Scons Environment() strange behavior - environment

I am playing around with scons build . When i use the following to import my system path :
env = Environment(ENV={'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']})
assuming i am using gcc compiler , the path is set in C:\cygwin\bin
The above work perfectly , however if I try to split them :
ENV={'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']}
The below error show that the path is not added correctly ...
g++: error: /Fomaino.obj: No such file or director
g++: error: /c: No such file or directory
g++: error: /I.: No such file or directory
It does not work ? I have even try the following :
env['PATH']= os.environ['PATH']
same error
g++: error: /Fomaino.obj: No such file or director
g++: error: /c: No such file or directory
g++: error: /I.: No such file or directory
I try to use the following in SCONS user guide
env['ENV']['PATH'] = 'C:/cygwin/bin'
also fails.
I already have an working approach , but i am curious why the other two approach fails which i think in term of logic they are the same... or I am wrong...

Any additional SCons Environment variables that you want to be set in the Environment should be passed as keyword arguments to the Environment constructor:
From the SCons Users Guide:
Environment([key=value, ...]) , env.Environment([key=value, ...])
Return a new construction environment initialized with the specified
key=value pairs.


No file or directory exists: Path Varaible Setting

I run a program which gives me error ./main: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have a file to which I am setting the path in ~./bashrc file by adding the following two lines `
> $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"/home/saad/PathFiles"
When I open the terminal again I get the error bash: :/home/saad/PathFiles: No such file or directory even though is present in the PathFiles folder. Even after doing sudo ldconfig I get the No such file or directory error.
Your first line uses wrong syntax. If your libwx_*.so files are actually in /home/saad/PathFiles, you should just do
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/saad/PathFiles
or, if you have an existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH value
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/saad/PathFiles:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
You can also use ldd ./main to check whether all the dependencies are found.

I am unable to use `ejabberd_auth` in my **helloworld** project

I am unable to use ejabberd_auth in my helloworld project.
try_register(<<"username">>, <<"">>, <<"secret_password">>).
With that I get the error warning:
helloworld.erl:15: Warning: behaviour ejabberd_auth undefined
-import(ejabberd_auth, [try_register/3]).
try_register(<<"username">>, <<"">>, <<"secret_password">>).
With this I get:
exception error: undefined function ejabberd_auth:try_register/3
Why am I unable to access ejabberd_auth?
I am using IntelliJ Idea, with the Erlang plugin installed.
Thank you all in advance.
I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
I can get you past that error. Here's how...
When I compile a module in the erlang shell, the compiler creates a .beam file in the same directory, which allows me to call functions defined in the module. In your case, if you cd into the directory:
you will see all the ejabberd .beam files, including ejabberd_auth.beam. If you start an erlang shell in that directory, then issue your function call (don't compile anything), you won't get that error anymore.
But, then I get the error:
exception error: undefined function jid:nodeprep/1
in function ejabberd_auth:validate_credentials/3 (src/ejabberd_auth.erl, line 796)
in call from ejabberd_auth:try_register/3 (src/ejabberd_auth.erl, line`
There is no jid.beam file in that directory. But:
~/Downloads/ejabberd$ find . -name jid.beam
You are going to have to figure out how to compile your module so that all the ejabberd modules are available to your program. See: ejabberd how to compile new module.
I am unable to use ejabberd_auth in my helloworld project.
Are you following a tutorial somewhere?

fatal error: zbar.h: No such file or directory

I downloaded the zbar library and cloned the opencv-zbar repo in my home directory. Then I ran the following command $cmake . which gave my the error
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target "zbar_opencv" in directory /home/surabhi/opencv-zbar
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/surabhi/opencv-zbar/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
I then made two changes in my CMakeCache.txt as follows
//Path to a file.
//Path to a library.
because the were set to NOTFOUND.
It then gave me no errors
-- Found ZBAR: /usr/lib/
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/surabhi/opencv-zbar
But when I run make
It gives the error:
fatal error: zbar.h: No such file or directory
#include <zbar.h>
compilation terminated.
I don't understand why I get this error as It says Found ZBAR when I run cmake.
Thanks in advance
You need to do actually use the include dirs somewhere in your CMakeLists.txt so CMake knows that you actually want to use these include paths.
Or the more modern, recommended way:
target_include_directories(zbar_opencv PRIVATE ${ZBAR_INCLUDE_DIR})

No such file or directory when generate framework

When I make a new framework with aggregate to generate universal framework , but a error present , as follow :
cp: build/Release-iphoneos/TEST.framework/: No such file or directory
fatal error: lipo: can't open input file: build/Release-iphoneos/TEST.framework/TEST (No such file or directory)
Command /bin/sh emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure
And here is a screenshot of the error:
This is a new target , I only want to test generate framework , but fail!
As the error message said, no TEST.framework can be found in the path <PROJECT_DIR>/build/Release-iphoneos/TEST.framework.
You need to check the script you use, or the blog post which you reference is out-date.
First you should build the target specified in xcodebuild command directly to see if it can build succeed.
Check what the actual build path is. If the path(build/) is not exist, you can try to specified the build path for xcodebuild, OBJROOT=${WRK_DIR} SYMROOT=${WRK_DIR}

OpenCV linemod not cv member

I try to install a ROS indigo package jsk_recognition for chessboard detection and relative position, I have opencv-3.0.0-rc1 on Ubuntu 14.04. When I try to catkin_make the package I receive build errors, quit a lot, the full report is here, but it starts like:
[ 73%] Building CXX object
error: ‘linemod’ is not a member of ‘cv’ std::vector<CvPoint>
maskFromTemplate(const std::vector<cv::linemod::Template>& templates,
^ /home/elod/catkin_ws/src/vision/jsk_recognition-master/jsk_perception/src/linemod.cpp:69:57:
error: ‘linemod’ is not a member of ‘cv’
error: template argument 1 is invalid std::vector<CvPoint>
maskFromTemplate(const std::vector<cv::linemod::Template>& templates,
error: template argument 2 is invalid
error: ‘linemod’ is not a member of ‘cv’ std::vector<CvPoint>
maskFromTemplate(const std::vector<cv::linemod::Template>& templates,
the problem seams to be with the linemod class, which in the online opencv documentation exist but in my case the compiler does not recognise it. The linemod.h header file can't be find in any opencv folder only in:
Is this module missing somhow my OpenCV installation or why cant find it in the cv namespace?
In my old Opencv 2.4.11 (uninstalled) seams to be included this module, but I migrated all my stuff to 3.0.0.
Any ideas how to solve it?
A very important observation is that the above mentioned pkg is for Opencv2.4 and I'm using 3.0! Some stuff was moved or removed from the new version like cvSnakeImage, which also appears in this pkg.
An other question would be: how to replace the cvSnakeImage or with what can be replaced?
Did you build from scratch (clean build directory) ?
You could try adding cv:: namespace into *.hpp
And/or try adding "#include <opencv2/rgbd/linemod.hpp>" into the same file.
