How to pluck multiple attributes in Rails 3.x? - ruby-on-rails

I have an ActiveRecord model like this:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
and need to get a hash mapping Person's ids to their names:
{1 => "Paul", 2 => "Aliyah", 3 => ... }
Now, the obvious way would be
Person.all.collect { |p| [,] }.to_h
However, I don't need to instantiate every Person, I just need the hash. In Rails 4, I can .pluck(:id, :name) instead of collect, however in 3.x, pluck takes only one argument. However I found this workaround to get what I want without loading the models:
Question: will I burn in hell? Also, is there a more elegant way to do this, and are there any drawbacks of this hacky approach that I may not be aware of? Thanks!

Here's a pretty good write up of this situation and various tactics for handling it: Plucking Multiple Columns in Rails 3
My preference of suggested solutions there is to make and include a module:
# multi_pluck.rb
require 'active_support/concern'
module MultiPluck
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
def self.pluck_all(relation, *args)

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
def self.pluck_id_and_name
result = connection.select_all(select(:id, :name))
if result.any?
# if you are using Ruby 2.1+
# Works in 1.9.3+
Since the result should be an array of arrays we can use nifty trick to get a hash with the first element as keys and the second as values:
Hash[ [ [1, "Joe"], [2, "Jill"] ] ]
# => { 1 => "Joe", 2 => "Jill"}
Convert array of 2-element arrays into a hash, where duplicate keys append additional values

To avoid loading all of the objects you could do this:
hash =
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT id, name FROM persons").each {|person| hash[person['id'].to_s] = person['name'].to_s}

My company used one of the tactics from Plucking Multiple Columns in Rails 3 before.
But we had trouble upgrading from Rails 3 to Rails 4 because it didn't work in Rails 4.
I suggest using pluck_all gem which has high test coverage in Rails 3, 4, 5, so you will not worry about future upgrades.


How to group_by into a given hash_map

Currently I have two models
class Author
# gender
# name
class Book
# status -> ['published', 'in_progress']
has_one :author
I decided to use group_by to group the dataset
def group_by_gender_by_status
books.group_by { |book| [, book.status] }
What do I get instead is this
{["male", "published"] => [{BooksRecord}]
["female", "published"] => [{BooksRecord}]
["male", "in_progress"] => [{BooksRecord}]
["female", "in_progress"] => [{BooksRecord}]}
My goal is to get this result
female: {
published: 10,
in_progress: 7
male: {
published: 6,
in_progress: 9
so that I can access via data[:male][:published], easier to present the data
I think you can do something like this:
books.group_by { |book| }
.transform_values { |books| }
In particular, this is leveraging Enumerable#tally, which as added to ruby version 2.7.
You didn't specify which ruby version you're actually using though, so if you're stuck on an older one, you could replace the last line with:
.transform_values { |books| books.group_by(&:status).transform_values(&:count) }
Enumerable#group_by just creates keys for grouping so you cannot use this exclusively in order to produce your desired result. Additionally as books grows iterating in this fashion will be come less and less performant.
You will be better off putting the grouping and counting on the database so that return is closer to your desired end result, like so:
def group_by_gender_by_status
This will have a similar resulting Hash as your current group_by implementation however the counting and grouping will be performed on the database side before returning:
{["male", "published"] => 6,
["female", "published"] => 10,
["male", "in_progress"] => 9,
["female", "in_progress"] => 7}
To transition this into your desired nesting we will need to post process this data.
def group_by_gender_by_status
.each_with_object( {|h,k| h[k] = {}}) do |((gender,status),counter),obj|
obj[gender.to_sym][status.to_sym] = counter
The end result will be equivalent to your desired result and by moving the grouping and the counting to the database level it should degrade at a much slower rate.
Note: I have no idea where books came from or where this method currently exists. The implementation could potentially be further reduced by this understanding.

rails 4 strong params + dynamic hstore keys

I'm having a problem overcoming the new strong params requirement in Rails 4 using Hstore and dynamic accessors
I have an Hstore column called :content which I want to use to store content in multiple languages, ie :en, :fr, etc. And I don't know which language upfront to set them in either the model or the controller.
store_accessor :content, [:en, :fr] #+226 random other il8n languages won't work.
How can I override strong params (or allow for dynamic hstore keys) in rails 4 for one column?
:name, :content,
:en, :fr #+226 random translations
Short of...
which of course does work.
If I understand correctly, you would like to whitelist a hash of dynamic keys. You can use some ruby code as follows to do this:
params.require(:article).permit(:name).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:content] = params[:article][:content]
This worked for me, hope it helps!
I'm doing something similar and found this to be a bit cleaner and work well.
Assuming a model called Article you can access your :content indexed stored_attributes like this: Article.stored_attributes[:content]
So your strong params looks like this:
params.require(:article).permit(:name, content: Article.stored_attributes[:content])
Assuming your params are structured like: { article => { name : "", content : [en, fr,..] } }
As people have said, it is not enough to permit the :content param - you need to permit the keys in the hash as well. Keeping things in the policy, I did that like so:
# in controller...
def model_params
# in policy...
def permitted_params(in_params = {})
params = []
params << :foo
params << :bar
# ghetto hack support to get permitted params to handle hashes with keys or without
if in_params.has_key?(:content)
content = in_params[:content]
params << { :content => content.empty? ? {} : content.keys }

Shortcut for plucking two attributes from an ActiveRecord object?

Is there a shorter way to do the following ( { |e| { id:, name: } }
# => [{ id: 1, name: 'Pete' }, { id: 2, name: 'Fred' }]
User has_many employees. Both classes inherit from ActiveRecord::Base.
Two things I don't like about the above
It loads employees into memory before mapping,
It's verbose (subjective I guess).
Is there a better way?
see #jamesharker's solution: from ActiveRecord >= 4, pluck accepts multiple arguments:
#user.employees.pluck(:id, :name)
for a single column in rails >= 3.2, you can do :
... but as you have to pluck two attributes, you can do :[:id, :name]).map {|e| {id:, name:} }
# or map &:attributes, maybe
if you really need lower-level operation, just look at the source of #pluck, that uses select_all
In ActiveRecord >= 4 pluck accepts multiple arguments so this example would become:
#user.employees.pluck(:id, :name)
If you are stuck with Rails 3 you can add this .pluck_all extension :
Another option is to:, :name).as_json
#=> [{"id" => 1, "name" => "Pete"}, {"id" => 2, "name" => "Fred"}]
I can imagine that you'd rather have symbolized keys.
If that's the case use the #symbolize_keys method., :name)
#=> [{id: 1, name: "Pete"}, {id: 2, name: "Fred"}]
Add this monkey patch which provides the multi columns pluck functionality in Rails 3.
# config/initializers/pluck_all.rb
if Rails.version[0] == '3'
ActiveRecord::Relation.class_eval do
def pluck(*args)! do |column_name|
if column_name.is_a?(Symbol) && column_names.include?(column_name.to_s)
relation = clone
relation.select_values = args
klass.connection.select_all(relation.arel).map! do |attributes|
initialized_attributes = klass.initialize_attributes(attributes) do |key, attr|
klass.type_cast_attribute(key, initialized_attributes)
Rename the method from pluck to pluck_all if you dont want to override the original pluck functionality
In terms of making a rails 3 method that behaves the same as the Rails 4 pluck with multiple columns. This outputs a similar array (rather than a hashed key value collection). This should save a bit of pain if you ever come to upgrade and want to clean up the code.
module ActiveRecord
class Relation
def pluck_all(*args)! do |column_name|
if column_name.is_a?(Symbol) && column_names.include?(column_name.to_s)
relation = clone
relation.select_values = args
klass.connection.select_all(relation.arel).map! do |attributes|
initialized_attributes = klass.initialize_attributes(attributes) do |key, attribute|
klass.type_cast_attribute(key, initialized_attributes)
Standing on the shoulders of giants and all
The pluck_all method worked well until I'm going to upgrade from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4.
Here is a gem pluck_all to solve this, making pluck_all method support not only in Rails 3 but in Rails 4 and Rails 5. Hope this will help those who are going to upgrade rails version.

Sorting objects by field availability

I have a place object that has the following parameters: phone, category, street, zip, website.
I also have an array of place objects: [place1, place2, place3, place4, place5].
What's the best way to sort the array of places, based on the parameter availability? I.e., if place1 has the most available parameters, or the least number of parameters that are nil, it should be reordered to first and so on.
Edit: These objects are not ActiveRecord objects
I'd let each Place object know how complete it was:
class Place
attr_accessor :phone, :category, :street, :website, :zip
def completeness
attributes.count{|_,value| value.present?}
Then it is easy to sort your place objects by completeness:
Edit: Non-ActiveRecord solution:
I had assumed this was an ActiveRecord model because of the Ruby on Rails tag. Since this is a non-ActiveRecord model, you can use instance_variables instead of attributes. (By the way, congratulations for knowing that domain models in Rails don't have to inherit from ActiveRecord)
class Place
attr_accessor :phone, :category, :street, :website, :zip
def completeness
instance_variables.count{|v| instance_variable_get(v).present?}
Edit 2: Weighted attributes
You have a comment about calculating a weighted score. In this case, or when you want to choose specific attributes, you can put the following in your model:
ATTR_WEIGHTS = {phone:1, category:1, street:2, website:1, zip:2}
def completeness{|k,v| instance_variable_get(k).present?}.sum(&:last)
Note that the sum(&:last) is equivalent to sum{|k,v| v} which in turn is a railsism for reduce(0){|sum, (k,v)| sum += v}.
I'm sure there's a better way to do it, but this is a start :
ruby fat one liner
values = {phone: 5, category: 3, street: 5, website: 3, zip: 5} #Edit these values to ponderate.
array = [place1, place2, place3, place4, place5]
sorted_array = array.sort_by{ |b|{ |k, v| values.keys.include?(k.to_sym) && v.present? }.inject(0){ |sum, n| sum + values[n[0]] } }.reverse
So we're basically creating a sub-hash of the attributes of your ActiveRecord object by only picking the key-value pairs that are in the values hash and only if they have a present? value.
Then on this sub-hash, we're invoking inject that will sum the ponderated values we've put in the values hash. Finally, we reverse everything so you have the highest score first.
To make it clean, I suggest you implement a method that will compute the score of each object in an instance method in your model, like mark suggested
If you have a class Place:
class Place
attr_accessor :phone, :category, :street, :website, :zip
and you create an instance place1:
place1 =
place1.instance_variables # => []
place1.instance_variables.size # => 0 = '555-1212' # => "555-1212"
place1.instance_variables # => [ :#phone ]
place1.instance_variables.size # => 1
And create the next instance:
place2 = = '555-1212' = '00000'
place2.instance_variables # => [ :#phone, :#zip ]
place2.instance_variables.size # => 2
You can sort by an ascending number of instance variables that have been set:
[place1, place2].sort_by{ |p| p.instance_variables.size }
# => [ #<Place:0x007fa8a32b51a8 #phone="555-1212">, #<Place:0x007fa8a31f5380 #phone="555-1212", #zip="00000"> ]
Or sort in descending order:
[place1, place2].sort_by{ |p| p.instance_variables.size }.reverse
# => [ #<Place:0x007fa8a31f5380 #phone="555-1212", #zip="00000">, #<Place:0x007fa8a32b51a8 #phone="555-1212"> ]
This uses basic Ruby objects, Rails is not needed, and it asks the object instances themselves what is set, so you don't have to maintain any external lists of attributes.
Note: this breaks if you set an instance variable to something, then set it back to nil.
This fixes it:
[place1,place2].sort_by{ |p|
p.instance_variables.reject{ |v|
and this shortens it by using Enumerable's count with a block:
[place1,place2].sort_by{ |p|
p.instance_variables.count{ |v|

Overriding id on create in ActiveRecord

Is there any way of overriding a model's id value on create? Something like:
Post.create(:id => 10, :title => 'Test')
would be ideal, but obviously won't work.
id is just attr_protected, which is why you can't use mass-assignment to set it. However, when setting it manually, it just works:
o = = 8888! # => 8888
I'm not sure what the original motivation was, but I do this when converting ActiveHash models to ActiveRecord. ActiveHash allows you to use the same belongs_to semantics in ActiveRecord, but instead of having a migration and creating a table, and incurring the overhead of the database on every call, you just store your data in yml files. The foreign keys in the database reference the in-memory ids in the yml.
ActiveHash is great for picklists and small tables that change infrequently and only change by developers. So when going from ActiveHash to ActiveRecord, it's easiest to just keep all of the foreign key references the same.
You could also use something like this:
Post.create({:id => 10, :title => 'Test'}, :without_protection => true)
Although as stated in the docs, this will bypass mass-assignment security.
a_post = do |p| = 10
p.title = 'Test'
that should give you what you're looking for.
For Rails 4:
Post.create(:title => 'Test').update_column(:id, 10)
Other Rails 4 answers did not work for me. Many of them appeared to change when checking using the Rails Console, but when I checked the values in MySQL database, they remained unchanged. Other answers only worked sometimes.
For MySQL at least, assigning an id below the auto increment id number does not work unless you use update_column. For example,
p = Post.create(:title => 'Test')
=> 20 # 20 was the id the auto increment gave it
p2 = Post.create(:id => 40, :title => 'Test')
=> 40 # 40 > the next auto increment id (21) so allow it
p3 = Post.create(:id => 10, :title => 'Test')
=> 10 # Go check your database, it may say 41.
# Assigning an id to a number below the next auto generated id will not update the db
If you change create to use new + save you will still have this problem. Manually changing the id like = 10 also produces this problem.
In general, I would use update_column to change the id even though it costs an extra database query because it will work all the time. This is an error that might not show up in your development environment, but can quietly corrupt your production database all the while saying it is working.
we can override attributes_protected_by_default
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.attributes_protected_by_default
# default is ["id", "type"]
e = => 10000)
Actually, it turns out that doing the following works:
p = => 10, :title => 'Test')
As Jeff points out, id behaves as if is attr_protected. To prevent that, you need to override the list of default protected attributes. Be careful doing this anywhere that attribute information can come from the outside. The id field is default protected for a reason.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def attributes_protected_by_default
(Tested with ActiveRecord 2.3.5)
Post.create!(:title => "Test") { |t| = 10 }
This doesn't strike me as the sort of thing that you would normally want to do, but it works quite well if you need to populate a table with a fixed set of ids (for example when creating defaults using a rake task) and you want to override auto-incrementing (so that each time you run the task the table is populate with the same ids):
post_types.each_with_index do |post_type|
PostType.create!(:name => post_type) { |t| = i + 1 }
Put this create_with_id function at the top of your seeds.rb and then use it to do your object creation where explicit ids are desired.
def create_with_id(clazz, params)
obj = clazz.send(:new, params) = params[:id]!
and use it like this
create_with_id( Foo, {id:1,name:"My Foo",prop:"My other property"})
instead of using
Foo.create({id:1,name:"My Foo",prop:"My other property"})
This case is a similar issue that was necessary overwrite the id with a kind of custom date :
# in app/models/calendar_block_group.rb
class CalendarBlockGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
before_validation :parse_id
def parse_id ='%d%m%Y')
And then :
CalendarBlockGroup.create!(:date =>
# => #<CalendarBlockGroup id: 27072014, date: "2014-07-27", created_at: "2014-07-27 20:41:49", updated_at: "2014-07-27 20:41:49">
Callbacks works fine.
Good Luck!.
For Rails 3, the simplest way to do this is to use new with the without_protection refinement, and then save:{:id => 10, :title => 'Test'}, :without_protection => true).save
For seed data, it may make sense to bypass validation which you can do like this:{:id => 10, :title => 'Test'}, :without_protection => true).save(validate: false)
We've actually added a helper method to ActiveRecord::Base that is declared immediately prior to executing seed files:
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.seed_create(attributes)
new(attributes, without_protection: true).save(validate: false)
And now:
Post.seed_create(:id => 10, :title => 'Test')
For Rails 4, you should be using StrongParams instead of protected attributes. If this is the case, you'll simply be able to assign and save without passing any flags to new: 10, title: 'Test').save # optionally pass `{validate: false}`
In Rails 4.2.1 with Postgresql 9.5.3, Post.create(:id => 10, :title => 'Test') works as long as there isn't a row with id = 10 already.
you can insert id by sql:
arr = record_line.strip.split(",")
sql = "insert into records(id, created_at, updated_at, count, type_id, cycle, date) values(#{arr[0]},#{arr[1]},#{arr[2]},#{arr[3]},#{arr[4]},#{arr[5]},#{arr[6]})"
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute sql
