How to do Parallel operations with Thread Scope in Web app using Ninject - dependency-injection

I've run into the same question repeatedly whenever using a new DI framework... how do you run massively-parallel operation kicked off from an HttpRequest where each thread needs its own unique copy of the dependencies? In my case, I'm using Ninject.
The specific case I always run into is a CPU-intensive report, using Parallel.ForEach, that needs to use an Entity Framework DbContext; the EF context must be unique to the thread, but outside of these special reports the EF context it must be InRequestScope.
How do you achieve this with Ninject? Preferably allow disposing the EF context with each task on the Parallel.ForEach, since the data loaded with the context would just stay in the context and consume memory.
Note that this report is big enough to warrant Parallel.ForEach but small enough that it can run synchronously on a web request and not timeout the browser (<60 seconds). Maybe I'm weird, but I run into this need a lot.

The solution has several different moving parts that, IMO, aren't terribly well-documented parts of Ninject. The upside is that after implementing something like this, you should start feeling comfortable with Ninject in a hurry!
First, you need to change the scope for your objects so they use the HttpContext if it exists, and if not, use the current thread as a fallback. There is no documentation for this, but there is a DefaultScopeCallback that was added to the settings a while back. Set that property to your own scope callback which uses the same code in the Ninject.Web.Common source to get the HttpContext, but then use "?? Thread.CurrentThread" as the fallback. Do that in the CreateKernel code that should have been created automatically when you installed the NuGet package.
(I have substituted the StandardScopeCallbacks.Thread(ctx) where I used to have Thread.CurrentThread, since the former could conceivably change at some point. Currently those two are identical in what they do.)
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var settings = new NinjectSettings{ DefaultScopeCallback = DefaultScopeCallback };
var kernel = new StandardKernel(settings);
// The rest of the default implementation of CreateKernel left out for brevity
private static Object DefaultScopeCallback(Ninject.Activation.IContext ctx)
var scope = ctx.Kernel.Components.GetAll<INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin>()
.Select(c => c.GetRequestScope(ctx)).FirstOrDefault(s => s != null);
return scope ?? Ninject.Infrastructure.StandardScopeCallbacks.Thread(ctx);
Also, don't forget that the Kernel needs to be set aside as a static object for access later. You don't want to new-up a new Kernel every time you need it; I make mine accessible via "MyConfig.ObjectFactory". While this is a code smell of the service locator anti-pattern, we're going to great lengths here to avoid the anti-pattern as much as possible.
Second, according to the commit description, the DefaultScopeCallback only affects explicit bindings with no explicit scope. So if, like me, you were depending on a bunch of implicit bindings that you hadn't added, you now need to configure them:
kernel.Bind(i => i.From(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Bll.MyConfig)))
If you don't like doing the above, there's another way of setting the default scope for all implicit bindings that is arguably more elegant. Changing default object scope with Ninject 2.2
Third, if you'd like to clear all cached objects from the scope at the end of each Parallel operation so that memory usage doesn't skyrocket due to EF caching or whatnot, here's how clear the Ninject cache scoped to the current thread:
Parallel.ForEach(myList, i =>
var threadDb = MyConfig.ObjectFactory.Get<MyContext>();
CreateModelsForItem(i, threadDb);
Note that I did some testing without that Clear line at the end, and it seemed like the EF Context was getting re-used even if that HttpRequest finished and I generated the report several more times. This was not what I wanted, so the Clear operation was important. Really, the behavior I want is closer to InCallScope, but trying to get InRequestScope with InCallScope as a fallback is a can of worms I'll open on another day.


PerRequestLifetimeManager and Task.Factory.StartNew - Dependency Injection with Unity

How to manage new tasks with PerRequestLifeTimeManager?
Should I create another container inside a new task?(I wouldn't like to change PerRequestLifeTimeManager to PerResolveLifetimeManager/HierarchicalLifetimeManager)
public ActionResult UploadFile(FileUploadViewModel viewModel)
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken cancellationToken = cts.Token;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// _fileService = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IFileService>();
}, cancellationToken);
You should read this article about DI in multi-threaded applications. Although it is written for a different DI library, you'll find most of the information applicable to the concept of DI in general. To quote a few important parts:
Dependency injection forces you to wire all dependencies together in a
single place in the application: the Composition Root. This means that
there is a single place in the application that knows about how
services behave, whether they are thread-safe, and how they should be
wired. Without this centralization, this knowledge would be scattered
throughout the code base, making it very hard to change the behavior
of a service.
In a multi-threaded application, each thread should get its own object
graph. This means that you should typically call
[Resolve<T>()] once at the beginning of the thread’s
execution to get the root object for processing that thread (or
request). The container will build an object graph with all root
object’s dependencies. Some of those dependencies will be singletons;
shared between all threads. Other dependencies might be transient; a
new instance is created per dependency. Other dependencies might be
thread-specific, request-specific, or with some other lifestyle. The
application code itself is unaware of the way the dependencies are
registered and that’s the way it is supposed to be.
The advice of building a new object graph at the beginning of a
thread, also holds when manually starting a new (background) thread.
Although you can pass on data to other threads, you should not pass on
container-controlled dependencies to other threads. On each new
thread, you should ask the container again for the dependencies. When
you start passing dependencies from one thread to the other, those
parts of the code have to know whether it is safe to pass those
dependencies on. For instance, are those dependencies thread-safe?
This might be trivial to analyze in some situations, but prevents you
to change those dependencies with other implementations, since now you
have to remember that there is a place in your code where this is
happening and you need to know which dependencies are passed on. You
are decentralizing this knowledge again, making it harder to reason
about the correctness of your DI configuration and making it easier to
misconfigure the container in a way that causes concurrency problems.
So you should not spin of new threads from within your application code itself. And you should definitely not create a new container instance, since this can cause all sorts of performance problems; you should typically have just one container instance per application.
Instead, you should pull this infrastructure logic into your Composition Root, which allows your controller's code to be simplified. Your controller code should not be more than this:
public ActionResult UploadFile(FileUploadViewModel viewModel)
On the other hand, you don't want to change the IFileService implementation, because it shouldn't its concern to do multi-threading. Instead we need some infrastructural logic that we can place in between the controller and the file service, without them having to know about this. They way to do this is by implementing a proxy class for the file service and place it in your Composition Root:
private sealed class AsyncFileServiceProxy : IFileService {
private readonly ILogger logger;
private readonly Func<IFileService> fileServiceFactory;
public AsyncFileServiceProxy(ILogger logger, Func<IFileService> fileServiceFactory)
this.logger = logger;
this.fileServiceFactory = fileServiceFactory;
void IFileService.ProcessFile(FileContent content) {
// Run on a new thread
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
private void BackgroundThreadProcessFile(FileContent content) {
// Here we run on a different thread and the
// services should be requested on this thread.
var fileService = this.fileServiceFactory.Invoke();
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
// logging is important, since we run on a
// different thread.
This class is a small peace of infrastructural logic that allows processing files on a background thread. The only thing left is to configure the container to inject our AsyncFileServiceProxy instead of the real file service implementation. There are multiple ways to do this. Here's an example:
container.RegisterType<ILogger, YourLogger>();
container.RegisterType<Func<IFileService>>(() => container.Resolve<RealFileService>(),
new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
container.RegisterType<IFileService, AsyncFileServiceProxy>();
One part however is missing here from the equation, and this is how to deal with scoped lifestyles, such as the per-request lifestyle. Since you are running stuff on a background thread, there is no HTTPContext and this basically means that you need to start some 'scope' to simulate a request (since your background thread is basically its own new request). This is however where my knowledge about Unity stops. I'm very familiar with Simple Injector and with Simple Injector you would solve this using a hybrid lifestyle (that mixes a per-request lifestyle with a lifetime-scope lifestyle) and you explicitly wrap the call to BackgroundThreadProcessFile in such scope. I imagine the solution in Unity to be very close to this, but unfortunately I don't have enough knowledge of Unity to show you how. Hopefully somebody else can comment on this, or add an extra answer to explain how to do this in Unity.

Best approach for dependency injection of data connections in singletons

I have some "caching" objects in my application, that get a IRepository (custom repository pattern contract) by dependency injection (Ninject). Those objects only uses the repository once, but they have a Refresh function that forces the owner to refresh itself. They are singletons, are created only once, and a ManualResetEvent ensures that all requests are blocked till it is loaded.
The IRepositories are EF CodeFirst based, so is it OK just to simply ensure the connection is closed and keep the reference to the DbContext there forever?
I have disabled the proxies and the lazy loading, so... is OK to have long references from the root of the caching object to hundreds of these cached POCO entities?
We reference to comments from Julie Lerman,
the recommendation is to have several/many smaller contexts and in the case of web scenarios create a new context each call.
Although she writes about Second-Level Caching in the Entity Framework and AppFabric.
Over time, the context would be contain many objects and the performance would decline accordingly.
I think this site has some good tips on EF performance.
eg generated views.
my personal recommendation, that I cant claim is best practice, but from someone who is concerned about performance, is that small bounded context each call is a solid long term compromise.
Use generated views to keep the initial load time as small as possible.
you could potentially manage a permanent DBContext in such a way as to drop unused objects from the context. Or use a caching library with events to do so. Not a small task.
I would be interested in the solution you finally select. please post.
Finally the best solution I found is to create a new kind of wrapper:
public class Generator<T> where T : IDisposable
readonly Func<T> _generate;
public Generator(Func<T> generate)
_generate= generate;
public T Generate()
return _generate();
And create a binding more or less this way:
// Dependency Injection bindings declaration section
.To(()=> new Generator<IRepository>(()=> DI.Get<IRepository>()));
Therefore, in long lived objects that needs to just create and destroy the element, I can ask for a Generator<IRepository> service, rather than IRepository. Therefore, every time I need to refresh, I would just create a new IRepository, without knowing how it is build under the hood:
using (var repository = repositoryGenerator.Generate())
It works like a charm so far.
Actually, I have added this feature to my DI framework. I can now bind IAnything and later on request for Generator, and the framework will give me the fully ready object using this technique How to create a Func<> delegate programmatically

Object lifecycle management and IoC containers

I'm updating a game from single player to multiplayer. In this case the game was originally written with most classes being single instanced. e.g. there was a single Player object, a single GameState object, etc. That is, each of these objects lived as long as the application.
Now that more than one player can play at once I obviously need to support creating more than one Player object, GameState object, etc. Over the course of working on this I have come to realize that most objects have one of three lifespans:
App's lifespan, e.g. a Conductor to handle navigation
Player's lifespan, e.g. the SettingsViewModel for the current player
Game's lifespan, e.g. the GameState for the current game
I'm curious how others deal with the creation of these different objects using an IoC container. I want to avoid creating factory classes for each class with a player or game lifespan.
Here is an example of IOC that may help. The project is called IOC-with-Ninject. It uses Ninject plus an IOC container class to manage all object life spans. You will need to do a little research on Ninject to customize it to your specific needs, but this is your IOC container solution (IMHO) if you are using .NET and will help you organize your code base. This is a personal choice, but I swear by it. If you are not using .NET it will still give you an easy pattern to follow. Cheers.
Many IoC containers have custom life-cycle scopes which you can manage as your wish. For example in Ninject you can define your custom life cycle scope as follows:
kernel.Bind<IService>().To<Service>().InScope((c, o) => yourCustomeScope);
As long as the yourCustomeScope variable has not changed, one single instance of the Service object is returned each time the kernel receives a request for IService. As soon as the yourCustomeScope variable changes, a new instance of Service will be created on the next request for IService. yourCustomeScope can be the current player instance, the game object or anything that you want to change the lifetime of the Service object, based on its reference change.
However, the objects that you just mentioned are more likely to be entities rather than services for which I don't think injection is a good idea.
From my experience the factories approach works the best.
Controlling lifespan of instance is clunky for support and requires efforts, knowledge of all of the classes lifespan requirements and dependencies, time for configuration and management of the configuration. In same time the use of factories is natural and code specific.
Factories (implementation) creation might be avoided by using proxy factories . You can also have factories returning generic arguments to further decrease the needs of factories (interfaces) creation.
If still too many factories are required I suggest reviewing the code flow.
I think this is in part a rehash of some of the comments of the previous answers but I have tried to exemplify expand a little on some of the reasoning.
Once you get into the domain of managing injected objects lifespan, you probably should be creating factories for these objects.
The underlying problem is that the composition root is not aware of what the environmental context of the call will be that needs to create the object.
I think I should take a step back and explain at this point.
Received wisdom on dependancy injection is to have a composition root some where near the entry point of the code. There are many good reasons for this that are not difficult to find on the web so I won't go into that here.
The composition root is where you map your interfaces (usually, but possibly objects) to their implmentations. You can pass in information that is available at this point to the constructor. So you can pass in a reference to an object whose lifetime is current at the time of execution of the composition root.
However, if the lifetime of the composition root does not overlap with the life time of the object you want to create you have to defer the execution of the constructor until the object needs to be created. This is why you need to have a factory. You can pass a factory method in to your mapping at this point and thus pass in the information needed to generate the object, but allow the creation to happen at the time it is required not when the composition root is executed.
You do not need a factory class to do this factory methods are fine, moreover the factory method can be inlined and so the code overhead is not much more than if we were creating the objects in the composition route.
If we have a project with 2 services where the first service is dependant on the first and we only want the lifetime of the second service to start when we create the first service we might have something like the following. (I am using ninject to give a code example, but I expect that other IOC containers work similarly in this respect.)
public class Service1:IService
private Func<IService>serviceFactoryMethod _Service2Factory;
public Service1(Func<IService>service2FactoryMethod)
public void DoSomethingUsingService2()
var service2=_Service2Factory();
public class MainClass
public void CompositionRoot()
var kernel= new StandardKernel();
return new Service1(m.Kernel.Get<IService2>());
This example does not address how you would manage the lifetime of the App, players and games lifespans, but hopefully it gives sufficient clues as to how to remove lifetime issues related to dependancy injection.
Side note: that using Ninject you would be able to change the scope of Service2 in order to manage its lifetime to go beoynd the lifetime of Service1. For example, if you knew each instance of a game were to happen on its own thread (OK, this maybe somewhat unlikely), you might use InThreadScope for the game.

DI Container and custom-scoped state in legacy system

I believe I understand the basic concepts of DI / IoC containers having written a couple of applications using them and reading a lot of stack overflow answers as well as Mark Seeman's book. There are still some cases that I have trouble with, especially when it comes to integrating DI container to a large existing architecture where DI principle hasn't been really used (think big ball of mud).
I know the ideal scenario is to have a single composition root / object graph per operation but in a legacy system this might not be possible without major refactoring (only the new and some select refactored old parts of the code could have dependencies injected through constructor and the rest of the system using the container as a service locator to interact with the new parts). This effectively means that a stack trace deep within an operation might include several object graphs with calls being made back and forth between new subsystems (single object graph until exiting into an old segment) and traditional subsystems (service locator call at some point to code under DI container).
With the (potentially faulty, I might be overthinking this or be completely wrong in assuming this kind of hybrid architecture is a good idea) assumptions out of the way, here's the actual problem:
Let's say we have a thread pool executing scheduled jobs of various types defined in database (or any external place). Each separate type of scheduled job is implemented as a class inheriting a common base class. When the job is started, it gets fed the information about which targets it should write its log messages to and the configuration it should use. The configuration could probably be handled by just passing the values as method parameters to whatever class needs them but if the job implementation gets larger than say 10-20 classes, it doesn't seem very handy.
Logging is the larger problem. Subsystems the job calls probably also need to write things to the log and usually in examples this is done by just requesting instance of ILog in the constructor. But how does that work in this case when we don't know the details / implementation until runtime? Since:
Due to (non DI container controlled) legacy system segments in the call chain (-> there potentially being multiple separate object graphs), child container cannot be used to inject the custom logger for specific sub-scope
Manual property injection would basically require the complete call chain (including all legacy subsystems) to be updated
A simplified example to help better perceive the problem:
Class JobXImplementation : JobBase {
// through constructor injection
ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory;
JobXExtraLogic _jobXExtras;
public void Run(JobConfig configurationFromDatabase)
ILog log = _loggerFactory.Create(configurationFromDatabase.targets);
// if there were no legacy parts in the call chain, I would register log as instance to a child container and Resolve next part of the call chain and everyone requesting ILog would get the correct logging targets
// do stuff
_jobXExtras.DoStuff(configurationFromDatabase, log);
Class JobXExtraLogic {
public void DoStuff(JobConfig configurationFromDatabase, ILog log) {
// call to legacy sub-system
var old = new OldClass(log, configurationFromDatabase.SomeRandomSetting);
Class OldClass {
public void DoOldStuff() {
// moar stuff
var old = new AnotherOldClass();
Class AnotherOldClass {
public void DoMoreOldStuff() {
// call to a new subsystem
var newSystemEntryPoint = DIContainerAsServiceLocator.Resolve<INewSubsystemEntryPoint>();
Class NewSubsystemEntryPoint : INewSubsystemEntryPoint {
public void DoNewStuff() {
// want to log something...
I'm sure you get the picture by this point.
Instantiating old classes through DI is a non-starter since many of them use (often multiple) constructors to inject values instead of dependencies and would have to be refactored one by one. The caller basically implicitly controls the lifetime of the object and this is assumed in the implementations (the way they handle internal object state).
What are my options? What other kinds of problems could you possibly see in a situation like this? Is trying to only use constructor injection in this kind of environment even feasible?
Great question. In general, I would say that an IoC container loses a lot of its effectiveness when only a portion of the code is DI-friendly.
Books like Working Effectively with Legacy Code and Dependency Injection in .NET both talk about ways to tease apart objects and classes to make DI viable in code bases like the one you described.
Getting the system under test would be my first priority. I'd pick a functional area to start with, one with few dependencies on other functional areas.
I don't see a problem with moving beyond constructor injection to setter injection where it makes sense, and it might offer you a stepping stone to constructor injection. Adding a property is usually less invasive than changing an object's constructor.

Entity Framework context

I have an application using the Entity Framework code first. My setup is that I have a core service which all other services inherit from. The core service contains the following code:
public static DatabaseContext db = new DatabaseContext();
public CoreService()
db.Database.Initialize(force: false);
Then, another class will inherit from CoreService and when it needs to query the database will just run some code such as:
db.Products.Where(blah => blah.IsEnabled);
However, I seem to be getting conflicting stories as to which is best.
Some people advise NOT to do what I'm doing.
Other people say that you should define the context for each class (rather than use a base class to instantiate it)
Others say that for EVERY database call, I should wrap it in a using block. I've never seen this in any of the examples from Microsoft.
Can anyone clarify?
I'm currently at a point where refactoring is possible and quite quick, so I'd like some general advice if possible.
You should wrap one context per web request. Hold it open for as long as you need it, then get rid of it when you are finished. That's what the using is for.
Do NOT wrap up your context in a Singleton. That is not a good idea.
If you are working with clients like WinForms then I think you would wrap the context around each form but that's not my area.
Also, make sure you know when you are going to be actually executing against your datasource so you don't end up enumerating multiple times when you might only need to do so once to work with the results.
Lastly, you have seen this practice from MS as lots of the ADO stuff supports being wrapped in a using but hardly anyone realises this.
I suggest to use design principle "prefer composition over inheritance".
You can have the reference of the database context in your base class.
Implement a singleton for getting the DataContext and assign the datacontext to this reference.
The conflicts you get are not related to sharing the context between classes but are caused by the static declaration of your context. If you make the context an instance field of your service class, so that every service instance gets its own context, there should be no issues.
The using pattern you mention is not required but instead you should make sure that context.Dispose() is called at the service disposal.
