I'm setting up a Neo4j cluster for a greenfield app. What considerations should I take into account when deciding between causal and HA clustering? The docs are very good at describing configuration of each, but not at how to decide which architecture to choose.
At least for now the cluster is only 3 nodes, so read vs. read/write nodes (as described in causal clustering) is not a factor.
There are some differences between HA & CC mode, but by default you should use the CC one : it's the default clustering mode (Neo4j spent a lot of time to develop it).
With CC you :
will never have any branched data
can benefit of the official driver functionalities : Load-balancing, routing, bookmark-id(ie. read your own write), ...
I want to use Louvain for clustering a large-scale network. How can I identify the number of the required clusters since there is no parameter that can be configured for this purpose in the algorithm built in Neo4j (Graph Data Science) library?
Update 1: according to this [Ref],1 k-means can be used to group items based on similar properties instead of relationships (nodes without the relationships between them). since I have a complete network topology, I think that K-means doesn't work in this scenario.
Update 2: Any suggestion about another algorithm (s) that can perform clustering and allows specifying the no. of clusters is welcomed :)
The aim of clustering is to create multiple network domains to distribute the traffic load in a large-scale SDN network, so I thought to use a community detection algorithm to perform the clustering so that to determine the required no. of SDN controllers to be deployed.
Louvain optimizes modularity by combining smaller communities into larger groups until some end state is reached. So the end number of clusters isn't under user control.
K-Means (available in alpha) allows you to pre-set the number of clusters, if that helps.
You might also edit your question to explain why Louvain is the method you'd like to go with, so people can offer suggestions that support your use case. :)
Scikit-Learn algorithms are single node implementations. Does this mean, that they are not an appropriate choice for building machine learning models on Databricks cluster for the reason that they cannot take advantage of the cluster computing resources ?
They are not appropriate, in the sense that, as you say, they cannot take advantage of the cluster computing resources, which Databricks is arguably all about. The raison d'ĂȘtre of Databricks is Apache Spark, and specifically for ML tasks, its ML library Spark MLlib.
This does not mean that you cannot use scikit-learn in Databricks (you'll find that a Databricks cluster comes by scikit-learn installed by default), only that it is usable for problems that do not actually require a cluster. If you want to exploit the cluster resource capabilities for ML, you need to revert to Spark MLlib.
I think desertnaut hit the nail on the head here. I believe Scikit Learn algos are designed only for non-parallel processing jobs, and all the MLlib stuff is designed to leverage cluster compute resources and parallel processing resources. Take a look at the link below for sample code for standard regression and classification tasks.
In addition, here are some code samples for different clustering tasks.
That should probably cover most of the things you will be doing.
I believe that it depends on the task at hand. I see two general scenarios:
Your data is big and does not fit into memory. Go with the Spark MLlib and their distributed algos.
Your data is not that big and you want to utilize sheer computing power. The typical use case is hyperparameter search.
Databricks allow for distributing such workloads from the driver node to the executors with hyperopt and its SparkTrials (random + Bayesian search).
Some docs here>
However, there are much more attempts to make the sklearn on spark work. You can supposedly distribute the workloads through UDF, using joblib, or others. I am investigating the issue myself, and will update the answer later.
Is there an option to request a faster node for online prediction in ML Engine?
For example, when training I can configure any of these machines for my job:
See description of available clusters and machines for training here and here
I am struggling to find if it is possible to control what kind of machine runs my online prediction.
We are currently adding that capability and will let you know when it's publicly available.
ML Engine offers 4-core instance type in addition to the default serving instance type for online prediction. However the feature is still at alpha stage and it will only be available to a selected list of accounts who opted in as "Trusted Testers". Please contact cloudml-feedback#google.com if you need help to setup prediction service with faster node.
Just started my excursion to graph processing methods and tools. What we basically do - count some standard metrics like pagerank, clustering coefficient, triangle count, diameter, connectivity etc. In the past was happy with Octave, but when we started to work with graphs having let's say 10^9 nodes/edges we stuck.
So the possible solutions can be distributed cloud made with Hadoop/Giraph, Spark/GraphX, Neo4j on top of them, etc.
But since I am a beginner, can someone advise what actually to choose? I did not get the difference when to use Spark/GraphX and when Neo4j? Right now I consider Spark/GraphX, since it have more Python alike syntax, while neo4j has the own Cypher. Visualization in neo4j is cool but not useful in such a large scale. I do not understand is there a reason to use additional level of software (neo4j) or just use Spark/GraphX? Since I understood neo4j will not save so much time like if we worked with pure hadoop vs Giraph or GraphX or Hive.
Thank you.
Neo4J: It is a graphical database which helps out identifying the relationships and entities data usually from the disk. It's popularity and choice is given in this link. But when it needs to process the very large data-sets and real time processing to produce the graphical results/representation it needs to scale horizontally. In this case combination of Neo4J with Apache Spark will give significant performance benefits in such a way Spark will serve as an external graph compute solution.
Mazerunner is a distributed graph processing platform which extends Neo4J. It uses message broker to process distribute graph processing jobs to Apache Spark GraphX module.
GraphX: GraphX is a new component in Spark for graphs and graph-parallel computation. At a high level, GraphX extends the Spark RDD by introducing a new Graph abstraction: a directed multigraph with properties attached to each vertex and edge. It supports multiple Graph algorithms.
It is always recommended to use the Hybrid combination of Neo4j with GraphX as they both easier to integrate.
For real time processing and processing large data-sets, use neo4j with GraphX.
For simple persistence and to show the entity relationship for a simple graphical display representation use standalone neo4j.
Neo4j: I have not used it, but I think it does all of a graph computation (like pagerank) on a single machine. Would that be able to handle your data set? It may depend on whether your entire graph fits into memory, and if not, how efficiently does it process data from disk. It may hit the same problems you encountered with Octave.
Spark GraphX: GraphX partitions graph data (vertices and edges) across a cluster of machines. This gives you horizontal scalability and parallelism in computation. Some things you may want to consider: it only has a Scala API right now (no Python yet). It does PageRank, triangle count, and connected components, but you may have to implement clustering coefficent and diameter yourself, using the provided graph API (pregel for example). The programming guide has a list of supported algorithms: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/graphx-programming-guide.html
GraphX is more of a realtime processing framework for the data that can be (and it's is better when) represented in a graph form. With GraphX you can use various algorithms that require large amounts of processing power (both RAM and CPU), and with neo4j you can (reliably) persist and update that data. This is what I'd suggest.
I know for sure that #kennybastani has done some pretty interesting advancements in that area, you can take a look at his mazerunner solution. It's also shipped as a docker image, so you can poke at it with a stick and find out for yourself whether you like it or not.
This image deploys a container with Apache Spark and uses GraphX to
perform ETL graph analysis on subgraphs exported from Neo4j. The
results of the analysis are applied back to the data in the Neo4j
This question does not have a single "right" answer.
I'm interested in running Map Reduce algorithms, on a cluster, on Terabytes of data.
I want to learn more about the running time of said algorithms.
What books should I read?
I'm not interested in setting up Map Reduce clusters, or running standard algorithms. I want rigorous theoretical treatments or running time.
EDIT: The issue is not that map reduce changes running time. The issue is -- most algorithms do not distribute well to map reduce frameworks. I'm interested in algorithms that run on the map reduce framework.
Technically, there's no real different in the runtime analysis of MapReduce in comparison to "standard" algorithms - MapReduce is still an algorithm just like any other (or specifically, a class of algorithms that occur in multiple steps, with a certain interaction between those steps).
The runtime of a MapReduce job is still going to scale how normal algorithmic analysis would predict, when you factor in division of tasks across multiple machines and then find the maximum individual machine time required for each step.
That is, if you have a task which requires M map operations, and R reduce operations, running on N machines, and you expect that the average map operation will take m time and the average reduce operation r time, then you'll have an expected runtime of ceil(M/N)*m + ceil(R/N)*r time to complete all of the tasks in question.
Prediction of the values for M,R,m, and r are all something that can be accomplished with normal analysis of whatever algorithm you're plugging into MapReduce.
There are only two books that i know of that are published, but there are more in the works:
Pro hadoop and Hadoop: The Definitive Guide
Of these, Pro Hadoop is more of a beginners book, whilst The Definitive Guide is for those that know what Hadoop actually is.
I own The Definitive Guide and think its an excellent book. It provides good technical details on how the HDFS works, as well as covering a range of related topics such as MapReduce, Pig, Hive, HBase etc. It should also be noted that this book was written by Tom White who has been involved with the development of Hadoop for a good while, and now works at cloudera.
As far as the analysis of algorithms goes on Hadoop you could take a look at the TeraByte sort benchmarks. Yahoo have done a write up of how Hadoop performs for this particular benchmark: TeraByte Sort on Apache Hadoop. This paper was written in 2008.
More details about the 2009 results can be found here.
There is a great book about Data Mining algorithms applied to the MapReduce model.
It was written by two Stanford Professors and it if available for free: