How to read a xml file with python with xml.dom - xml-parsing

i am having one xml file and i need to fetch value of tags postnumer and regarding every postnumber all the valid number values...i am using xml.dom for reading xml file in python what is the code to fetch the can i do this? please help
xml code:


How to read a xml file which is not well_formed?

I am trying to read an XML file with xml.etree.ElementTree
it gives me an error when it reaches a specific line of the file. I was assuming that this is a regular XML file. please help me how can I resolve it?
xml_file =ET.parse("/Users/arash/project/my_project/extracting_features/TraceData.log").getroot()

Download a zip file from eBay using rest-client

I want to download the zip file from eBay. Using downloadfile api.
response =,xml,headers)
This call return the content of zip file that is not exractable in xml I think. So i want to download zip file as it is from eBay.
My code is:
headers = {
"X-EBAY-SOA-SECURITY-TOKEN" => access_token_lister,
url = ''
xml = '<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="utf-8"?> <downloadFileRequest xmlns="">; <fileReferenceId>6637191637</fileReferenceId> <taskReferenceId>6474385857</taskReferenceId> </downloadFileRequest>'
The documentation for the API used above can be found here :
You will have to pass the content of the response to a library like rubyzip. Then use it to extract your files from the zipped file. This you can do by first writing the file to disk, and then reading it using rubyzip.
Specifically look at this part of the documentation of rubyzip - Reading a Zip file to accomplish what you are trying to achieve.

Simple and quick way to parse an XML file in iOS7

I have a simple XML file like this
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<value>American Samoa</value>
What is the canonical/standard way to parse this in iOS? I want to save "names" and "places" for each name.
NSXMLParser is already built in. You should look at this article for a more thorough comparison.
It is NSXMLParser. Official documentation

Object Detection using FERNS

I am new to image processing and have just started working in OpenCV. I was trying to do object detection using GenericDescriptorMatcher of type fern. But I don't know what to pass as the params_filename. What should be the format of the file? What parameters do I write in the file and in what format?
Ptr<GenericDescriptorMatcher> descriptorMatcher = GenericDescriptorMatcher::create("FERN", params_filename);
The opencv-2.x.x/samples/cpp should contain an example version of 'fern_params.xml', which according to opencv-2.4.8 contains the following xml content,
<?xml version="1.0"?>

How to make a xls file a datasource for JasperReports?

I have a web page that returns a xls file.
I'm trying to use the output of the page as a datasource for JasperReports.
Right now I have something like
JRXlsDataSource ds = new JRXlsDataSource(JRLoader.getLocationInputStream(""));
but I get this error
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: The input file was not found
How can I read the stream and then use it in the JasperPrint object?
Please refer the link below, it would provide a complete idea of XLS datasource for jasper report
