newbie Maxima question
I have a transfer function in Maxima
E1 : y = K_i*s/(s^2 + w^2);
I'd like to have the closed-form of the equation affter applying the bilinear transform
E2 : s = (2/Ts*(z-1)/(z+1));
I would like to get the transfer function for z, by substituing s by equation E2. How should I proceed?
Note that subst can apply one or more substitutions stated as equations. In this case, try subst(E2, E1).
That will probably create a messy result -- you can simplify it somewhat by applying ratsimp to the result.
Here's what I get from that.
(%i2) E1 : y = K_i*s/(s^2 + w^2);
K_i s
(%o2) y = -------
2 2
w + s
(%i3) E2 : s = (2/Ts*(z-1)/(z+1));
2 (z - 1)
(%o3) s = ----------
Ts (z + 1)
(%i4) subst (E2, E1);
2 K_i (z - 1)
(%o4) y = ------------------------------
4 (z - 1) 2
Ts (z + 1) (------------ + w )
2 2
Ts (z + 1)
(%i5) ratsimp (%);
2 K_i Ts z - 2 K_i Ts
(%o5) y = -----------------------------------------------
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(Ts w + 4) z + (2 Ts w - 8) z + Ts w + 4
I'm using Elliptic Curve to design a security system. P is a point on elliptic curve. The receiver must obtain P using formula k^-1(kP). The receiver does not know P but knows k. I need to compute k^-1(R) where R=kP. How can I do this using Point Multiplication or Point Addition.
I suggest first learning a bit more about ECC (for example, read some of Paar's book and listen to his course at before tackling something this complex. For this particular question, ask yourself: "What does the inverse of k mean?"
Very interesting question you have! I was happy to implement from scratch Python solution for your task, see code at the bottom of my answer.
Each elliptic curve has an integer order q. If we have any point P on curve then it is well known that q * P = Zero, in other words multiplying any point by order q gives zero-point (infinity point).
Multiplying zero (infinity) point by any number gives zero again, i.e. j * Zero = Zero for any integer j. Adding any point P to zero-point gives P, i.e. Zero + P = P.
In our task we have some k such that R = k * P. We can very easily (very fast) compute Modular Inverse of k modulo order q, using for example Extended Euclidean Algorithm.
Inverse of k modulo q by definition is such that k * k^-1 = 1 (mod q), which by definition of modulus is equal k * k^-1 = j * q + 1 for some integer j.
Then k^-1 * R = k^-1 * k * P = (j * q + 1) * P = j * (q * P) + P = j * Zero + P = Zero + P = P. Thus multiplying R by k^-1 gives P, if k^-1 is inverse of k modulo q.
You can read about point addition and multiplication formulas on this Wiki.
Lets now check our formulas in Python programming language. I decided to implement from scratch simple class ECPoint, which implements all curve operations (addition and multiplication), see code below.
We take any ready-made curve, for example most popular 256-bit curve secp256k1, which is used in Bitcoin. Its parameters can be found here (this doc contains many other popular standard curves), also you can read about this specific curve on Bitcoin Wiki Page.
Following code is fully self-contained Python script, doesn't need any external dependencies and modules. You can run it straight away on any computer. ECPoint class implements all curve arithmetics. Function test() does following operations: we take standard secp256k1 params with some base point G, we compute any random point P = random * G, then we generate random k, compute R = k * P, compute modular inverse k^-1 (mod q) by using function modular_inverse() (which uses extended Euclidean algorithm egcd()), compute found_P = k^-1 * R and check that it is equal to P, i.e. check that k^-1 * R == P, print resulting k^-1 * R. All random values are 256-bit.
Try it online!
def egcd(a, b):
ro, r, so, s, to, t = a, b, 1, 0, 0, 1
while r != 0:
ro, (q, r) = r, divmod(ro, r)
so, s = s, so - q * s
to, t = t, to - q * t
return ro, so, to
def modular_inverse(a, mod):
g, s, t = egcd(a, mod)
assert g == 1, 'Value not invertible by modulus!'
return s % mod
class ECPoint:
def Int(cls, x):
return int(x)
def std_point(cls, name):
if name == 'secp256k1':
a = 0
b = 7
x = 0x79BE667E_F9DCBBAC_55A06295_CE870B07_029BFCDB_2DCE28D9_59F2815B_16F81798
y = 0x483ADA77_26A3C465_5DA4FBFC_0E1108A8_FD17B448_A6855419_9C47D08F_FB10D4B8
assert False
return ECPoint(x, y, a, b, p, q)
def __init__(self, x, y, A, B, N, q, *, prepare = True):
if prepare:
N = self.Int(N)
A, B, x, y, q = [self.Int(e) % N for e in [A, B, x, y, q]]
assert (4 * A ** 3 + 27 * B ** 2) % N != 0
assert (y ** 2 - x ** 3 - A * x - B) % N == 0, (
x, y, A, B, N, (y ** 2 - x ** 3 - A * x) % N)
assert N % 4 == 3
assert y == pow(x ** 3 + A * x + B, (N + 1) // 4, N)
self.A, self.B, self.N, self.x, self.y, self.q = A, B, N, x, y, q
def __add__(self, other):
A, N = self.A, self.N
Px, Py, Qx, Qy = self.x, self.y, other.x, other.y
if Px == Qx and Py == Qy:
s = ((Px * Px * 3 + A) * self.inv(Py * 2, N)) % N
s = ((Py - Qy) * self.inv(Px - Qx, N)) % N
x = (s * s - Px - Qx) % N
y = (s * (Px - x) - Py) % N
return ECPoint(x, y, A, self.B, N, self.q, prepare = False)
def __rmul__(self, other):
other = self.Int(other - 1)
r = self
while True:
if other & 1:
r = r + self
if other == 1:
return r
other >>= 1
self = self + self
def inv(cls, a, n):
return modular_inverse(a, n)
def __repr__(self):
return str(dict(x = self.x, y = self.y, A = self.A,
B = self.B, N = self.N, q = self.q))
def __eq__(self, other):
for i, (a, b) in enumerate([
(self.x, other.x), (self.y, other.y), (self.A, other.A),
(self.B, other.B), (self.N, other.N), (self.q, other.q)]):
if a != b:
return False
return True
def test():
import random
bits = 256
P = random.randrange(1 << bits) * ECPoint.std_point('secp256k1')
k = random.randrange(1 << bits)
R = k * P
found_P = modular_inverse(k, R.q) * R
assert found_P == P
if __name__ == '__main__':
'x': 108051465657467150531748691374311160382608428790397210924352716318223953013557,
'y': 4462548165448905789984443302412298811224817997977472205419179335194291964455,
'A': 0,
'B': 7,
'N': 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663,
'q': 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337
I would like to implement a bandpass filter using GPUImageColorMatrixFilter. Basically, blue would equal floor(blue - (k*red)) and both red and green would just end up being zero. Where can I find documentation indicating what the columns and rows of the matrix mean?
My intuition would suggest that the 4x4 matrix is following the standard RGBA order and judging by the examples (see for instance GPUImageSepiaFilter) it looks like I'm right.
For instance, this is the identity GPUMatrix4x4
| 1 0 0 0 | red
| 0 1 0 0 | green
| 0 0 1 0 | blue
| 0 0 0 1 | alpha
Let's name each coefficient
| a b c d | red
| e f g h | green
| i j k l | blue
| m n o p | alpha
Applying the matrix to a RGBA color will result in the following R'G'B'A' color where the components are computed as
R' = a*R + b*G + c*B + d*A
G' = e*R + f*G + g*B + h*A
B' = i*R + j*G + k*B + l*A
A' = m*R + n*G + o*B + p*A
which is nothing but the following matrix multiplication
| a b c d | |R| |R'|
| e f g h | x |G| = |G'|
| i j k l | |B| |B'|
| m n o p | |A| |A'|
Here is the code that I am trying to get to work last line is where it is failing:
let rec gcd a b =
if b= 0 then
gcd b (a % b);;
let n = 8051
let mutable d = 0
let mutable c = 1
let mutable xi = 2
let mutable yi = 2
let f x = (pown x 2) + (c % n);;
while c < 100 do
while d = 1 do
xi <- (f xi)
yi <- (f(f(yi)))
printfn "%d%d" xi yi
d <- gcd(abs (xi - yi) n)
---------------------The Following Code works; Except for integer overflow on N---------
module Factorization
let rec gcd a b =
if b= 0 then
gcd b (a % b);;
let n = 600851475143N
let mutable d, c, xi, yi = 1, 1, 2, 2
let f x = (pown x 2) + (c % n);;
let maxN m =int(ceil(sqrt(float m)))
//if (n > maxN(xi)) && (n > maxN(yi)) then
while c < 100 do
d <- 1
while d = 1 do
if (maxN(n) > xi) && (maxN(n) > yi) then
xi <- f xi
yi <- f(f(yi))
d <- gcd (abs (xi - yi)) n
if d = n then d<-1
if d <> 1 then printfn "A prime factor of %d x = %d, y = %d, d = %d" n xi yi d
xi <- 2
yi <- 2
c <- c + 1;;
In addition to what #Rangoric pointed out, the outer brackets have to go as well otherwise currying won't work:
d <- gcd (abs(xi-yi)) n
Yikes, here are a few unsolicited tips (#BrokenGlass answered the question itself correctly).
First, you can assign all those mutables in one line:
let mutable d, c, xi, yi = 0, 1, 2, 2
Second, go easy on the parentheses:
xi <- f xi
yi <- f (f yi)
And of course, try to get rid of the mutables and while loops. But I'll leave that to you since I'm sure you are aware seeing that you implemented gcd using recursion.
d <- gcd (abs(xi-yi)) n
It is pointing out that abs is a int->int and not an int by itself. Wrapping it in parentheses causes the abs to be executed before gcd looks at it. This causes gcd to see the result of abs instead of abs itself.
So, lets say I have a number 123456. 123456 % 97 = 72. How can I determine what two digits need to be added to the end of 123456 such that the new number % 97 = 1? Note--it must always be two digits.
For example, 12345676 % 97 = 1. In this case, I need to add the digits "76" to the end of the number.
(This is for IBAN number calculation.)
x = 123456
x = x * 100
newX = x + 1 + 97 - (x % 97)
Edit: put the 100 in the wrong place
You calc the modulo of 12345600 to 97 and add (97 - that + 1) to that number.
So you get what RoBorg explained whay cleaner above :)
This is the equation that that you need
X = Y -(Number*100 mod y) - 1
Number = 123456
Y = 97
X the number you need
Let’s say we have to receive the number containing 12 digits.
Step 1:
Write any random number of 10 digits, i.e. 2 digits less than needed, e.g. 1234567890 – this is X
Step 2:
X * 100 = 123456789000.
‘123456789000’ - this is Y
Step 3:
Y / 97 = '1272750402.061856'.
'06' – this is Z
Step 4:
97 – Z + 1 = 92.
'92' – this is W
Step 5:
Final Deal Number is X followed by W, i.e. '123456789092'
Examples of accepted numbers:
Modulo arithmetic is really not that different from regular arithmetic. The key to solving the kind of problem that you're having is to realize that what you would normally do to solve that problem is still valid (in what follows, any mention of number means integer number):
Say you have
15 + x = 20
The way that you solve this is by realizing that the inverse of 15 under regular addition is -15 then you can write (exploiting commutativity and associativity as we naturally do)
15 + x + (-15) = (15 + (-15)) + x = 0 + x = x = 20 + (-15) = 5
so that your answer is x = 5
Now on to your problem.
Say that N and M are known, and you're looking for x under addition modulo k:
( N + x ) mod k = M
First realize that
( N + x ) mod k = ( ( N mod k ) + ( x mod k ) ) mod k
and for the problem to make sense
M mod k = M
x mod k = x
so that by letting
N mod k = N_k
( a + b ) mod k = a +_k b
you have
N_k +_k x = M
which means that what you need is the inverse of N_k under +_k. This is actually pretty simple because the inverse under +_k is whatever satisfies this equation:
N_k +_k ("-N_k") = 0
which is actually pretty simple because for a number y such that 0 <= y < k
(y + (k - y)) mod k = k mod k = 0
so that
"-N_k" = (k-N_k)
and then
N_k +_k x +_k "-N_k" = N_k +_k "-N_k" +_k x = 0 +_k x = x = M +_k "-N_k" = M +_k ( k - N_k )
so that the solution to
( N + x ) mod k = M
x = ( M + ( k - ( N mod k ) ) ) mod k
and for your problem in particular
( 12345600 + x ) % 97 = 1
is solved by
x = ( 1 + ( 97 - ( 12345600 mod 97 ) ) ) mod 97 = 76
Do notice that the requirement that you solution always have two digits is built in as long as k < 100