Making a call from a Twilio client to another Twilio client directly - ios

what I am trying to achieve is to make a VoIP call from an iPhone to an iPhone using Twilio.
To do that I'm using the iOS SDK, the Twilio Voice to be more specific as the iOS SDK is superseded.
I have a server that generates an access token and when I create a call the Twilio API would make a request to my server and I would return a <Dial /> keyword with the client name and the connection would be established.
The problem is, this counts as two calls(iOS app to Twilio is the first one and when I return a TwML <Dial /> response is the second one) so the price is practically doubled.
Is there a way to make it as a single iOS app to an iOS app call? All my server does is to generate the TWiML using the parameters that are sent from the client anyway.
Oh and also in the documentation there are some talks about capability tokens but all the current documentation is using Access Tokens.
Are capability tokens relics of the past for the older API?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
Twilio calls are always priced per leg, so in a call between two people you do always pay for the outgoing leg and the incoming leg. They may also have different lengths, if the outgoing call goes through some other TwiML before making the <Dial> for example.
However, if all you want to do is make calls between applications and you don't need to be able to make calls to the phone network then can I recommend you take a look at the Twilio Video project. While it is called "Video" you can use the SDK to make audio calls between apps too. And if you choose to create peer-to-peer rooms, then the audio stream is sent directly between the two devices and not charged as a call leg at all. The only extra thing you need to do is to generate the call notifications yourself.
As for capability tokens, they are indeed a left over bit of documentation. Capability tokens have mostly been renamed as access tokens so you can use them interchangeably. If you investigate the Video SDK, then everything will be Access Tokens too.


Twilio - should not reject incoming call when unregister device

Use case:
Twilio calling used both in web app and in mobile app.
There is incoming call - it is ringing both on mobile and in web app.
Current result:
when close tab in web browser it automatically rejects incoming call - it stops ringing on mobile.
Expected result:
it should be still ringing on mobile after closing tab with calling web app
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you reject a call to a client identifier, including by reloading the page, then the call is rejected for all versions of that client identifier across all applications.
To work around this, I would recommend using different identifiers for different devices and making simultaneous outbound calls to them, either with multiple <Client> elements if you are using TwiML or by starting multiple calls with the REST API. If you have to use the REST API, you should keep track of the calls so that once one connects you can end the others.

Specify Twilio Region for Rest API

We are using the Twilio Programmable Voice Service globaly. In the US and EU the performance is acceptable. In Australia there is a long delay after the user answers the phone and before the user hears anything. I attempted to set the region using the C# SDK using the regions specified here. That essentially sets the root API url to which does not exists/respond (502 error). Has anyone had any success specifying the region for REST API calls using Twilio?
** I have tried using us1 and ie1 with the same results.
I received this from Twilio Support. It looks like server side API calls are US only.
Thanks for writing and sorry for the trouble. I think where we're
getting stuck is the difference between the server-side helper library
concept of the HTTP client for making and responding to REST API
requests, and the voice over IP product Client and its associated
The region can absolutely be set on the VoIP Client applications, and
we have this in place specifically to address the types of audio
latency you're describing below; the important distinction being that
the region designation happens at the local application, not in the
serve-side code. You can see how to set the region in the JavaScript
library, the Android SDK, and the iOS SDK.
The reason this works for VoIP Client calls is that we have media
endpoint in those regions; however, we do not have regionalized API is only located in the US, so trying to
create a TwilioRestClient for HTTP requests will not work.
Hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any questions

Speech to Text using Twilio

We use microsoft botframework for our chatbots. We would want to enable Voice channel to our bot. Is there a way to solution this? Does Twilio have anything that can add speech capabilities to our bot. Our bots are exposed via webchat components, skype, facebook messenger etc.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There's no way within Botframework to add voice capabilities from Twilio, however receiving calls works in a similar way. When someone calls your Twilio number you receive a webhook which you can respond to with TwiML to tell Twilio what to do with the call.
To then perform things by voice action you can <Record> the caller's response and set the transcribe parameter to true. You also need to set a transcribeCallback URL as the transcription is done asynchronously. Once you receive that callback, the text of the transcription will be available as a parameter in the request. You could also perform the transcription yourself with a third party service by just taking the recording and sending it off.
Once you receive the transcription you can then make your decision as the the next step of the conversation and redirect the live call to the next step of your process using the REST API.
This is just a high level overview of how you might accomplish this. Let me know if it is of any help.
Voximal offers as Twillo a similar product but based on VoiceXML. The difference is that Voximal integrates natively most of STT engines (Microsoft, Google, Watson, iSpeech) in the solution (you only need to set the key or the user/password to configure them). You use a builtin grammar "text" to translate. Then the processing is very similar to the Twilio. You need to push the content to a chatbot engine (HTTP/XML/JSON), and you have a way to play the result with a TTS engine.
Have a look to the Parrot example (a script that repeats all you said using the STT and TTS) :

Is twillo Client Api allow user to Call from Application to Application instead of native call in iOS?

I recently integrated twillo iOS SDK in my iPhone app and it is working fine for native call it means i can make call from app to any verified phone numbers.
But my requirement is app to app call it means there is no native call.
So i would like to know if by using Twillio SDK, is it possible to call from application to application ? Something similar to whatsApp. So there will not be any phone number but both phones must have our apps with Twillio SDK integrated.
Please Help me.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You absolutely can do app to app calls using the iOS SDK. Let me explain.
Your Twilio Client capability token is created with a TwiML Application, which supplies the URL that Twilio will hit when a call is created to find out what to do with it. Normally, you would pass a phone number as a parameter to your TCDevice's connect which would be handed to your app URL when the call connects. This would then be used to produce TwiML to direct the call onto that number, like this:
<Number>{{ to_number }}</Number>
To make this work for client to client calls, you can pass another client ID to the URL and on your server, instead of <Dial>ing to a <Number> you would <Dial> to a <Client>. Like so:
<Client>{{ client_id }}</Client>
You can discover which clients are available by listening for presence events with your TCDevice object. You will also have to handle incoming calls within applications.
I recommend following the Twilio Client iOS Quickstart guide all the way through, which will guide you through most of these points, including passing parameters to your application URL and generating the right TwiML to accomplish this (though it doesn't cover presence events).
Let me know if this helps at all.
Not sure it is possible with Twilio. We have used twilio for the same purpose u mentioned (Call to phone numbers) and was working fine. I think the main purpose of twilio is that. Anyways i'm not sure about it.
May be VoIP will suit for your functionality. PortSIP is a good SDK for voice and video communications between apps.
You can download the iOS SDK from here
It is payable like Twilio only if you want to use it for business.
For more refer here
Twilio support sip now. you must have some setting with your twilio account.
As I know ,you can follow here to set your twilio sip server and implement sip client on your ios client.

VoIP - GSM calling via iOS

I've spent days now searching for a way to route calls from an iOS application through a voip server to mobile number or fixed landline number (or send an SMS)... Essentially like voIP-GSM
I want to essentially have a similar system set up to Skype but with out the other user having the app, just directly call someone's phone using your data/wifi rather than your limited voice minutes or numbers if SMS.
One company who I know of that has worked out how to do this is:
I don't just want app-app communication like from twilio or rebtel!!
1) Would Asterisk or PJSIP help me in any way?
2) Would there be anyway I could do this all for free?
3) Will I have to create my own VoIP network or SIP server??
4) Will I be able to accomplish all this and put it into an iOS app?
Any ideas or help would be much appreciated. Thank you
Twilio evangelist here.
With Twilio Client you can make a VoIP connection from a mobile app into Twilio, then route that to any other number (mobile or landline). You are not restricted to app-to-app only calls.
When you create a Capability Token for Twilio Client, one of the parameters you can pass it is a TwiML Application SID. That TwiML Application maps to a URL that you can use to return TwiML instructions that Twilio will execute when a user initiates an outbound call from your iOS app. In those instructions, you can use the <Dial> verb to tell Twilio to dial a regular phone number, which we will bridge to the Twilio Client connection.
Hope that helps.
