I have got a dataset with users ratings on images. I am normalizing the ratings using mean- standard deviation normalization to remove bias in the dataset due to user specific preferences. Is this a correct way to handle bias or is there any other way to remove bias in users ratings.
This is certainly wrong on a couple of points:
If you 'normalise' input by standard deviation in this way, what you are saying is that "low variability doesn't matter much, only the outliers really count" -- because the outliers will have themselves a deviation larger than the standard one...
You are dealing with 'votes' of user satisfaction, not 'measurements'. Bias, by definition is information about satisfaction -- you are throwing it away. I.e. 150 years ago people used to find the "No dogs, no Irish" thing acceptable, these days not so much. If you want to predict how well a restaurant is likely to be regarded after a visit, you can't discount 0 star votes merely because the people objected to the sign!
When it comes to star ratings as a prediction for how likely something is to be "enjoyed" or "regretted" you might want to read this article: https://www.evanmiller.org/how-not-to-sort-by-average-rating.html
Note that the linked article is primarily interested in modelling "given past ratings, does the current vote indicate: (a) a continuation of past 'satisfaction', (b) a shifting trend towards increasing 'satisfaction', (c) a shifting trend towards decreasing 'satisfaction'" in terms of stars to award.
I would like to analyze a problem similar to the following.
You will be given N dices.
You will be given a lot of data about each dice (eg surface information, material information, location of the center of gravity … etc).
The features of the dice are randomly generated every game and are fired at the same speed, angle and initial position.
As a result of rolling the dice, you get 1 point if you get 6 and 0 points otherwise.
There are training data of 100000 games. (Dice data and match results)
I would like to learn the rule of selecting only dice whose probability of getting 6 is higher than 1/6.
I apologize for the vague problem statement.
First of all, it is my mistake to assume that "N dice".
The dice may be one by one.
One dice with random characteristics are distributed
When it rolls, it is recorded whether 6 has come out or not.
It was easy to understand if it was made into the problem that "this [characteristics, result] data is 100,000".
If you get something other than 6, you will get -1 points.
If you get 6, you will get +5 points.
X: vector of a dice data
f: function I want to know
f: X-> [0, 1]
(if result> 0.5, I pick this dice.)
For example, a dice with a 1/5 chance of getting a 6 gets 4 out of 5 times a non-6, so I wondered if it would be better to give an immediate reward.
Is it good to decide the reward by the number of points after 100000 games?
I have read some general reinforcement learning methods, but there is a concept of state transition. However, there is no state transition in this game. (Each game ends in 1 step, and each game is independent.)
I am a student just learning neural networks from scratch. It helps if you give me a hint. Thank you.
by the way,
I think that the result of this learning can be concluded "It is good to choose the dice whose pips farthest to the center of gravity is 6."
Let's first talk about Reinforcement-Learning.
Problem setups, in order of increasing generality:
Multi-Armed Bandit - no state, just actions with unknown rewards
Contextual Bandit - rewards also depend on some context (state)
Reinforcement Learning (MDP) - actions can also influence the next state
Common to all of all three is that you want to maximize the sum of rewards over time, and there is an exploration vs exploitation trade-off. You are not just given a large dataset. If you want to know what the best action is, you have to try it a few times and observe the reward. This may cost you some reward you could have earned otherwise.
Of those three, the Contextual Bandit is the closest match to your setup, although it doesn't quite match to your goals. It would go like this: Given some properties of the dice (the context), select the best dice from a group of possible choices (the action, e.g. the output from your network), such that you get the highest expected reward. At the same time you are also training your network, so you have to pick bad or unknown properties sometimes to explore them.
However, there are two reasons why it doesn't match:
You already have data from several 100000 of games, and seem to be not interested in minimizing the cost of trial and error to acquire more data. You assume this data is representative, so no exploration is required.
You are only interested in prediction. You want classify the dice into "good for rolling 6" vs "bad". This piece of information could be used later to make a decision between different choices if you know the cost for making a wrong decision. If you are just learning f() because you are curious about the property of a dice, then is a pure statistical prediction problem. You don't have to worry about short- or long-term rewards. You don't have to worry about selection or consequences of any actions.
Because of this, you actually only have a supervised learning problem. You could still solve it with reinforcement learning because RL is more general. But your RL algorithm would be wasting a lot of time figuring out that it really cannot influence the next state.
Supervised Learning
Your dice actually behaves like a biased coin, it's a Bernoulli trial with ~1/6 success probability. This is now a standard classification problem: given your features, predict the probability that a dice will lead to a good match result.
It seems that your "match results" can be easily converted in the number of rolls and the number of positive outcomes (rolled a six) with the same dice. If you have a large number of rolls for every dice, you can simply classify this die and use this class (together with the physical properties) as one data point to train your network.
You can do more fancy things if you have fewer rolls but I won't go into that. (If you are interested, have a look at the beta distribution and how the cross-entropy loss works with neural networks.)
I had to think through what it meant when I read that likelihood is not probability, but the following case occurred to me.
What is the likelihood that a coin is fair, given that we see four heads in a row?
We can't really say anything about probability here, but the word "trust" seems apt.
Do we feel we can trust the coin?
Found on internet.
Probability quantifies anticipation (of outcome), likelihood quantifies trust (in model).
I Can someone give clean explanation.
Probability is the quantity most people are familiar with which deals with predicting new data given a known model ("what is the probability of getting heads six times in a row flipping this 50:50 coin?")
Likelihood deals with fitting models given some known data ("what is the likelihood that this coin is/isn't rigged given that I just flipped heads six times in a row?").
A likelihood quantity such as 0.12 is not meaningful to the layman unless it is explained exactly what 0.12 means: a measure of the sample's support for the assumed model i.e. low values either mean rare data or incorrect model!
"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYxNSUDSFH4" can be helpful
I am trying to predict a public DotA 2 match outcome with given hero picks. It is usually possible for a human. There could only be 2 outcomes for a given side: it is either a win or a loss.
In fact, I am new to machine learning. I wanted to do this mini-project as an exercise but it already took 2 days of my time.
So, I made a dataset of around 2000 matches with about the same skill bracket. Each match contains exactly 13 000 features. Each feature is either 0 or 1 and specifies whether radiant have certain hero or not, whether dire have certain hero or not, whether radiant have one and dire another at a time (and vice versa). All combinations sum up to around 13000 features. Most of them are 0, of course. Labels are also 0 or 1 and indicate whether Radiant team won.
I used different sets for training and for testing.
Logistic regression classifier gave me 100% accuracy on training set and around 58% accuracy for test set.
SVM on the other hand scored 55% on training and 53% on test.
When I decreased number of examples by 1000 I've got 54.5% on training and 55% on test.
Should I continue increasing number of examples?
Should I select different features?
If I add more combinations of heroes feature number will explode. Or maybe there is no way to predict match outcome judging only on the heroes selected and I need to gain data about each players online rating and hero they selected and so on?
Plot of prediction accurace based on number of training examples:
Check out 2 latest graphs I added. I think I've got pretty decent results.
1. I asked 2 friends of mine to predict 10 matches and they both predicted 6 right. This amounts to 60% just as you said. 10 matches is not a big set, but they wont bother with bigger ones.
2. I downloaded 400 000 latest dota matches. MMR >3000, only all pick mode. Assuming that 1 billion dota matches are played each year 400k are from the same patch.
3. Concatenating hero picks of both sides was the orginal idea. Also, there are 114 heroes in dota, so I have 228 features now
4. In most matches odds are more or less equal, but there is fraction of picks, where one of the teams has advantage.From small up to critical.
What I ask you to do is to verify my conclusions, because results I've got are too bright for linear model.
[Probabilities test][2]
Actual probabilites and predicted probability ranges
distribution of predictions by probability range
The issue here is with your assertion that predicting a dota 2 match based on hero picks is "usually possible for a human". For this particular task it's likely more that there's a low cap on possible accuracy than anything. I watch a lot of dota, and even when you focus on the pro scene the accuracy of casters based on hero picks is quite low. My very preliminary analysis puts their accuracy at within spitting distance of 60%.
Secondly, how many dota matches are actually determined by hero picks? It's not many. In the vast majority of cases, especially in pub matches where skill levels are highly variable, team play matters much more than hero picks.
That's the first issue with your problem, but there are definitely other large issues with the way you've structured the problem that could help you get another couple of accuracy points (though again I doubt you can get far above 60%)
My first suggestion would be to change the way you're generating features. Feeding 13k features into an LR model with 2k examples is a recipe for disaster. Especially in the case of dota, where individual heroes don't matter very much and synergies and counters are drastically more important. I would start by reducing your feature count to ~200 by just concatenating hero picks by both sides. 111 for Radiant, 111 for Dire, 1 if hero is picked, 0 otherwise. This will help with overfitting, but then you run into the issue with LR is not a particularly good fit for the problem because individual heroes don't matter as much.
My second suggestion would be to constrain your match search for a single patch, ideally a later one where there's sufficient data. If you can get different data for different patches so much the better. An LR approach will give you decent accuracy for patches where specific heroes are overpowered, and especially at small data sizes you're a bit hosed if you dealing between patches as the heroes are actually changing.
My third suggestion would be to change models to one that's better at model inter-dependencies between your features. Random forest models are a pretty easy and straightforward approach that should give you better performance than straight LR for a problem like this, and has a built-in in sklearn.
If you want to go a bit further, then using an MLP-style network model could be relatively effective. I don't see an obvious framing of the problem to take advantage of modern network models though (CNNs and RNNs), so unless you change the problem definition a bit I think that this is going to be more hassle than it's worth.
Always, when in doubt get more data, and don't forget that people are very, very bad at this problem as well.
I'm trying to understand why the naive Bayes classifier is linearly scalable with the number of features, in comparison to the same idea without the naive assumption. I understand how the classifier works and what's so "naive" about it. I'm unclear as to why the naive assumption gives us linear scaling, whereas lifting that assumption is exponential. I'm looking for a walk-through of an example that shows the algorithm under the "naive" setting with linear complexity, and the same example without that assumption that will demonstrate the exponential complexity.
The problem here lies in following quantity
P(x1, x2, x3, ..., xn | y)
which you have to estimate. When you assume "naiveness" (feature independence) you get
P(x1, x2, x3, ..., xn | y) = P(x1 | y)P(x2 | y) ... P(xn | y)
and you can estimate each P(xi | y) independently. In a natural way, this approach scales linearly, since if you add another k features you need to estimate another k probabilities, each using some very simple technique (like counting objects with given feature).
Now, without naiveness you do not have any decomposition. Thus you you have to keep track of all probabilities of form
P(x1=v1, x2=v2, ..., xn=vn | y)
for each possible values of vi. In simplest case, vi is just "true" or "false" (event happened or not), and this already gives you 2^n probabilities to estimate (each possible assignment of "true" and "false" to a series of n boolean variables). Consequently you have exponential growth of the algorithm complexity. However, the biggest issue here is usually not computational one - but rather the lack of data. Since there are 2^n probabilities to estimate you need more than 2^n data points to have any estimate for all possible events. In real life you will not ever encounter dataset of size 10,000,000,000,000 points... and this is a number of required (unique!) points for 40 features with such an approach.
Candy Selection
On the outskirts of Mumbai, there lived an old Grandma, whose quantitative outlook towards life had earned her the moniker Statistical Granny. She lived alone in a huge mansion, where she practised sound statistical analysis, shielded from the barrage of hopelessly flawed biases peddled as common sense by mass media and so-called pundits.
Every year on her birthday, her entire family would visit her and stay at the mansion. Sons, daughters, their spouses, her grandchildren. It would be a big bash every year, with a lot of fanfare. But what Grandma loved the most was meeting her grandchildren and getting to play with them. She had ten grandchildren in total, all of them around 10 years of age, and she would lovingly call them "random variables".
Every year, Grandma would present a candy to each of the kids. Grandma had a large box full of candies of ten different kinds. She would give a single candy to each one of the kids, since she didn't want to spoil their teeth. But, as she loved the kids so much, she took great efforts to decide which candy to present to which kid, such that it would maximize their total happiness (the maximum likelihood estimate, as she would call it).
But that was not an easy task for Grandma. She knew that each type of candy had a certain probability of making a kid happy. That probability was different for different candy types, and for different kids. Rakesh liked the red candy more than the green one, while Sheila liked the orange one above all else.
Each of the 10 kids had different preferences for each of the 10 candies.
Moreover, their preferences largely depended on external factors which were unknown (hidden variables) to Grandma.
If Sameer had seen a blue building on the way to the mansion, he'd want a blue candy, while Sandeep always wanted the candy that matched the colour of his shirt that day. But the biggest challenge was that their happiness depended on what candies the other kids got! If Rohan got a red candy, then Niyati would want a red candy as well, and anything else would make her go crying into her mother's arms (conditional dependency). Sakshi always wanted what the majority of kids got (positive correlation), while Tanmay would be happiest if nobody else got the kind of candy that he received (negative correlation). Grandma had concluded long ago that her grandkids were completely mutually dependent.
It was computationally a big task for Grandma to get the candy selection right. There were too many conditions to consider and she could not simplify the calculation. Every year before her birthday, she would spend days figuring out the optimal assignment of candies, by enumerating all configurations of candies for all the kids together (which was an exponentially expensive task). She was getting old, and the task was getting harder and harder. She used to feel that she would die before figuring out the optimal selection of candies that would make her kids the happiest all at once.
But an interesting thing happened. As the years passed and the kids grew up, they finally passed from teenage and turned into independent adults. Their choices became less and less dependent on each other, and it became easier to figure out what is each one's most preferred candy (all of them still loved candies, and Grandma).
Grandma was quick to realise this, and she joyfully began calling them "independent random variables". It was much easier for her to figure out the optimal selection of candies - she just had to think of one kid at a time and, for each kid, assign a happiness probability to each of the 10 candy types for that kid. Then she would pick the candy with the highest happiness probability for that kid, without worrying about what she would assign to the other kids. This was a super easy task, and Grandma was finally able to get it right.
That year, the kids were finally the happiest all at once, and Grandma had a great time at her 100th birthday party. A few months following that day, Grandma passed away, with a smile on her face and a copy of Sheldon Ross clutched in her hand.
Takeaway: In statistical modelling, having mutually dependent random variables makes it really hard to find out the optimal assignment of values for each variable that maximises the cumulative probability of the set.
You need to enumerate over all possible configurations (which increases exponentially in the number of variables). However, if the variables are independent, it is easy to pick out the individual assignments that maximise the probability of each variable, and then combine the individual assignments to get a configuration for the entire set.
In Naive Bayes, you make the assumption that the variables are independent (even if they are actually not). This simplifies your calculation, and it turns out that in many cases, it actually gives estimates that are comparable to those which you would have obtained from a more (computationally) expensive model that takes into account the conditional dependencies between variables.
I have not included any math in this answer, but hopefully this made it easier to grasp the concept behind Naive Bayes, and to approach the math with confidence. (The Wikipedia page is a good start: Naive Bayes).
Why is it "naive"?
The Naive Bayes classifier assumes that X|YX|Y is normally distributed with zero covariance between any of the components of XX. Since this is a completely implausible assumption for any real problem, we refer to it as naive.
Naive Bayes will make the following assumption:
If you like Pickles, and you like Ice Cream, naive bayes will assume independence and give you a Pickle Ice Cream and think that you'll like it.
Which is may not be true at all.
For a mathematical example see: https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2015/09/naive-bayes-explained/
I'm studying the recommender systems from the Andrew Ng course on Coursera, and this question popped into my mind.
In the course, Andrew does recommendations for movies, like Netflix does.
We have an output matrix Y of ratings of various movies, where each cell Y(i,j) is the rating given by user j to movie i. If the user has not rated it, Y(i,j)=?
Assuming we are doing linear regression, we had the following minimization objective:
My question is, doesn't this calculate on a per-rating basis? As in, all ratings are equal. So if someone rates 100 movies, he has more effect on the algorithm than someone who rates only 10 movies.
I was wondering if it is possible to judge on a per-user basis, i.e. all users are equal.
It is definitely possible to apply a weight to the loss function with either weight = 1/ratings_for_user[u] or weight = 1/sqrt(ratings_for_user[u]). where ratings_per_user[u] is the number of rating for the user who gave the rating in your particular sample. Whether it's a good idea or not is another question.
To answer that question, I would first ask the question: Is this more meaningful to the problem you are really trying to solve? If it is, as the second question: Does the model you built work well? Does it have a good cross validation score?