How can I get the url of a file on documentum to open it via .net application? - domdocument

I am trying to provide checkin,checkout and inline editing function for documents on documentum via .net application.I want to get the url for file to open it via .net application.Is there any direct api or we need to separately write code for this?.(Is it possible to get url of the file by just using the objectid?)

Try to consume documentum DFS webservices to get documents from .NET application.
Please check below urls


Can IT Hit WebDAV Lib be used with ASP.NET Web API 2 in the same Project?

I´m currently evaluating Web Dav Product for .NET and I´m really impressed. I only noticed that when I´m integrating the sample code (Asp.NetFileSystem) into my existing ASP.NET Web API 2 Project, it doesn´t work with Office Word directly as a save target.
We have Web API 2 with Windows Authentication and CORS Headers on.
Windows Explorer can open and Navigate the WebDAV Folder and I can create new files there. But when I´m saving from word directly, I get errors in Word that the network path does not work / exist. I tried to debug it but it happens
I separated the WebDAV part in it´s own project for test purposes and it works without the problems.
Am I using it wrong in the context of Web API 2, or is this an unsupported usecase?
I´ll try to get fiddler logs to.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks to the IT Hit WebDav we were able to trace the problem down. To work correctly, OPTION requests have to be processed by the WebDAVHandler. We have a custom module which intercepts OPTION requests to handle CORS. Because of our Module, the WebDAVHandler was not able to add the necessary headers, and Office opened the files readonly.

How can I send url api from aspnet core server to my angular2 singleapp?

I would like send my url of the web api (different server, different domain...) from my asp net core server to my client angular2.
For the moment I store my settings in typescript config file in my angular2 app.
For the moment I store my settings in typescript config file in my angular2 app.
This is the way to go.
Add another endpoint that you can query to get the config which will contain the endpoint you are looking for (and possibly other stuff).

Kentico 9 - Page Type attachment - get allowed extensions via API

We have a stand alone MVC application and need to get the list of allowed attachment file extensions that are shown in the admin application page type management interface.
We need this to validate that files uploaded via the Kentico API in our MVC application are within the allowed extensions for the page type.
Check out the documentation for getting settings using Kentico API. If you look in Modules>CMS>Settings, you can get the actual name of the setting key you will need. I believe the specific one you're looking for is CMSUploadExtensions

ASP.NET MVC Local Report

I'm using mvc.
When I try to access my .rdlc report using virtual directory, the report is asking for credentials and it is not being shown.
What am I missing?
Actually I was trying to open the report using javascript's and I was not specifying the project name at the start of the url parameter due to which it was asking for folder credentials.

Silverlight Cannot find XML data source

I am very new to Silverlight development. I understand that this is client side technology therefore the paradyme is differant from that of conventional ASP.NET development. Having said that, I don't understand where my server side code is deployed.
I have a silver light \ MVC application. I am trying to read an XML document from within my 'Models' folder. The following peice of code is executed from within a class that is in the same location as the XML document, 'Models'. The load() results in a SystemIOFileNotFound exception. I noticed that when building the application the XML document is not laid down in the same location as the web project's assembly. I assume this is specific to the fact that this is a Silverlight project. Can someone tell me what I'm missing?
_xdoc = new XDocument();
_xdoc = XDocument.Load(new Uri("videos.xml",UriKind.Relative).ToString());
The behavior I am after is the start page (silverlight) populates controls via a server side controller. ie localhost/video
Silverlight can't access your filesystem (thankfully), which is why you can't access the file. Try embedding it as a resource, or storing it in the local storage API provided by silverlight.
Assuming that your Models folder is in the Web project (i.e. not the Silverlight project), I think that your problem is unrelated to Silverlight.
The code loading the XML file assumes that the file is in the current directory, so you need to ensure this through your deployment technique.
If you are doing this in the Silverlight part, you should put the XML file in an embedded resource and access it as a stream (get it with Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream) or as a resource (a la WPF, not an embedded resource) and access it with the package part syntax.
The problem was that I was attempting to access this static resource as you would in typical However I found it necessary to map the path to the file using the current HTTPContext:
So the above worked for me. Since this code is in the web project and not in the silverlight project I am still unclear as to why I cannot just access this resource using a relative path. This code will be executed in the context of the web server.
