Display dictionary key,Value on a UILabel swift - ios

Trying to figure out how to display an array of dictionary data key,value returning form a server as a json on a uilabel or textfield.
Here is the dictionary
I want it to be displayed like this

I assume your JSON data is in this format:
let jsonColours = ["Colour": "Moss Green", "Fabric": "Cotton"...]
You can try running a for/in loop on the jsonColour:
for data in jsonColour {
let key = data.key //key value which is colour or fabric
let value = data.value //value which would be moss green or cotton


Save tableview textfields to an array of custom objects

I´m searching for a way to save the data a user enters in two textfields in a tableview. The user has to enter the name and the height of person in a tableview and I want to save it to a custom array.
struct PersonData {
var name: String
var height: Int
init(name: String, height: Int) {
self.name = name
self.height = height
I´ve searched and i found this Swift: retrieving text from a UITextField in a custom UITableViewCell and putting it in an array but still got two questions.
How i add item to my custom array? I try it with this:
personData[textField.tag].name = textField.text!
Isn´t a easier way to do it?
Thank you!!
If I understood your question properly then heres a possible solution.
You initialise an array of type PersonData. Then you make an object of type PersonData. Whenever you have some info, you store it in this object and append the object to the array created.
let array = [PersonData]()
let personDataObject = PersonData()
//After you store the values in the object you add the object to you array.
personDataObject.name = textField1.text
personDataObject.height = textField2.text //You need to convert this to Int. Try personDataObject.height = textField2.text as? Int or personDataObject.height = Int(textField2.text)

Set label value dynamically in a table cell

hello I am having a very weird problem in my code and I don't know whats actually going on here.
I have label set in my view controller and when I set the value like this
cell.totalTripsLabel.text = "55"
It works.
But If I try to set value from dictionary,
cell.totalTripsLabel.text = self.dict["totalTrips"]! as? String
It doesn't work at all and nothing displays on ViewController.
If I print the value like this
It successfully prints the integer value
But If I do this
print(self.dict["totalTrips"]! as? String)
It prints nil
So I figure out by casting a value to string, it prints nil. So question is how I can set value in label which accepts string value
Dictionary result is like this
totalTrips = 2;
try this
cell.totalTripsLabel.text = String(self.dict["totalTrips"]!)

Multidimensional Array Looping in cellForRowAtIndexPath Swift

I have a multidimensional array that I want to display the values of onto one UILabel in each respective cell.
My arrays look like this:
var arrayExample = [["beverages", "food", "suppliers"]["other stuff, "medicine"]]
I'm looping through these values in the cellForRowAtIndexPath in order for it to display on different cells (on a UILabel) the appropriate values:
if let onTheLabel: AnyObject = arrayOfContactsFound as? AnyObject {
for var i = 0; i < objects!.count; i++ {
cell?.contactsUserHas.text = "\(onTheLabel[indexPath.row][i])" as! String
print("arrayOfContactsFound Printing! \(onTheLabel)")
When printing to the console I get:
arrayOfContactsFound Printing! (
"supply chain",
But on my label I get "beverages". That's it. How can I get the other 2 values (or X amount if there are more or less than 3 values)?
My for in loop is obviously not doing the trick. Assuming I can optimize/fix that to display all the values?
Thanks in advance.
In your loop you're setting the text of your label multiple times. Each time you set it it doesn't accumulate, it completely replaces the current text with the new text. You'll want something like this:
// Remove the cast and the loop in your code example, and replace with this
let items = arrayOfContactsFound[indexPath.row]
let itemsString = items.joinWithSeparator(" ")
cell?.contactsUserHas.text = itemsString
Another thing to note is your cast doesn't quite make a lot of sense.
var arrayExample = [["beverages", "food", "suppliers"]["other stuff, "medicine"]]
So arrayExample is of type [[String]]. I'm assuming each cell in your table view represents one of the arrays of strings in your array. So each cell represents one [String]. So your items should be arrayExample[indexPath.row]. The cast to AnyObject doesn't make too much sense. If anything you'd be casting it to [[AnyObject]], but there's no reason to because the compiler should already know it's [[String]].

how to take string from returned plist array

When I am trying to take the value from a plist and append it to an array
nameArray.append(namesArray!.objectForKey("Item1")! as! String)
The target item is a string but it appears to be inside the plist array, can anyone explain how to get it out please?
The print of namesArray!.objectForKey("Item1")! followed by the error are shown below:
Cast the value of the "Item1" key as an array of Strings, then fetch the first object from the array (since it appears there's only one). And if you like the idea that your app should not crash everytime a value is nil, better use if let than force-unwrapping everything with !.
if let names = namesArray,
let items = names.objectForKey("Item1") as? [String],
let result = items.first {
Just take the first element of your array:
nameArray.append((namesArray!.objectForKey("Item1")! as! [String])[0])

Reading values .plist swift

I have a .plist in Swift. It is set up as follows
I have trouble finding information on how to read information from a .Plist.
I want to be able to randomly select one of the 845 Items in the EmojiList. Once I have that Item, then I want to have access to that Item's emoji string value and its description string value.
Programatically how would I go about accessing a random item inside the item list? And then having access to that specific item's properties?
First load the plist in to an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents one emoji. Then generate a random index of the array, and pull out the dictionary at that index. Now use the dictionary to access the properties of the emoji.
var emojiArray: NSArray?
if let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("name-of-file", ofType: "plist"){
emojiArray = NSArray(contentsOfFile: path)
if let array = emojiArray {
let randomIndex = arc4random_uniform(array.count) // random number from 0 to array.count - 1
let emojiDictionary = array[randomIndex]
println("emoji value: \(emojiDictionary["emoji"]), emoji description: \(emojiDictionary["description"])"
