Get resource base capacity using CSOM - csom

How to get resource base capacity of each day in a particular duration (Between Start & End Date) using CSOM on the project online or on-premise?
Not being able to find any solution regarding this.
I want CSOM Equivalent for the below OData Call:
/_api/ProjectData/ResourceTimephasedDataSet?$filter=ResourceId eq guid'\(resourceID)' and TimeByDay ge datetime'\(StartDate)' and TimeByDay lt datetime'\(EndDate)'

CSOM is ideally suited for getting and manipulating individual records in Sharepoint and in your case Project Web Access (PWA), but it doesn't give full access to what's available in PWA nor does it give you derived information.
There aren't CSOM equivalents for OData queries. To get this via CSOM you would need to fetch all the records the query used, apply the same joins and filtering from the query and then perform any calculations the query did.
You have an OData query to get the information you want, it would be better to use that directly.


Filtering MS Graph query for Planner Tasks

I am querying ms graph for planner tasks
This returns all the tasks in planner. I am hoping to filter these tasks by 'createdDateTime' greater than equals to last month. OR 'percentComplete' is less than 100.
New to querying data, so I am unsure what syntax to use. I was hoping to use $top= x would be based on createdDateTime. but if I use this$Top=20
it still returns all of the tasks.
Thank you
Unfortunately, Planner doesn't support filters at this time. The recommended approach is for the client to read the data and filter on the client side.
For general filtering and query parameters, this documentation should help:

Using endsWith filter together with expanding user's memberOf doesn't work

I want to fetch all users together with their group names from MS Graph API.
It works as long as I don't want to do some advanced filtering (endsWith()).
Here's the select query I'm running:$select=displayName,userPrincipalName,mail,id,givenName,surname,memberOf&$expand=memberOf($select=displayName)
It produces a nice set of users together with the display name's of groups they are in.
I wanted to restrict the result to a specific mail domain (i have added ConsistencyLevel: eventual), however I am unable to do it unless I remove the memberOf expand. This works:$select=displayName,userPrincipalName,mail,id,givenName,surname,memberOf&$count=true&$filter=endsWith(mail,'')
But as expected, there are no groups. In fact, there are no groups at all despite selecting memberOf! I thought I'll just fetch groups first and then pair them in my code, but to get them I must expand, and with expand the filter doesn't work!
This produces an Request_UnsupportedQuery error:$select=displayName,userPrincipalName,mail,id,givenName,surname,memberOf&$expand=memberOf($select=displayName)&$count=true&$filter=endsWith(mail,'')
Is there any way to achieve what I want without filtering manually or issuing multiple requests and mapping stuff on my own? We're talking about directories containing tens of thousands of users.. Graph seemed to be nice at the beginning but as I wanted to do anything more complex it turns out to be a limited POS where one query totally excludes another. I was also unable to filter by the expanded memberOf in any way
Based on Microsoft Docs
$expand is not currently supported with advanced queries.

What is the "Alternative Operator" to "Replace Multiple OR statement" in $Filter query of "Microsoft Graph API"

I need to find detail of more than 20 users in one query, so I am trying to use below query, But maximum 15 "or" is allowed in one query. So please let me know operator which I can use instead od using "multiple OR statement"$filter=startsWith(userPrincipalName, 'user1') or startsWith(userPrincipalName, 'user2').......
That's a per request threshold and I don't think it can be directly tackled with a drop-in replacement but here's some other ideas for you to consider:
1) If your application stores the user ids you can use the get directory objects by id endpoint which gets up to 1000 users back in one request
2) Keep your current query but use MS Graph $batch requests to send multiple of these queries in one call to MS Graph. This will require you to construct the JSON batch payload and parse the response.

Microsoft Graph API using filter on get sharepoint lists

I'm trying to filter on the sharepoint lists, but the semantics seems to be different to the default semantics.
What I already tried was (with $ and without; single quotes and no quotes): eq 'Something'$filter=name eq 'Something' eq 'CFFF1460-B4D7-419C-A921-61B5279BBDDC'$filter=id eq 'CFFF1460-B4D7-419C-A921-61B5279BBDDC' eq CFFF1460-B4D7-419C-A921-61B5279BBDDC$filter=id eq CFFF1460-B4D7-419C-A921-61B5279BBDDC
But everything returns an array containing all lists and not only the subset matching the desired criteria.
So how can I filter on sharepoint lists?
If you know the id of the list you want to filter and get a response for.
YOu can run a graph API query like this.{list-id}
This will give you data about that list.
Let me know if you need further details on this.
Unfortunately (like Marc already mentioned in the comments) it is not possible to filter on SharePoint lists. If you need to, you have to do it on the client side, by reading the list without any filter and make a LINQ statement (or something similar) on the received collection. Be aware that (like all collections in Graph) you don't get always all elements at once. Potentially you have to call the next link request from the last response and wade through more requests and elements till you find what you need.
So when you found what you need, it is a good idea to store the list id within a memory cache or Redis cache for faster lookups the next time, you need this information.

oData - applying filters to SQL queries

I am relatively new to oData service and I am trying to explore if oData is feasible for my project.
From all the examples / demos that I have come across,every demo always loads up all data into the repository and then oData filters are applied over the data.
Is there a way to not load up all data (apply the filters to SQL from oData) from SQL which will obviously be highly inefficient for N number of requests coming in /second ?
So for example if I had a movies service :
The above example is actually just filtering for movie id 55 from an "entire" set of movies.Is there a way to make this filter happen at SQL level instead of bloating the memory first with all movies and then allowing oData to filter it?
Can anyone guide me in the right direction?
I found out after doing a small POC that Entity framework takes care of building dynamic query based on the request.
