Error capybara js: true - ruby-on-rails

Im having problems when i try to config my capybara test to respond js. This is my test:
test "creating_expense", js: true do
visit expenses_path
click_link('New Expense')
The error is:
/var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/activesupport-5.0.6/lib/active_support/testing/declarative.rb:11:in `test': wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1) (ArgumentError)

The default minitest test method doesn't support metadata on tests (the examples you're copying were probably using RSpec). To swap to the JS driver you need to change the current_driver in a setup blog as shown in the Capybara README -
If you want to add support for metadata on tests you can look at the minutest-minidata gem -


ArgumentError when running Capybara tests on Ruby 3.0

I am really stuck. I am upgrading my Rails app to Ruby 3 (from 2.7). When running tests, I always run into this issue when I visit a path:
state = "new"
visit status_path(state: “state")
I receive the following error when running rspec:
Capybara starting Puma...
* Version 5.6.4 , codename: Birdie's Version
* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4
* Listening on
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)
from ~/.rbenv/versions/3.0.5/lib/ruby/3.0.0/net/protocol.rb:116:in `initialize'
My Gemfile is as such:
gem "capybara" # 3.38.0
gem "selenium-webdriver" # 4.8.0
gem "webdrivers" # 5.2.0
(They're all on the latest version)
My setup doesn't look wrong:
require "webdrivers/chromedriver"
Webdrivers.cache_time = 86_400 # 1 day
Capybara.register_driver :headless_chrome do |app|
browser_options = do |options|
end, browser: :chrome, options: browser_options)
Capybara.javascript_driver = :headless_chrome
I tried Puma 6 - same issue.
The controllers at status_path is not even hit. This errors occurs right after Puma loads up.
I do not think it's the Capybara setup, and I just cannot find where it is calling the Ruby 3 library wrong (net/protocol).
I downgraded capybara to 3.37.1, and same issue.
Thank you
FYI Upgrading from 2.7 to 3 you will more often than not see this error. It's highly likely that some code you were previously using in 2.7 will be not correctly hashing some args.
The first hit when googling this will take you back to SO (Won't share link as SO doesn't like links). But to paraphrase from the official ruby byline when updating
Separation of positional and keyword arguments in Ruby 3.0:
In most cases, you can avoid incompatibility by adding the double splat operator. It explicitly specifies passing keyword arguments instead of a Hash object. Likewise, you may add braces {} to explicitly pass a Hash object, instead of keyword arguments.
TL;DR - Try doing splatting your hash args collection kwargs -> **kwargs - Your rails path likely isn't a kwarg but a hash --> { key: value }
EDIT: Reasoning (If you're interested), is that prior to ruby3. Ruby would try assess and guesstimate what you meant. From ruby3 onwards it has made a change and fill forcibly use what you give it (A lot of people used to use kwargs but wanted them treated as a single hash, now you need to stipulate this!)

Activesupport / Multi json: "Did not recognize your adapter specification"

I have a Ruby 1.9.3 / Rails 3.1 project with the following in the gemfile:
gem 'rails', '3.1.12'
gem 'json'
gem 'multi_json', '1.7.7'
That version of rails sets activesupport to 3.1.12 as well. I'm not sure what the exact cause of the problem is, but when running bundle exec rake test, I got the error:
/home/user/.gem/ruby/1.9.3/gems/multi_json-1.7.7/lib/multi_json.rb:121:in 'rescue in load_adapter': Did not recognize your adapter specification. (ArgumentError)
(more stack trace, including activesupport methods)
Fortunately I found a solution! See below.
Edit: My original answer is outdated and incorrect; read it if you please, but please read the updated information at the bottom.
After viewing a ton of other questions such as these ones:
OmniAuth Login With Twitter - "Did not recognize your adapter specification." Error
Capistrano deploy: "Did not recognize your adapter specification" during assets:precompile
I hadn't found a solution, so I dove into the library and determined that load_adapter was receiving the parameter "JSONGem". The alias was failing, and the method attempted to load
This file doesn't exist, but .../json_gem.rb does exist! So I modified load adapter as follows:
def load_adapter(new_adapter)
# puts "new_adapter: #{new_adapter}" # Debugging
# puts "new_adapater.class: #{new_adapter.class}" # Debugging
case new_adapter
when String, Symbol
new_adapter = ALIASES.fetch(new_adapter.to_s, new_adapter)
new_adapter = "json_gem" if new_adapter =~ /^jsongem$/i # I added this line
# puts "final adapter: #{new_adapter}" # debugging
require "multi_json/adapters/#{new_adapter}"
klass_name = new_adapter.to_s.split('_').map(&:capitalize) * ''
when NilClass, FalseClass
load_adapter default_adapter
when Class, Module
raise NameError
rescue NameError, ::LoadError
raise ArgumentError, 'Did not recognize your adapter specification.'
This fixed the problem for me. It's probably not an optimal solution (ideally I would understand WHY the ALIASES.fetch failed, if that is indeed what happened, and fix that), but if your problem is similar then hopefully this quick fix can help.
It's not viable for deployability reasons to modify someone else's gem. Fortunately I found the root cause of the problem. In project_root/config/initializers/security_patches.rb, we had the line
ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = "JSONGem"
This was the recommended fix to a security bug in older versions of rails. Now that we are on a newer version of rails (i.e, > 3.0), we can simply replace "JSONGem" with "json_gem" (which is what my original modification was doing, in a roundabout way) and not worry about the security issue.

No application found to handle ...(Launchy::ApplicationNotFoundError)

I have installed capybara-screenshot gem to save the screenshot and in cucumber step definition i called screenshot_and_open_image but i got error that says:
No application found to handle
Can anybody assist me?
Try to use Capybara::Screenshot.screenshot_and_open_image. And if you have a test javascript please specify js: true for him.
it "my test", js: true do

Capybara Poltergeist get element text

I've got a line of code that can will get the contents of an element on the page with any driver but poltergeist. Is this expected behavior for poltergeist and if so, how can I do this in a way that works with poltergeist?
Here is the Ruby
page.find( item_price_selector(3) ).native.text
Here is the error
Failure/Error: price = page.find( item_price_selector(3) ).native.text
undefined method `text' for #<Capybara::Poltergeist::Node:0xb07db1c>
page.find( item_price_selector(3) ).native.text
The native is unnecessary. Removing it and causes it to run correctly in all drivers
page.find( item_price_selector(3) ).text

Rails + Cucumber + Capybara: Matching exact link text

Cucumber is complaining that I have an ambiguous match for when I tell it to click a link: Ambiguous match, found 4 elements matching link "Spirits" (Capybara::Ambiguous). So I am trying to match the "Spirits" link exactly.
I looked through this: and found the exact: true option so I changed my code from:
When(/I click on the (.*) link/) do |link_name|
When(/I click on the (.*) link/) do |link_name|
click_link(link_name, exact: true)
But now it's complaining with wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) (ArgumentError). I'm on Rails 3.2.13, capybara (2.0.3), cucumber (1.2.3). Anyone know why there is an error?
Your Capybara version is not the latest.
exact method added in 2.1.0.
You need to upgrade the gem.
