Disable mouse dragging item on Storyboard designer - ios

There are some overlapping items, let's say A and B. To be specific, A is a background image. On other GUI frameworks, setting a background image is easy, but it seems I have to place an ImageView to fill the view with a background image on the Storyboard.
When I am trying to drag B, often A is selected and moved. Can I "lock" A so that it will not move? I searched the web and found that on Document --> Lock, but setting it to "Localizable Properties" does not lock it. I could still drag it with mouse.

I believe you have to set Lock to All Properties. You can still select the object, and click+drag will move it -- but it snaps back into place when you release it.
Unfortunately, this locks - as expected - ALL properties, so you could not, for example, lock a label in-place while also editing its content.


SwiftUI Drag and Drop error "NSInternalInconsistencyException"

I have a swiftUI app that implements the native drag and drop apis. Everything works well but I have discovered an edge case that I don't understand how to fix. Essentially the entire view of the app (the size of the device screen) is a drop target. When dragging an object to be dropped, if the user moves the item to the edge of the screen the app will crash throwing the error:
'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: UIDragPreviewTarget requires that the container view is in a window, but it is not
I assume this has to do with the drop target and trying to move the drag object out of the app's window, but I don't know what to do to handle this edge case.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I commented out the .onDrop() modifier and the crash still persists. I can only guess that the generated UIDragPreviewTarget is tracking its location internally but when it is pulled out of the Frame of the app it throws the error
After digging around a bunch more and creating a new simplified project to demonstrate this wasn't a bug in the Drag and Drop implementation in SwiftUI, I think I found the issue.
In my case I have a view that holds the data I need sitting above the view I want to be able to drag that data into. While in the drag process, I wanted the top view to dismiss itself so as to no longer obstruct the lower view. I was flipping this switch in one of two ways.
when starting the drag process on the original piece of data, I started a timer that would give you 1.5 seconds to cancel the drop before it would hide the view.
when entering the lower view's drop target, it would close the top view
Removing both of these actions eliminated the crash.
My assumption at this point is that hiding the original source of the data is tripping up the dragItem's sense of "home" and when you try and drag it off screen it has no where to return back too.

How do i place a button in the background?

I have quite a few labels and buttons on my view controller and I have an image and I have set it to the back in the layers part on the left. How ever when I make it bigger it seems to go to the front and block the images. I have tried multiple codes from other people who have the same problem, but it still doesn't work. I am using Xcode 8, Swift, iOS.
In interface builder you can change the order of what is in front or behind by changing the order of the views as they appear in the Document Outline...
The higher up the list they appear, the further towards the back they are.

How do I make the elements in my UIView responsive?

My goal is to create an alert that has three text fields, one taller than the others, and an image that, when tapped, allows the user to choose a picture to replace a set default one.
After unsuccessfully searching for a library for this, I decided to create my own alert by placing a UIView off the screen and, when prompted by a button, would zoom onto the screen; it consists of all the elements I require.
When I run the application, the view pops up correctly, but none of the elements on the view are responding to touch. I've checked that isUserInteractionEnabled for everything is turned on.
What's also odd is that when I keep the view on the screen (instead of placing it some distance away on Storyboard), all the elements work fine.
I'm assuming it had something to do with the animation. I tested it with a fade in instead of a displacement, and the result was the same - the elements were unresponsive.
In order for your elements to be responsive you have to link the action of you clicking them to your view's code. You can do this in a non-programmatic manner by ctrl-clicking your element on story-views and then dragging to the view controller. Then choose action instead of outlet, and choose when the action you want will be triggered (bottom part). Then insert your code in the viewController.
So I figured it out. I used the debug view hierarchy and saw that the alert was behind the elements behind it, even though it was still being shown (for some reason). I changed the zIndex of the UIView and it worked!

Wiring up Outlet Collection Trouble

From what I can tell there are some challenges people are having in XCode6 in terms of wiring up outlet collections. I just wanted to see if i'm doing this right or what I need to do correctly! I reviewed here Can't hook up an outlet collection in Xcode 6 using storyboard as well as other areas, but I wanted to be more basic about this first.
I have 7 images on a screen. I'd like to iterate through all of them in a loop or something. I read an outlet collection would be a sensible way to do this. To create an outlet collection, I am doing this:
While splitting the screen (storyboard on left, assistant editor on right) I control+click on one of my 7 images, and drag it into the view controller code on the right. This will prompt me to create an outlet, or outlet collection (I select outlet collection).
Now that this is done, a circle appears in the left margin next to this variable indicating that the image is associated with that variable. If I hover over the circle, the first image lights up.
What you're supposed to do (can someone confirm this please??) is you just hover your mouse over the circle, and a + symbol appears, and all you do is hold down the left mouse button, and drag over to another image (for example image#2), and it should automatically add that to the collection. The idea is to simply drag to each image so they are all added.
Is that right in step #3 above? Is this the normal way you would add items to a collection? Drag from the + to the image within your controller? For me, when I do this, the line appears, but it doesn't seem to respond to connecting the line to anything. I just hover it over the images, and it doesn't highlight the image or select it or anything, and when I let go, nothing happens.
I'm still somewhat new to this - what am I doing wrong?
Thanks so much for your patience/help!
OK I had the same issue and I think I have just found a workaround
1) Do steps one and 2 with the first image
2) Now repeat exactly what you did using the second image - drag and drop just below the first outlet collection (this would simply create a second outlet collection use exactly the same name )
3) Now Xcode won't like it as you have two outletCollections with the same name. Now comment out the first one
4) Now you only have one outlet collection. And it would be wired up to both your images. confirm it by hovering your mouse pointer over the little 'circle' next to the IBOutlet to see your images being highlighted.
This seems to work for me. So hope this helps :-)
There is an error with Xcode and Interface Builder that causes problems with outlet collections. You are doing it right, Xcode is problematic.
A workaround is to:
Go to your DerivedData folder (Xcode preferences -> locations)
Clean build folder from the Product menu while holding option (alt) button
Quit Xcode
Delete the folder starting with your app's name in the derived data folder
Go to your xcodeproj file, right click it, show package contents.
Delete the xcuserdata folder (warning: don't touch the others!)
Open Xcode again.
When you delete user data, window positions etc. will be reset to defaults and breakpoints will be deleted. Your project should work smoother (after a few seconds of re-indexing) and outlet collections should work properly.
I have had some success by just changing my workflow as follows (no need to restart Xcode).
First, create the outlets in code in the controller class file.
Second, drag from the objects (in the outline view of IB) to the controller, or back (for actions).
This has always worked without fail. It is slightly more effort, but actually negligible. Definitely an Xcode bug.

For iOS how do I create a draggable button within a button?

In xCode I'm making an iPad app, and have created a series of counters in UIimageViews that drag around the screen when you touch them. All good so far.
But now I want to have another smaller hidden button just above each counter that is disabled, so that when you tap on the counter the smaller button can appear and can perform an action (such as 'return to starting position' or 'hide'.
I'm just not sure where to go with this one now. Any ideas or hints would be much appreciated!
So you create the buttons and set their frames and add them as sub views to your view. From that point on you can hide them by making their alpha = 0.0, have them appear disabled by setting alpha to say 0.5 (set enabled to NO), and make them live with alpha=1.0. You can animate frame and alpha changes. For convenience you can set their tag properties to a value related to the counter so you can easily get them using viewWithTag:.
