Will there be an update to ManagedCuda for version 9.0 libraries? - managed-cuda

The latest changes to ManagedCuda were made about 5 months ago. Is the project still supported? Will there be updates? If not, what is a good alternative?

The project is still alive, but the Cuda 9 update needs some more time: A lot of changes and not enough time :)


React-Native upgrade for iOS: options

I am planning to upgrade the react-native from 0.51 to 0.62 for the iOS platform. Typically what is the duration it takes for an upgrade?
Can I carry out a staggered upgrade? Just to upgrade the react-native to the latest version and libraries to be upgraded later.
I can live with deprecated API if it doesn't break existing functionality or doesn't have performance issues.
Which is a better way: one version at a time or one portion of code at a time?
You can get more insights about amount of work that's in front of you with upgrade helper: https://react-native-community.github.io/upgrade-helper/?from=0.51.0&to=0.62.0
The best possible way is:
Copy and create a new repository(git master).
and carry out a direct upgrade to latest version.

How to compile a Unity/Vuforia project to iOs on Windows? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
(42 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I need to compile my project to iOS version, but I don't have a Mac so I can't download Xcode and iOS sdk. Any ideas??
There are a lot of tutorials, here's a random one.
First, make sure that your CPU supports hardware virtualization, so called VT-x. For Intel, here's the compatibility list. You can get your model number from system properties (Control Panel > System and Security > System > Processor, something like that, depends on your Windows version). If it does not support VT-x, don't even try.
I ended up with buying a MacBook :)

2015 BlackBerry OS 7.0 development

I'm interested in developing a Telegram app for the Blackberry os 7. Yeah, the old one.
So, can I still develop, deploy and why not, release on BB OS7, or it's not possible any more.
Don't think this is really a Stack Overflow question, but yes. You can still dev for it. You'll just struggle a bit to find support for it, and libraries will not have been updated in a long time.

Is there a replacement component for dcmemo (Dream Company) for Delphi?

I've used a component called dcmemo which is part of a component pack from Dream Company which went out of business a few years ago. Now that I'm upgrading to the latest Delphi I can't install this component dispite having the source and making tons of fixes to it.
After looking around on the web everyone pretty much says it's extremely difficult to upgrade the dream company components to work with the latest delphi which leaves me looking for a replacement which can do almost the same stuff.
I'm sure someone has had this exact same problem before. What can I replace dcmemo with?
Try SynEdit. It's free and has been under development for a long time. I'd advise you use the latest sources which includes a code folding and tested and working code/dpks for most every version of delphi.
If you have svn installed, use the command below to get all the files.
svn co https://synedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/synedit synedit
I've used TPlusMemo for many years and have found it well worth the price. It has been recently upgraded for XE. http://www.ecmqc.com/plusmemo/pmHome.htm
Good luck!

Better Indy for Dephi 2007

Which better is using default indy10 that's comes with Delphi 2007 or upgrade it to latest snapshot version and why ?
Thank you
Always keep up with the latest version. It contains bug fixes. If you report a problem with the stock version supplied with Delphi, the first advice you'll get is to upgrade to the latest version because your bug has probably already been fixed.
Do not always keep up with the latest version. Download latest version now and start your project with it. Then do not keep up until you have a good reason or enough time to recheck all the functionality. Otherwise, you depend on vendor and trust him that he will never break existing code in his bug fixes or new features introduces. Having that much trust is too much for me. Of course, you should check from time to time for new versions and decide if it's worth upgrading.
Always keep up with the latest version.
Oh no, it isn't for novices. For exapmle, 21 august 2010 I've downloaded latest snapshot of Indy 10.5.7 and it doesn't works with cookies at all! Yes, I've found an error and patch it, but you must realize that you can lost a great part of functionality using snapshots under active development. So, I'm using Indy for many years and have a lot of patches in my projects folder. Every update is a headache! Sorry, Remy Lebeau, but it's true.
