How to implement Uber V2 UICollectionView - ios

I am trying to implement the same style of UI as the new Uber iOS app, at least the pull-up view. I am wondering if this is a UICollectionView or a UITableView. How are the inner horizontal scrollable views implemented? I have done something like this before in iOS back in 2009, but that was UITableView inside a UITableView. Just wondering if UICollectionView is what should be used now?
Also, how do they allow you to drag the view up and then switch to a new view?

They seem to be simply animating transitions. There are similar questions here on SO addressing this for the card implementations used in Apple’s Music and Mail apps. As for the horizontal swiping, I would use a collection view nowadays but I don’t see it wrong using a tableView.
Hope this will help


Draggable UIButtons like in iOS Camera app

I want to build a similar view as seen in the iOS Camera app, but I don't know which UI-Elements were used.
It can be found in the Instagram Story section as well.
It should have the same behavior.
I tried to accomplish this with an UICollectionView. I'm adding UIButtons to the view but I don't know how to make the 'drag & stop' behavior. Maybe there is a delegate method or so.
A small explanation or some ideas would be helpful. I don't need code.
That's a custom control. You could create it using a horizontal scroll view containing multiple UILabel objects, each of which has an attached UITapGestureRecognizer.
You might be able to find a third party library that does what you want. Try Cocoa Controls.

iOS UI - App Store Explore section Transition

I was wondering if this nice master-detail transition where you click on the tableView cell and it expand to disclose the detail , with the cell's label being the navigation bar title is an interface which is part of the SDK object library or it is a customised one?
This is a custom transition between ViewControllers.
There's a nice example of a few transitions (including this one) in this library.
Of course you'll need to add the tableview etc' but this is a great place to start.
I've tried few things but so far this is the best option I could think of.
Animating the frames of all the visible cells and making use of childViewController is how I achieved it.
Animation test project
Would be nice to know any other possible solution and ultimately to know how Apple did it!
It is custom implementation.There is no API in UIKit/UITableView which implements this behaviour. Only animation to present a cell is there(which I think is used here).
This behaviour can be implemented like-
Add sections(News, Productivity, etc) in table with zero cells(numberOfRowsInSection: = 0 for all sections). Then on tapping any section just reload that section(reloadSections:withRowAnimation:) by adding a cell to it(numberOfRowsInSection: = 1) and animation(maybe UITableViewRowAnimationMiddle). Scroll that section/row to top in same animation loop(UI update cycle).

UIScrollview with section animation like UITableView

I am currently working with an app that would generate a report from the user. These reports would be displayed on a scroll view. I would like the scrollview to look like the photo feed of Instagram (please see Instagram app on iOS). This would be doable using UITableView since the section sticks up above while scrolling the row. I want to achieve the same effect using only UIScrollView. Is this doable? Please let me know your advice.
Download these custom classes from Github and follow the procedure given there !

IOS UIScrollView with MvvmCross

I am writing a "journal" app using MvvmCross for IOS. For the first View I wanted to have a scrollable list of books which is sourced from a List.
My current implementation is using the viewDidLoad method to dynamically resize the content size of the UIScrollView and add a number of SubViews for each of the books I want to display.
I'd prefer to data bind this but I can't work out the best way to implement a bindable scrollview. I'd be interested if anyone else has tried something like this before, and if there is a recommended way to do it?
I'm thinking of sub-classing UIScrollView with an ObservableCollection and using collectionchange notifications to re-populate the scrollview content as required.
Thanks for any guidance

How can I implement sliding between pages in iOS with titles like ViewPager with ViewPagerIndicator in Android?

We have an Android app using ViewPager and ViewPagerIndicator where you can scroll the content and the title scrolls, but the next and previous title is visible as well on the current page. How can this be implemented in iOS?
Currently we have a UIScrollView where you can scroll between the pages and with a segmentcontrol on top. This works well for max 4 pages, but we need to remove the segmentcontrol and replace it with a titlestrip to make room for more pages.
Android example:
iOS app that has such an implementation:
I managed to solve this using two UIScrollViews. In the scrolled event of the content scrollview I moved the title scrollview with 0.5*offset of the title scrollview. That resulted in the effect i wanted.
This library does it and also provides other alternative ways to switch among child view controllers.
definitely you can achieve same effect in iOS as well.
check this sample app, think this will help you out.
click here
