iOS: Touch ID prevent user from closing app when pressing too strong - ios

is it possible to prevent the app from closing when my app asks for a fingerprint and the user presses the home button instead of only let the finger rest? I know and understand that it shouldn't be possible everywhere else, but it would be nice if the app wouldn't close when asking for the fingerprint.

It is not ever possible to change regular system behaviour, even though some users might press too hard and go back home that is the behaviour that everyone expects, want to go home, press the home button and it always works

This is not possible, what you are trying to do is getting out of the scope of your application and change the behavior of the device. Apple won't allow it, ever.
They might change the behavior if they think it's better to handle it like that, you can send them a message. But they'll probably never do that as they are killing Touch ID for the sake of Face ID.


How iOS handles events that occurs just right before the background?

First of all I'd like to say sorry in case my question is dummy, I'm really new to iOS and what to understand how thing are going on. Imagine such a situation - user taps on home button and the app starts to collapse, but immediately after taping on home button user taped on some UI element. So, I'm wondering how the iOS will handle this? I tried to do some tests using breakpoints, but since it just test I can't be 100% sure. It seems that if the UI interaction event will happen before the system will call willResignActive then the event will be fully processed and if the system will call willResignActive first, then the even will be discarded and won't be handled at all. Is this correct, or I missed something? Thanks
First, why do you want to use this in your app? If a user presses a button exactly in this time, it's okay that the action is not handled.
The only thing you have to keep track of is that whenever the button gets pressed and let's say you store a file without a completion handler it could be that you present an alert which is saying that everything went well but you actually not saved the file because the user left the app in this time.
But since you're never doing critical actions without completion handlers, in my opinion, there's no need to make sure that this doesn't happen.
If I got you wrong, just comment!

Killing an iOS app programmatically

I have an app when a specific action fires I close the app and ask the user to reopen it again.
The problem is when the app executes exit(0) the app stays in the apps stack (when I click the home button twice). I want it to be killed completely so that viewDidLoad() will be executed again when the app opens.
You cannot terminate an app on it's own.
From Apple's Human User Guidelines...
Don’t Quit Programmatically
Never quit an iOS application programmatically because people tend to
interpret this as a crash. However, if external circumstances prevent
your application from functioning as intended, you need to tell your
users about the situation and explain what they can do about it.
Depending on how severe the application malfunction is, you have two
Display an attractive screen that describes the problem and suggests a
correction. A screen provides feedback that reassures users that
there’s nothing wrong with your application. It puts users in control,
letting them decide whether they want to take corrective action and
continue using your application or press the Home button and open a
different application
If only some of your application's features are not working, display
either a screen or an alert when people activate the feature. Display
the alert only when people try to access the feature that isn’t
Have a look at this answer:

Should touchID be displayed if app minimized

Im implementing touch ID to "unlock" my app, and im not sure if ive run into an apple bug or something i need to handle myself. If i tap the Home button and minimize my app before evaluatePolicy can load the Touch ID prompt, it appears over the home screen.
![not enough reputation to display screenshot, so heres a link]
Successful/failure/cancel evaluation of this policy does nothing, but when i re-enter the app and cancel it again, touchID seems to be disabled forever until i restart the phone.
Anyone else running into this issue or have an ideas?
P.S. Theres an open radar where errSecUserCanceled is never returned from a cancel button tap, so right now i fall into my errSecAuthFailed case, which could also be the cause.
Answer is no. It should not be be displayed, when minimized.
The problem is IMHO that the code segment is being called again from your app when it goes to the background. For example loadView , didLoad and so on.
Try moving the code, that calls the authentication somewhere else in the program (different method).
For example, if your code uses a textView to enter password, you can implement the authentication within keyboardWillShow or similar.
Hope it helps.

App controlling home button in iPhone

Just a quick question. Is it by any chance possible, that I can make an app control the users Home-button?
What I want to achieve is, that I want to ask the user if it is OK, that I add a functionality, when they click the Home-button 4 times. Is that even possible - even if the user accepts?

iOS7/iphone 5s home button tap API

So with this new fingerprint thing you only need to tap the home button and hold your finger for a few moments to unlock your phone. I was wondering if there's an API that lets us make use of the "Tap" functionality.
i.e. Let's say in my app, when the user taps the home button, my app does xyz.
Also, would it be possible for my app to read these taps when the screen is locked?
NOTE: By tap I do not mean pressing the button, just a tap, like when we unlock the iPhone 5s with the fingerprint scan.
I'm completely new to iOS development. So referencing libraries with links etc and basic tutorials might make things a bit clearer for me.
Nope. This API does not exist. File a feature request at I can't imagine that this will get implemented though, given the possibility of abuse.
No there is no public API for the Touch ID sensor... yet. And there may never be one.
