Does Survey Monkey Have any API to Save User Information, I want to save visitor name and email when he start the survey - surveymonkey

I want to save visitor information into survey monkey dashboard for analytics purpose. Not sure how I can do this. We get the user information from FB like user name and email, when user click on start the survey button I want to save this information. Can anyone Help on this or this is possible using surveymonkey API.

You could potentially store them as a contact in your contact list.
POST /v3/contacts
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "example",
"email": ""
With contacts they are unique by email so if you try to create another contact for the same user it should overwrite the previous one. You can look more into contacts in the help center.


Can't get the newly created user in the list of all users

I sent a request to
and created new student.
This is my request params
"OrgDefinedId": 'testId',
"FirstName": 'testUser222',
"MiddleName": '',
"LastName": 'LastName',
"UserName": 'Sam',
"RoleId": '110',
"IsActive": true,
"SendCreationEmail": true
I can get this user using get request
I also activated this user by email and set new password.
I can login as this user at LMS.
But, i can't get this user using this request
This user is not in the general list of users
What have I done wrong? Maybe I need some other additional request in order for it to be displayed in the general list of users?
I am assuming you are referencing this route -
In order to have the user included in this call's response your api user account needs to have the "Users - Search for 'xxx-role'" permission enabled.
This route does page its response, so you may have to page through the response to find the specific user.
This route does support query parameter filtering, which will reduce the number of users included in the response.

Insert new user to firebase

I have the following snippet which is currently located inside the create account button.
self.ref.child("Users").child(user!.uid).setValue(["fb_id": fb_id, "first_name": f_name, "last_name": l_name, "email": email])
I currently receive the error type user! has no member uid which I understand because I haven't created a user for this new person yet, I have gone through all documentation on here however I can't find the solution I'm looking for.
Can someone please share their knowledge on how I go about inserting a new user.
You can access the uid with .child("\(FIRAuth.auth().currentUser.uid)"), if you haven't stored a value in user variable child(user!.uid) has no sense.

New field on shipping address

I'm building a store with Rails and Spree Commerce. The products are basically personalised kits that will be send as a gift to another person.
So, when you do the ckeckout you need to use the form "shipping address" and put your friend's address.
But, there is no "message" field.
The people how send these gift want to send with it a card with some text like "Happy birthday John!" or something like that.
I don't know how to handle this, is there any extension to do that? Or I have to modify the core code of Spree?
I'm not sure I can give you the exact code but I think I can point you in the right direction. So a user browsers your site, adds a few items to the cart and proceeds to the checkout page where they enter their friends shipping address.
rails generate Order name:string friends_name:string shipping_address:text email:string attatched_message:text
attatched_message would be the personalized message. Then all you need to do is add the order to the model used to pass items from the shopping cart to the order form. ex.
rails generate migration add_order_to_line_item order:references

Facebook real time update

I am trying to use facebook real time updates in my rails app.
I added realtime update fields for "user" and "email" object in facebook settings page with the following parameters:
Object: user
Fields: email, likes
Verify Token: stringToken
I can also able to get a subscriptions for the fields i subscribed.
The URL|-drf6Izviu3BSJ1YgU-Dx5Wi0GY&method=get
"data": [
"object": "user",
"callback_url": "",
"fields": [
"active": true
I also added permission for "user_likes" and "email" when the user login.
But i am not able to see the POST call from Facebook if any likes or email is modified.
Please guide me what i am doing wrong. Thank you.
Problem fixed. I am not able to get POST callback from facebook because i hosted my rails app n heroku. With Heroku it limits for single process thus i got only GET from facebook but not POST. Heroku blocks other processes with single dyno. To support that we need to get two dynos to get post callback from facebook.

ref attribute not getting registered in Facebook Insights

I am using the put_wall_post call of the Koala gem to create notifications on the Facebook walls of an authenticated user's friends. I am also sending a ref attribute in the attachment hash which is the second argument to the call, as documented here.
The attachment hash looks something like this:
"message"=>"Some random message",
"name"=>"Some random name",
"description"=>"Some random description",
But this isn't working - I am not able to see some_ref as a Story Type in the Insights Dashboard. Any ideas?
