Please install package: 'Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable' available in SDK installer - ios

I am trying run my working project in another pc gives me this types of errors.
Please install package: 'Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable' available in SDK installer. Java library file C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable\\content
I tried some of the solutions that I found on the internet, but they didn't help me.
=> deleted zip file and downloaded again.
=> deleted bin and obj folder and restarted VS
=> clean, rebuild, run

There could be multiple reasons you're having this issue:
1: Check that you've android sdk on this PC and also check that your project's sdk is properly referenced from your solution.
2: Go to project nuget packages in solution explorer and see all the android related nuget packages are installed in your project.


Error: System' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) in vs 2019

I tried creating a core web application with mvc in visual code 2019 and as soon as I open it it showes me a lot of errors like in the picture.
enter image description here
I triend closing and restarting vs, cleaning and rebuilding the solution and restoring nuget packages and it is still not working.
I got similar issue where it was not able to detect the namespaces from .Net library. I uninstalled the SDK and reinstalled it. then it worked !
Check whether .Net SDK is installed properly in your system and do a clean install once again.
Right-click your project name then open the properties windows after that downgrade your Target framework version, build Solution then upgrade your Target framework version which is the latest, and then again Build Solution.
Hope it will resolve your issue.

Cannot create Q# projects

I'm new to quantum computing and I've been trying to follow instructions on to dive into this field, but I've run into a problem. Every time I'm trying to create a new Q# application project, I get the following error message
The project file cannot be opened. Unable to find package Microsoft.Quantum.Sdk. No packages exist with this id in source(s): Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.202\Sdks\Microsoft.Quantum.Sdk\Sdk not found. Check that a recent enough .NET SDK is installed and/or increase the version specified in global.json.
and I can't find that package myself either.
I've tried to install Microsoft.Quantum.Development.Kit-0.16.2104.138035 several times, with both .NET 3.1.408 and 5.0.202. I'm using VS 2019 16.9.4 Community Edition on Windows 10.
Looks like is not listed as a valid package source in your computer, so dotnet can't find the QDK packages online.
Try running this command:
dotnet nuget add source -n
And then try building your Q# project again.
It's unclear to me why is not listed as a source, though; it should be included by default when you install the .NET Core.

Update Packages of a MVC Project

Im trying to use an ASP.NET web application downloaded from the internet. Im looking for a way restore all the dependencies/packages in a quick way (clean and building the project did not solve it), rather than installing them via nuget one by one. Is there anyway to download and install/resolve (version issues) all the necessary packages at once?
I tried below package manager console commands, but they did not resolve the package conflicts.
Update-Package -Reinstall,
nuget install packages.config and other solutions here - How do I get NuGet to install/update all the packages in the packages.config?
[resolve/install packages]
Can someone help? Maybe Im using wrong commands or doing something wrong.
If you go into Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Manage Nuget Packages for Solution, it will show a yellow bar at the top asking you if you want to restore missing packages. That's a manual way, but there are also some important VS options you want to look at as well, one being an option to restore packages on build.
There is a generic restore option as well from the package manager console, and that should have worked if it was simply a matter of reimporting the missing packages...
Update-Package -reinstall
You can try to delete the folders, than reinstall using these options. However, is there a possibility there is a .NET framework version mismatch with the version of the DLL's? Maybe some of the DLL's need updated?
Remove package folders from Package folder - don't remove package.config. Next, build you application - nuget should automatically restore all packages.

Could not copy the files .... because it was not found error

I got a mvc project from my friend. This is her project but i need to work on it. So when i try to start it, there are some errors. Here is that errors;
Could not copy the file "_bin_deployableAssemblies\x86\sqlceme40.dll" because it was not found.
Could not copy the file "_bin_deployableAssemblies\x86\sqlcecompact40.dll" because it was not found.
Could not copy the file "_bin_deployableAssemblies\x86\sqlceer40EN.dll" because it was not found.
Could not copy the file "_bin_deployableAssemblies\x86\sqlceca40.dll" because it was not found.
Could not copy the file "_bin_deployableAssemblies\x86\sqlcese40.dll" because it was not found.
Could not copy the file "_bin_deployableAssemblies\x86\sqlceqp40.dll" because it was not found.
I did some search and found some solutions about updating my nuget packages. I did all updates including EntityFramework.SQLServerCompact. But i have still that errors and have no idea what to do. So can someone could help me?
Thanks in advance.
I ran into the same issue after updating VS to 153.
However since I am not Using SqlServerCompact edition anywhere in my project: I use Entity Framework to SQL Server proper I didn't feel the need to have those references and provider in the web.config.
In the Web Project - I used NUGET to remove all references to SQLServer Compact Edition. Then I Removed the reference to SqlCEProvider in the providers section of the web.config. Recompiled and everything works as expected.
You can try this command:
Update-package -Reinstall
from Console administrator packages (PM)
I solved this error using the following steps (order of some steps matters):
Installed SQL Server CE 4.0. I had to install the x64 version to match my OS, but it included the x86 redistributable files referenced in my project.
Using NuGet, removed EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact from my project
Using NuGet, removed Microsoft.SqlServer.Compact from my project
Using NuGet, installed EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact, which also installed Microsoft.SqlServer.Compact.
I had the same issue and i uninstalled SQLServer Compact Edition and installed again from nuget packages

NuGet doesn't show installed packages

I have MVC 5 project and I use NuGet to install packages. Yesterday I have installed a couple of packages, but today when I run my application I got an error of missing references. I've realized, that my project doesn't have any of references and files that were added from NuGet.I have all this packages in packages folder in my app, but no records about this packages in packages.config file. If I click Manage NuGet Packages in my solution explorer, in online search it shows me all my packages as installed, but in all installed tab it doesn't show me any of them! I didn't do anything since yesterday? What could happened and how to fix all my packages?
I have had this happen from time to time. There are two things that you can try:
Right click your solution in 'Solution Explorer' and select 'Enable NuGet Package Restore'
Close and Reopen VS
Try Rebuild
Otherwise, just uninstall/reinstall each package.
Hope that helps!
Sometime you added new package does't support to your .net framework which is currently active, so active related .net framework as well.
I just have experienced the same problem. In my case, two different versions of a sample package in the packages.config file causing the problem. After removing the older version of the package from the file, VS shows the list normally.
