
Sorry, Google has removed their translation API so this was pulled from MediaElement.js

TYPO3 RTE (htmlarea) - How can I disable options on Link Wizard (mail,file, etc.)

in Backend TYPO3: How can I disable one of these options on RTE (htmlarea), when the editor click on the LINK-Button (anchor). The Link Wizard starts in new window and the editor can choose the link to a page, folder, mail or ext. website.
I want to remove some of these options. Only "Page" and "Mail" will be allowed.
I thought it was on the pageconfig.ts
RTE.default.blindlinkoptions = spec,url
But it doesn't work. Anyone an idea? Thanks.
There it is: = page,file,url,mail,spec, folder
You could try this:
RTE.default.FE.classesAnchor.default.url >
RTE.default.FE.classesAnchor.default.file >
or this, or both:
RTE.default.FE.classesAnchor := removeFromList(internal-link,
internal-link-new-window, mail)
I'm not so sure about this solutions. I just looked the pathes up in the Backend in the Info module under PageTSConfig.
