Can I update the In App Purchase content for spacific App version? - ios

I am working on one application where I need to update the In-App purchase content for dual language support, now the App is rewritten from objective c to swift and it can download and play the new content but the problem is if I upload the new content old users will not be able to download them and use them, so is it possible that I could limit the new app content version to specific App version (suppose if newly uploaded content version is now 2 and new app version is 4). I am not able to figure it out is it possible or not or what else can be done. Thanks in Advance


Creating an iMessage App/Sticker App that Allows to Save Stickers, Xcode 9, Swift |&| Replacing an App with One on iTunes Connect

I want to create an iMessage app that allows the user to save stickers, so when a new release of the iMessage app comes out with entirely different stickers the user would be able to use the stickers from the previous version, and so on.
I would also like to know if you can replace an app on iTunes Connect with a different project than the original was built on.
create a game for iOS
a few months later, create the same game for iMessage and iOS but with a new project, and the identifications, profiles and certificates the same as the original.
Not sure if the community can help you with the first part of your question, because it depends on your implementation. Sure it's possible, but you won't be able to use the native UI within iMessage.
Secondary part of your question with regards to updating an app on iTunes Connect: You can always update an app if you use the same bundle ID ( and make sure the version and build code are correct. (i.e. increasing) Besides that it does not matter what project / base you are using, if you correctly sign and build the IPA and upload it to iTunes Connect:

Change screenshots in meta data of app in itunes

I am trying to change the screenshot of app published in itunes without creating new version of it?
When i log in to itunes and see my app meta data, I am not able to find edit option for screenshots.
I am new to mobile app as the current app was done by another developer.
Mine is web app not native mobile app.
If I create new version does it make users to log in again?
Should i upload the build again for the project?
I would like to know the impact of creating a new version like how long does it take to see the new screenshots.
You can't change screenshots of a live app, you need to create a new version. (
Officially web apps are not allowed on the store. Make sure your new version adheres to the store rules, specifically 4.2.
If you replace an existing (native) app with a new web app, I'm 100% sure that users need to log in again.
Yes, you need to create a new version / build and upload it to iTunes Connect. Then you can upload new screenshots as well. After that, you can send the app to review, which usually takes 1-2 days.

Auto update iPad app without app store

I have an iPad app and I don't want to publish on app store.
I want to reconfigure the app from server i.e. if the flow of the app was:
Page 1 -> Page 2 -> Page 3
And I change data in the database to:
Page 1 -> Page 3 -> Page 2
My app should be reconfigured. I would also like new pages to be added in my app.
How to download the Swift files in user's app, compile it on the fly and update the app without user's intervention or through app store?
This is a private app and won't be published on app store.
How to download the Swift files in user's app, compile it on the fly and update the app without user's intervention or through app store?
You can't.
You can, however, design your app to have UI not hardcoded in the app, but defined in some configuration file (i.e. in JSON format) which you would download at app launch. You would need to implement functions to create UI elements from their JSON definitions, etc.
No, This is not how it works on iOS. You can't achieve this requirement through Native iOS development. You have to create a web app. You can build the app using React-Native or PhoneGap cross platform environments. Again there, without publishing app store you can't share iOS .ipa file like the .apk file in android. In that case, you have to buy Enterprise developer account and share.
Another option like building a UI using JSON is very tricky and takes lots of efforts. In case if you really want to do like this go for it.

updating content on iOS app without creating new version

How do I update the content of an iOS app without having to create a new version each time? Does the newest version of swift/xcode have a way of doing that?
their are many ways you can do it first just put content on your server and fetch it according to your requiremnet also if needed you can store data on user disk (any type of data Videos sounds picture etc).
secondly you can use On-Demand Resources check out the guide below

uploading a new version of an app in appworld

I have an app in app world of version 1.0. That is working successfully. But now i want to upload the second version (2.0) of the app. How i upload the second version of the app in app world ?.
Login to appworld,
Click manage products
Click the + button under releases column corresponding to the app you want to update.
Answer the questions asked, and in step 4, upload your file bundles.
Save to draft in step 5 and then send for review
thats it ,done !!!
