Jenkins not copying folder structure of project - jenkins

I'm trying to deploy with Jenkins. I'm sending to a server, and the folder www receives the files from the root project, but doesn't receive any of the folders and subfolders. How can I fix this?
I thought it could be permissions, so I tried to give chmod 777 to www, but didn't work anyway.
I have configured my server (hostname, username, and remote directory). Then I create my job with a git config (url, credentials, and branch to watch), job will run every minute. In the Build option, I put source files (*), Exec Command (commands for migrations and things like that). When it runs, my www folder was empty and receives files, but not folders.

I have found this link that explain how to do a best configuration for Jenkins: Jenkins transferring 0 files using publish over SSH plugin and I've discover why Jenkins just send files and not folders, this * should be **/* in Source files.


ng build not creating assets and such in Jenkins

We're having issues with our automated deployment system.
On our own computers, running ng build generates the dist folder. Within the folder, it has the assets as expected.
I have replicated this, on the build server, manually pulling the git repository, and running the "build file" (the build server runs on Windows Server. The build and deploy process is managed via a PowerShell script for convenience).
When our Jenkins server runs the build script, the assets folder is missing from the /dist/ folder, as well as some other files configured in angular.json.
It is also not properly compiling the stylesheets, which I've believe is due to the same root cause.
The issue persists when running the PowerShell script directly from the Jenkins workspace when the shell is run as a system administrator.
The CLI does not produce any errors.
I'm attaching a verbose log, in case this could be helpful.
Running the script as the system administrator I've ruled out it being a permissions issue. Jenkins is also managing to create other files, such as the
.js files, and the index.html fine.
My workaround right now is to, via the deploy powershell script, to manually copy the assets folder, how-ever I'd love to get rid of this workaround as we're starting to get multiple files in our angular.json > assets section.
For references:
deploy script:
Its a bug, in either Node or Angular CLI.
Because we have brackets, ( & ), in the build path, they get encapsulated in square brackets.
This causes the path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\... to become this C:\Program Files [(]x86[)]\Jenkins\... and thereby become invalid.
We discovered the issue by using Process Monitor and looking over the events generated during the build process.

Jenkins - Publish Over SSH Plugin: How to copy directory

I'm trying to use Jenkins' Publish Over SSH plugin to copy all files AND sub-directories of some given directory, but so far, I've only able to copy files and NOT directory.
I have a directory named foo in my workspace, and during the build, I want to copy everything in this directory to a remote server.
I've tried this pattern foo/**, but it doesn't copy all sub-directories.
Any suggestion? Or this is not the plugin I should be using?
For recursive copy of directory you should give
I verified this on my laptop using locally deploying Jenkins. It works fine.

How to pass job-specific files to Jenkins as part of job configuration?

I have a jenkins job that pulls source code from GitHub public repo. I need to pass some files such as instance-specific configuration files containing secrets to the job and merge with source code prior to running build because these files are obviously inappropriate to be put in public SCM. The Jenkins instance is a multi-tenanted shared service.
The config files don't change often so I don't want to implement using file parameter which forces user manually input the file on every run. Another reason file parameter doesn't work is some builds are triggered automatically by SCM.
I don't want to use Config File Provider Plugin either, because the plugin requires jenkins admin access but I want users with job-level privileges manage the files themselves.
Ideally the uploaded files are saved alongside with job config.xml instead of in workspace, because I would like to delete workspace after each build. I can write scripts to copy the files from job config folder to workspace.
Are there any solutions available? Thanks.
If the "special" files are being placed in a folder with say some access privileges to it, couldn't you either run a Pre-SCM-Buildstep to move the files with shell commands, or introduce a regular build step (i.e. after the SCM stuff and before the other build steps) that would also use shell commands to move files?

Prevent Publish to SCP Repository from Maintaining Original Folder Structure

I'm running Jenkins v1.581 and Publish artifacts to SCP Repository v1.8.
I am able to successfully copy my artifacts over SCP to a destination directory; so I know that server names, authentication, etc... are all correct.
My configuration looks something like this:
Source: tmp/distribution/target/deploy/opt/**
Destination: opt
When Jenkins puts the file over SCP it ends up in a directory structure of opt/tmp/distribution/target/deploy/opt/rest_of_path. It looks like it's keeping the original path of the file as it existed as an artifact and appending it to the destination path. This causes my artifacts to be deployed to an unexpected path.
My expectation is that they would end up as opt/rest_of_path. How do I fix this?
I replaced the Publish to SCP Repository with the Send build artifacts over SSH plugin. This plugin has an option for Remove prefix which does exactly what I wanted.

How to download a file from the jenkins job build folder

I have a jenkins server running, and for a job I need to download a file which is in the jobs/builds/buildname folder.
How to download that file from jenkins job?
If you would use the workspace as suggested by previous post, you can access it within a Pipeline:
sh "wget http://<servername:port>/job/<jobname>/ws/index.txt"
Or inside a script:
wget http://<servername:port>/job/<jobname>/ws/index.txt
Where index.txt is the file you want to download.
I rock a Unix based development machine and a Unix based Jenkins machine up in the cloud. This means I can use the SCP Command to download the remote file over an ssh connection. This is the anatomy of my scp commands:
scp -i <path/to/ssh.pem/file> <user>#<jenkins.remote.url>:<path/to/remote/file> <local/path/where/download/goes>
This works for directories too, for instance I use this to download backups generated by the ThinBackup Plugin
You had already been given the answer for getting the file from the workspace
Obviously replace stuff in <..> with values relevant to your setup, and make sure anonymous user has access to read from workspace, else you may have to login.
The only other files you could access are those that are archived from previous job runs.
Where <buildnumber> is the build number you see in job build history, or one of the permalinks provided by Eldad (such as lastStableBuild). But this will only have access to archived artifacts.
You cannot arbitrarily access files from Jenkin's filesystem through the web interface... it wouldn't be very secure if it did let you.
The Jenkins job's build folder is meant for logging and plugins reports. You should not need to access it directly.
If you must, you can access it relative to the workspace: $WORKSPACE/../builds/$BUILD_ID/
You can also replace the $BUILD_ID with one of the links Jenkins creates:
I hope this helps.
As others have pointed out this path should work, I like to highlight that the "ws" is a directory in Jenkins:
http://<servername:port>/job/<your job>/ws/<your file>
Download the Package lynx (Command line browser)
$ apt-get install lynx
$ yum install lynx
then use the command
# lynx http://<servername:port>/job/<jobname>/ws/file
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