change background color for highchart candlestick plot - highcharts

I'm using highcharts candlestick chart to show our data.
In our chart we are actually showing N series with the same amount of data points, so we also want to group data points at the same index together. Like in the picture, each series has 6 data points, and we group 2N-th points of each series together by changing background color.
However we didn't find a way to change background color of candlestick chart, or is there any other way in highcharts could somehow show grouping data together?

You can use plotBands. Take a look at the example.
API Reference:


Is there a way to create a value in the middle of doughnut on google sheet

is there a way to made the value of "total" in the middle of doughnut chart instead part of the chart itself, I've try to create in a different series, but it won't work in doughnut chart. its very useful for me since the actual data keep update in 1 minute
data range selected A1:B4
enter image description here
One approach would be to create a scorecard chart using total value and overlay it on the doughnut chart.

highchart Stacked-area - Grouping small series

Is there a way to group small series in a new 'Others' series?
I have a chart with some series that are very small, so their areas almost doesn't appears in the chart. So, what I want is to group those small series making a new serie a little bigger called 'Others'.
I did it by grouping my small series before setting them to the chart, but I think it would be better if highchart do it by his own. This way, if we hide a serie clicking in its legend, the chart could recalculte and check if the 'Others' could be ungrouped.
For example:
Since Europe and Oceania series are the smallest areas in the chart, is it possible to set some property for Highchart group those 2 series in a new one, called 'Others'? And when we click on the legend to hide some serie, highchart dinamically recalculate to check if the 'Others' serie could be divided again the the 'real' series

How to get time interval of candlestick in candlestick chart in highchart

I was trying candlestick chart using highchart ( highstock ) and find out that when I increase/decrease Navigator in candlestick chart the width of candlestick get changed. Sometime it display high, open, close and low for one hour interval whereas sometime it is displaying for month. I would like to grab these dynamically changed candlestick width ( not the pixel width but the real time interval) and display them in the chart title. Is there anyway I can get these information and update them dynamically in chart subtitle?
Thank You
What you are seeing are the effects of plotOptions.series.dataGrouping (API Reference) where the data is grouped and values are approximated to display the data faster. If you look at the example for units on the above linked page you'll find that you can determine and set what those groupings are. The grouping isn't truly dynamic, it's predefined.

Column chart not showing series properly in Highcharts

I have the following charts where the series data is an array of config objects:
enter code here
Try changing the chart type to pie.If you observe now three series will be shown.Why does the column chart consider this as one series and the pie chart as 3 series? My requirement is to be able to render the column chart and pie chart as three separate series for the same given data. Is this possible?
First and foremost thing,
pie and column are 2 completely different types of charts.
column can be said as a graph, and pie as a chart.
column chart has 2 axes namely x and y while pie is distributing the area proportionally.
there is no mistake in this one. they are rendered properely.
For pie chart the structure accepted is
name: name of the slice,
y: value of the slice
each slice has its own name like the xAxis categories we provide for column chart.
the Y has the value is common for all the highcharts.
so here what i recommend is to maintain the datasets differently for both column and pie to get what you have required.
All works properly, in pie chart you have different colours, only, so you can set the same color then you achieve the same effect as in columns.

How to implement a track ball as the line series for column, ohlc and candlestick in highstock?

We want to show the same trackball for the column, ohlc and candlestick series style as line series in highstock(show a circle symbol track ball).
Is there suggestions or ways that we can follow to implement this within highstock?
And we meet another issue, it when we change the chart style from OHLC to line, by updating the data and style of the series, it will cause the chart to show empty, is there way to resovle this issue?
