PhoneGap CLI serve commands not working - phonegap

When I try to start my PhoneGap by
phonegap serve
nothing happens.
Please help me. Where is the problem?

This has been fixed in 7.1.1. Version. Run npm i -g phonegap to update.


Native-Module can not be Null when launching react-native run-ios

I want to build existing react-native app on ios simulator. It shows build is successfull but the App is not launching and crashed the App. It shows the given Error.
Native module can not be null
please someone help me to find out the solution of the given problem. I am getting stuck for long time
Maybe it's because of your dependecies or your node_modules folder, try running npm install or npm i on terminal
Thanks everyone for helping me.
I fix the above problem by uninstalling Push Notifaction and Geolocation and react-native-vectors-icons and then install again react-native-vector-icons and boom..!!!
my ios application is running on my xcode simulator.

There was problem loading requested looks like you may be using LAN URL

I am not able to compile my project through expo.I have followed all steps to eject expo for run the app in iOS.Please find below error screen shot for your reference.enter link description here
Try expo-cli start --tunnel Working for me.
[16:13:53] Expo DevTools is running at http://localhost:19002
[16:14:10] Your native app is running at exp://
If the new project build doesn't solve it,
Your uri will look like this.
Your URL is: exp://
as opposed to this.
Then you can try this.
exp start --tunnel and check to make sure you have a pretty solid wifi connection
If not exp start -m tunnel
A detailed description of the connection.
I've had the same problem and no answer here helped me. In fact, I've had a older version of Expo on my iPhone. So, I've update to the latest expo version in my iPhone and then it worked perfectly.
I updated both Node.js on the computer and Expo App on mobile to the latest version. then it worked for me.
Had the same issue.
I am using PC, compile my project through expo and testing on Iphone. This worked for me.
yarn ios
When i used yarn start, I got the same error message as you.
After spending a couple of hours and trying various the below trick worked for me My node version was updated to 13.0. I downgraded by following below commands
$ npm install -g n
$ n 12.14.1
and reinstalled expo cli again
expo version is 3.24.2. (you can check version by expo -- version)
created new project by command expo init (projectName)
npm start
once metro bundler
toggle LAN to toggle and then set back to LAN
as shown in picture
Make sure you switch from the LAN toggle to the Tunnel toggle in youre browser Localhost after running expo start in terminal. also make sure your internet is stable.
I had the same issue. The problem was that my computer was connected to another Wifi than my iPhone.
So to make this work, both devices have to be in the same network.
I hope that helps.
besides what others have written, also certain node versions could make this error happen. I solved it by switch node the version from 18.6.0 to 18.14.0
I was having a similar issue, my expo app wasn't running on my devices. expo start --tunnel was the fix. Make sure you have a good internet connection.

Develop React-native IOS app

when I developed the first app I got error .I'm new to react
please help me to find a solution.
I install npm,node,flow,watchman ,homebrew
Your package server isn't running. This should start automatically when you hit run in xcode, but you can also start it manually. From the project's root, run npm start

Problems with Getting Started with Ionic OSX

I have a problem when it comes starting with ionic in Mac. I'll explain the steps I have taken and errors I found, to see if anyone can help me.
I installed node.js from this site:
Thereupon I executed these commands:
$ sudo npm install -g cordova ionic cordova
$ ionic start myApp tabs
$ ionic serve
And with this last order I can see the application running. but if I try to do this:
$ sudo ionic platform add ios
I get this error:
But, These are the versions of the programs I use:
cordova - 3.6.3-0.2.13
Ionic - 1.2.7 Xcode - 6.0.1 (6A317)
XAMPP - 1.8.3-3
Someone could help me solve my problem?
Thank you in advance.
The error message says the problem, "Cordova can only run in Xcode version 4.6 or greater."
You need to install Xcode and the Xcode command line tools. Download Xcode from the AppStore, and run this command in the terminal to get the command line tools.
xcode-select --install
Also do not use sudo with the ionic commands. You'll possibly cause permission issues down the road.

phonegap xcode 4.3

Yesterday I started to develop with Phonegap.
I downloaded phonegap and xCode 4.3 from the Mac App Store.
When I try to install phonegap it says: no iOS SDK installed.
I searched the web but couldn't find any solution.
Can someone tell what I need to do?
Alright, phonegap 1.5 is released today and it works with Xcode 4.3. Sweet :)
Found a work-a-round
Patching and building PhoneGap installer didn't work for me. :(
Just create Xcode and iOS SDK directories to skip the requirements part.
sudo mkdir -p /Developer/Applications/
sudo mkdir -p /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform
And install with the package from
Phonegap wasn't ready for Apple's latest Xcode surprise, that being the removal of the traditional /Developer and SDK directories.
You'll have to go back to Xcode 4.2 or wait a few weeks for PhoneGap 1.5 or 1.6.
This Phonegap Discussion group thread here has another suggestion: a patch that takes the SDK check out of the PhoneGap installer (see these highlighted lines in GitHub)
